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Approximate Nearest Neighbor for Curves -- Simple, Efficient, and Deterministic

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 Added by Omrit Filtser
 Publication date 2019
and research's language is English

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In the $(1+varepsilon,r)$-approximate near-neighbor problem for curves (ANNC) under some distance measure $delta$, the goal is to construct a data structure for a given set $mathcal{C}$ of curves that supports approximate near-neighbor queries: Given a query curve $Q$, if there exists a curve $Cinmathcal{C}$ such that $delta(Q,C)le r$, then return a curve $Cinmathcal{C}$ with $delta(Q,C)le(1+varepsilon)r$. There exists an efficient reduction from the $(1+varepsilon)$-approximate nearest-neighbor problem to ANNC, where in the former problem the answer to a query is a curve $Cinmathcal{C}$ with $delta(Q,C)le(1+varepsilon)cdotdelta(Q,C^*)$, where $C^*$ is the curve of $mathcal{C}$ closest to $Q$. Given a set $mathcal{C}$ of $n$ curves, each consisting of $m$ points in $d$ dimensions, we construct a data structure for ANNC that uses $ncdot O(frac{1}{varepsilon})^{md}$ storage space and has $O(md)$ query time (for a query curve of length $m$), where the similarity between two curves is their discrete Frechet or dynamic time warping distance. Our method is simple to implement, deterministic, and results in an exponential improvement in both query time and storage space compared to all previous bounds. Further, we also consider the asymmetric version of ANNC, where the length of the query curves is $k ll m$, and obtain essentially the same storage and query bounds as above, except that $m$ is replaced by $k$. Finally, we apply our method to a version of approximate range counting for curves and achieve similar bounds.

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We study two fundamental problems dealing with curves in the plane, namely, the nearest-neighbor problem and the center problem. Let $mathcal{C}$ be a set of $n$ polygonal curves, each of size $m$. In the nearest-neighbor problem, the goal is to construct a compact data structure over $mathcal{C}$, such that, given a query curve $Q$, one can efficiently find the curve in $mathcal{C}$ closest to $Q$. In the center problem, the goal is to find a curve $Q$, such that the maximum distance between $Q$ and the curves in $mathcal{C}$ is minimized. We use the well-known discrete Frechet distance function, both under~$L_infty$ and under $L_2$, to measure the distance between two curves. For the nearest-neighbor problem, despite discouraging previous results, we identify two important cases for which it is possible to obtain practical bounds, even when $m$ and $n$ are large. In these cases, either $Q$ is a line segment or $mathcal{C}$ consists of line segments, and the bounds on the size of the data structure and query time are nearly linear in the size of the input and query curve, respectively. The returned answer is either exact under $L_infty$, or approximated to within a factor of $1+varepsilon$ under~$L_2$. We also consider the variants in which the location of the input curves is only fixed up to translation, and obtain similar bounds, under $L_infty$. As for the center problem, we study the case where the center is a line segment, i.e., we seek the line segment that represents the given set as well as possible. We present near-linear time exact algorithms under $L_infty$, even when the location of the input curves is only fixed up to translation. Under $L_2$, we present a roughly $O(n^2m^3)$-time exact algorithm.
Approximate nearest neighbor algorithms are used to speed up nearest neighbor search in a wide array of applications. However, current indexing methods feature several hyperparameters that need to be tuned to reach an acceptable accuracy--speed trade-off. A grid search in the parameter space is often impractically slow due to a time-consuming index-building procedure. Therefore, we propose an algorithm for automatically tuning the hyperparameters of indexing methods based on randomized space-partitioning trees. In particular, we present results using randomized k-d trees, random projection trees and randomized PCA trees. The tuning algorithm adds minimal overhead to the index-building process but is able to find the optimal hyperparameters accurately. We demonstrate that the algorithm is significantly faster than existing approaches, and that the indexing methods used are competitive with the state-of-the-art methods in query time while being faster to build.
Non-parametric neural language models (NLMs) learn predictive distributions of text utilizing an external datastore, which allows them to learn through explicitly memorizing the training datapoints. While effective, these models often require retrieval from a large datastore at test time, significantly increasing the inference overhead and thus limiting the deployment of non-parametric NLMs in practical applications. In this paper, we take the recently proposed $k$-nearest neighbors language model (Khandelwal et al., 2019) as an example, exploring methods to improve its efficiency along various dimensions. Experiments on the standard WikiText-103 benchmark and domain-adaptation datasets show that our methods are able to achieve up to a 6x speed-up in inference speed while retaining comparable performance. The empirical analysis we present may provide guidelines for future research seeking to develop or deploy more efficient non-parametric NLMs.
We propose a generic feature compression method for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search (ANNS) problems, which speeds up existing ANNS methods in a plug-and-play manner. Specifically, we propose a new network structure called Compression Network with Transformer (CNT) to compress the feature into a low dimensional space, and an inhomogeneous neighborhood relationship preserving (INRP) loss that aims to maintain high search accuracy. In CNT, we use multiple compression projections to cast the feature into many low dimensional spaces, and then use transformer to globally optimize these projections such that the features are well compressed following the guidance from our loss function. The loss function is designed to assign high weights on point pairs that are close in original feature space, and keep their distances in projected space. Keeping these distances helps maintain the eventual top-k retrieval accuracy, and down weighting others creates room for feature compression. In experiments, we run our compression method on public datasets, and use the compressed features in graph based, product quantization and scalar quantization based ANNS solutions. Experimental results show that our compression method can significantly improve the efficiency of these methods while preserves or even improves search accuracy, suggesting its broad potential impact on real world applications.
We show new applications of the nearest-neighbor chain algorithm, a technique that originated in agglomerative hierarchical clustering. We apply it to a diverse class of geometric problems: we construct the greedy multi-fragment tour for Euclidean TSP in $O(nlog n)$ time in any fixed dimension and for Steiner TSP in planar graphs in $O(nsqrt{n}log n)$ time; we compute motorcycle graphs (which are a central part in straight skeleton algorithms) in $O(n^{4/3+varepsilon})$ time for any $varepsilon>0$; we introduce a narcissistic variant of the $k$-attribute stable matching model, and solve it in $O(n^{2-4/(k(1+varepsilon)+2)})$ time; we give a linear-time $2$-approximation for a 1D geometric set cover problem with applications to radio station placement.
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