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A Comparison of Photometric Redshift Techniques for Large Radio Surveys

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 Added by Ray Norris
 Publication date 2019
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Future radio surveys will generate catalogues of tens of millions of radio sources, for which redshift estimates will be essential to achieve many of the science goals. However, spectroscopic data will be available for only a small fraction of these sources, and in most cases even the optical and infrared photometry will be of limited quality. Furthermore, radio sources tend to be at higher redshift than most optical sources and so a significant fraction of radio sources hosts differ from those for which most photometric redshift templates are designed. We therefore need to develop new techniques for estimating the redshifts of radio sources. As a starting point in this process, we evaluate a number of machine-learning techniques for estimating redshift, together with a conventional template-fitting technique. We pay special attention to how the performance is affected by the incompleteness of the training sample and by sparseness of the parameter space or by limited availability of ancillary multi-wavelength data. As expected, we find that the quality of the photometric-redshift degrades as the quality of the photometry decreases, but that even with the limited quality of photometry available for all sky-surveys, useful redshift information is available for the majority of sources, particularly at low redshift. We find that a template-fitting technique performs best with high-quality and almost complete multi-band photometry, especially if radio sources that are also X-ray emitting are treated separately. When we reduced the quality of photometry to match that available for the EMU all-sky radio survey, the quality of the template-fitting degraded and became comparable to some of the machine learning methods. Machine learning techniques currently perform better at low redshift than at high redshift, because of incompleteness of the currently available training data at high redshifts.

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Improving distance measurements in large imaging surveys is a major challenge to better reveal the distribution of galaxies on a large scale and to link galaxy properties with their environments. Photometric redshifts can be efficiently combined with the cosmic web (CW) extracted from overlapping spectroscopic surveys to improve their accuracy. We apply a similar method using a new generation of photometric redshifts based on a convolution neural network (CNN). The CNN is trained on the SDSS images with the main galaxy sample (SDSS-MGS, $r leq 17.8$) and the GAMA spectroscopic redshifts up tor $sim 19.8$. The mapping of the CW is obtained with 680,000 spectroscopic redshifts from the MGS and BOSS surveys. The redshift probability distribution functions (PDF), which are well calibrated (unbiased and narrow, $leq 120$ Mpc), intercept a few CW structure along the line of sight. Combining these PDFs with the density field distribution provides new photometric redshifts, $z_{web}$, whose accuracy is improved by a factor of two (i.e.,${sigma} sim 0.004(1+z)$) for galaxies with $r leq 17.8$. For half of them, the distance accuracy is better than 10 cMpc. The narrower the original PDF, the larger the boost in accuracy. No gain is observed for original PDFs wider than 0.03. The final $z_{web}$ PDFs also appear well calibrated. The method performs slightly better for passive galaxies than star-forming ones, and for galaxies in massive groups since these populations better trace the underlying large-scale structure. Reducing the spectroscopic sampling by a factor of 8 still improves the photometric redshift accuracy by 25%. Extending the method to galaxies fainter than the MGS limit still improves the redshift estimates for 70% of the galaxies, with a gain in accuracy of 20% at low $z$ where the resolution of the CW is the highest.
We show that mid-infrared data from the all-sky WISE survey can be used as a robust photometric redshift indicator for powerful radio AGN, in the absence of other spectroscopic or multi-band photometric information. Our work is motivated by a desire to extend the well-known K-z relation for radio galaxies to the wavelength range covered by the all-sky WISE mid-infrared survey. Using the LARGESS radio spectroscopic sample as a training set, and the mid-infrared colour information to classify radio sources, we generate a set of redshift probability distributions for the hosts of high-excitation and low-excitation radio AGN. We test the method using spectroscopic data from several other radio AGN studies, and find good agreement between our WISE-based redshift estimates and published spectroscopic redshifts out to z ~ 1 for galaxies and z ~ 3-4 for radio-loud QSOs. Our chosen method is also compared against other classification methods and found to perform reliably. This technique is likely to be particularly useful in the analysis of upcoming large-area radio surveys with SKA pathfinder telescopes, and our code is publicly available. As a consistency check, we show that our WISE-based redshift estimates for sources in the 843 MHz SUMSS survey reproduce the redshift distribution seen in the CENSORS study up to z ~ 2. We also discuss two specific applications of our technique for current and upcoming radio surveys; an interpretation of large scale HI absorption surveys, and a determination of whether low-frequency peaked spectrum sources lie at high redshift.
69 - Xue-Bing Wu 2003
With a recently constructed composite quasar spectrum and the chi^2 minimization technique, we demonstrated a general method to estimate the photometric redshifts of a large sample of quasars by deriving the theoretical color-redshift relations and comparing the theoretical colors with the observed ones. We estimated the photometric redshifts from the 5-band SDSS photometric data of 18678 quasars in the first major data release of SDSS and compare them with the spectroscopic redshifts. The redshift difference is smaller than 0.1 for 47% of quasars and 0.2 for 68 % of them. Based on the calculation of the theoretical color-color diagrams of stars, galaxies and quasars in both the SDSS and BATC photometric systems, we expected that with the BATC system of 15 intermediate filters we would be able to select candidates of high redshift quasars more efficiently than in the SDSS, provided the BATC survey could detect objects with magnitude fainter than 21.
227 - Ashley J Ross 2011
We outline how redshift-space distortions (RSD) can be measured from the angular correlation function w({theta}), of galaxies selected from photometric surveys. The natural degeneracy between RSD and galaxy bias can be minimized by comparing results from bins with top-hat galaxy selection in redshift, and bins based on the radial position of galaxy pair centres. This comparison can also be used to test the accuracy of the photometric redshifts. The presence of RSD will be clearly detectable with the next generation of photometric redshift surveys. We show that the Dark Energy Survey (DES) will be able to measure f(z){sigma}_8(z) to a 1{sigma} accuracy of (17 {times} b)%, using galaxies drawn from a single narrow redshift slice centered at z = 1. Here b is the linear bias, and f is the logarithmic rate of change of the linear growth rate with respect to the scale factor. Extending to measurements of w({theta}) for a series of bins of width 0.02(1 + z) over 0.5 < z < 1.4 will measure {gamma} to a 1{sigma} accuracy of 25%, given the model f = {Omega}_m(z)^{gamma}, and assuming a linear bias model that evolves such that b = 0.5 + z (and fixing other cosmological parameters). The accuracy of our analytic predictions is confirmed using mock catalogs drawn from simulations conducted by the MICE collaboration.
Accurate photometric redshifts are a lynchpin for many future experiments to pin down the cosmological model and for studies of galaxy evolution. In this study, a novel sparse regression framework for photometric redshift estimation is presented. Simulated and real data from SDSS DR12 were used to train and test the proposed models. We show that approaches which include careful data preparation and model design offer a significant improvement in comparison with several competing machine learning algorithms. Standard implementations of most regression algorithms have as the objective the minimization of the sum of squared errors. For redshift inference, however, this induces a bias in the posterior mean of the output distribution, which can be problematic. In this paper we directly target minimizing $Delta z = (z_textrm{s} - z_textrm{p})/(1+z_textrm{s})$ and address the bias problem via a distribution-based weighting scheme, incorporated as part of the optimization objective. The results are compared with other machine learning algorithms in the field such as Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Gaussian Processes (GPs) and sparse GPs. The proposed framework reaches a mean absolute $Delta z = 0.0026(1+z_textrm{s})$, over the redshift range of $0 le z_textrm{s} le 2$ on the simulated data, and $Delta z = 0.0178(1+z_textrm{s})$ over the entire redshift range on the SDSS DR12 survey, outperforming the standard ANNz used in the literature. We also investigate how the relative size of the training set affects the photometric redshift accuracy. We find that a training set of textgreater 30 per cent of total sample size, provides little additional constraint on the photometric redshifts, and note that our GP formalism strongly outperforms ANNz in the sparse data regime for the simulated data set.
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