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We study the spectrum of gravitational waves produced by a first order phase transition in a hidden sector that is colder than the visible sector. In this scenario, bubbles of the hidden sector vacuum can be nucleated through either thermal fluctuations or quantum tunnelling. If a cold hidden sector undergoes a thermally induced transition, the amplitude of the gravitational wave signal produced will be suppressed and its peak frequency shifted compared to if the hidden and visible sector temperatures were equal. This could lead to signals in a frequency range that would otherwise be ruled out by constraints from big bang nucleosynthesis. Alternatively, a sufficiently cold hidden sector could fail to undergo a thermal transition and subsequently transition through the nucleation of bubbles by quantum tunnelling. In this case the bubble walls might accelerate with completely negligible friction. The resulting gravitational wave spectrum has a characteristic frequency dependence, which may allow such cold hidden sectors to be distinguished from models in which the hidden and visible sector temperatures are similar. We compare our results to the sensitivity of the future gravitational wave experimental programme.
Dark Yang-Mills sectors, which are ubiquitous in the string landscape, may be reheated above their critical temperature and subsequently go through a confining first-order phase transition that produces stochastic gravitational waves in the early universe. Taking into account constraints from lattice and from Yang-Mills (center and Weyl) symmetries, we use a phenomenological model to construct an effective potential of the semi quark-gluon plasma phase, from which we compute the gravitational wave signal produced during confinement for numerous gauge groups. The signal is maximized when the dark sector dominates the energy density of the universe at the time of the phase transition. In that case, we find that it is within reach of the next-to-next generation of experiments (BBO, DECIGO) for a range of dark confinement scales near the weak scale.
Motivated by aLIGOs recent discovery of gravitational waves we discuss signatures of new physics that could be seen at ground and space-based interferometers. We show that a first order phase transition in a dark sector would lead to a detectable gravitational wave signal at future experiments, if the phase transition has occurred at temperatures few orders of magnitude higher than the electroweak scale. The source of gravitational waves in this case is associated with the dynamics of expanding and colliding bubbles in the early universe. At the same time we point out that topological defects, such as dark sector domain walls, may generate a detectable signal already at aLIGO. Both -- bubble and domain wall -- scenarios are sourced by semi-classical configurations of a dark new physics sector. In the first case the gravitational wave signal originates from bubble wall collisions and subsequent turbulence in hot plasma in the early universe, while the second case corresponds to domain walls passing through the interferometer at present and is not related to gravitational waves. We find that aLIGO at its current sensitivity can detect smoking-gun signatures from domain wall interactions, while future proposed experiments including the fifth phase of aLIGO at design sensitivity can probe dark sector phase transitions.
We study the gravitational wave (GW) signature of first-order chiral phase transitions ($chi$PT) in strongly interacting hidden or dark sectors. We do so using several effective models in order to reliably capture the relevant non-perturbative dynamics. This approach allows us to explicitly calculate key quantities characterizing the $chi$PT without having to resort to rough estimates. Most importantly, we find that the transitions inverse duration $beta$ normalized to the Hubble parameter $H$ is at least two orders of magnitude larger than typically assumed in comparable scenarios, namely $beta/Hgtrsimmathcal{O}(10^4)$. The obtained GW spectra then suggest that signals from hidden $chi$PTs occurring at around 100 MeV can be in reach of LISA, while DECIGO and BBO may detect a stochastic GW background associated with transitions between roughly 1 GeV and 10 TeV. Signatures of transitions at higher temperatures are found to be outside the range of any currently proposed experiment. Even though predictions from different effective models are qualitatively similar, we find that they may vary considerably from a quantitative point of view, which highlights the need for true first-principle calculations such as lattice simulations.
The relic gravitational wave background due to tensor linear perturbations generated during Higgs inflation is computed. Both the Standard Model and a well-motivated phenomenological completion (that accounts for all the experimentally confirmed evidence of new physics) are considered. We focus on critical Higgs inflation, which improves on the non-critical version and features an amplification of the tensor fluctuations. The latter property allows us to establish that future space-borne interferometers, such as DECIGO, BBO and ALIA, may detect the corresponding primordial gravitational waves.
Drastic changes in the early universe such as first-order phase transition can produce a stochastic gravitational wave (GW) background. We investigate the testability of a scale invariant extension of the standard model (SM) using the GW background produced by the chiral phase transition in a strongly interacting QCD-like hidden sector, which, via a SM singlet real scalar mediator, triggers the electroweak phase transition. Using the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio method in a mean field approximation we estimate the GW signal and find that it can be tested by future space based detectors.