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Excitation of a topological insulator by a high-frequency electric field of a laser radiation leads to a dc electric current in the helical edge channel whose direction and magnitude are sensitive to the radiation polarization and depend on the physical properties of the edge. We present an overview of theoretical and experimental studies of such edge photoelectric effects in two-dimensional topological insulators based on semiconductor quantum wells. First, we give a phenomenological description of edge photocurrents, which may originate from the photogalvanic effects or the photon drag effects, for edges of all possible symmetry. Then, we discuss microscopic mechanisms of photocurrent generation for different types of optical transitions involving helical edge states. They include direct and indirect optical transitions within the edge channel and edge-to-bulk optical transitions.
Topological states of matter have attracted a lot of attention due to their many intriguing transport properties. In particular, two-dimensional topological insulators (2D TI) possess gapless counter propagating conducting edge channels, with opposite spin, that are topologically protected from backscattering. Two basic features are supposed to confirm the existence of the ballistic edge channels in the submicrometer limit: the 4-terminal conductance is expected to be quantized at the universal value $2e^{2}/h$, and a nonlocal signal should appear due to a net current along the sample edge, carried by the helical states. On the other hand for longer channels the conductance has been found to deviate from the quantized value. This article reviewer the experimental and theoretical work related to the transport in two-dimensional topological insulators (2D-TI), based on HgTe quantum wells in zero magnetic field. We provide an overview of the basic mechanisms predicting a deviation from the quantized transport due to backscattering (accompanied by spin-flips) between the helical channels. We discuss the details of the model, which takes into account the edge and bulk contribution to the total current and reproduces the experimental results.
The magneto-gyrotropic photogalvanic and spin-galvanic effects are observed in (0001)-oriented GaN/AlGaN heterojunctions excited by terahertz radiation. We show that free-carrier absorption of linearly or circularly polarized terahertz radiation in low-dimensional structures causes an electric photocurrent in the presence of an in-plane magnetic field. Microscopic mechanisms of these photocurrents based on spin-related phenomena are discussed. Properties of the magneto-gyrotropic and spin-galvanic effects specific for hexagonal heterostructures are analyzed.
Topological insulators have become one of the most active research areas in condensed matter physics. This article reviews progress on the topic of electronic correlations effects in the two-dimensional case, with a focus on systems with intrinsic spin-orbit coupling and numerical results. Topics addressed include an introduction to the noninteracting case, an overview of theoretical models, correlated topological band insulators, interaction-driven phase transitions, topological Mott insulators and fractional topological states, correlation effects on helical edge states, and topological invariants of interacting systems.
We consider thermoelectric transport properties of the edge states of a two dimensional topological insulator in a double quantum point contact geometry coupled to two thermally biased reservoirs. Both spin-preserving and spin-flipping tunneling processes between opposite edges are analyzed in the presence of electron-electron interactions. We demonstrate that the simultaneous presence of spin-flipping processes and interactions gives rise to a finite longitudinal spin current. Moreover, its sign and amplitude can be tuned by means of gate voltages with the possibility to generate a pure spin current, with a vanishing charge current.
Two-dimensional topological insulators are characterized by gapped bulk states and gapless helical edge states, i.e. time-reversal symmetric edge states accommodating a pair of counter-propagating electrons. An external magnetic field breaks the time-reversal symmetry. What happens to the edge states in this case? In this paper we analyze the edge-state spectrum and longitudinal conductance in a two-dimensional topological insulator subject to a quantizing magnetic field. We show that the helical edge states exist also in this case. The strong magnetic field modifies the group velocities of the counter-propagating channels which are no longer identical. The helical edge states with different group velocities are particularly prone to get coupled via backscattering, which leads to the suppression of the longitudinal edge magnetoconductance.