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Field-induced phases in a heavy-fermion U(Ru$_{0.92}$Rh$_{0.08}$)$_{2}$Si$_{2}$ single crystal

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 Added by Karel Prokes
 Publication date 2019
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We report the high-field induced magnetic phases and phase diagram of a high quality urxrs~single crystal prepared using a modified Czochralski method. Our study, that combines high-field magnetization and electrical resistivity measurements, shows for fields applied along the $c$-axis direction three field-induced magnetic phase transitions at $mu_{0} H_{c1}$ = 21.60 T, $mu_{0} H_{c2}$ = 37.90 T and $mu_{0} H_{c3}$ = 38.25 T, respectively. In agreement with a microscopic up-up-down arrangement of the U magnetic moments the phase above $H_{c1}$ has a magnetization of about one third of the saturated value. In contrast the phase between $H_{c2}$ and $H_{c3}$ has a magnetization that is a factor of two lower than above the $H_{c3}$, where a polarized Fermi-liquid state with a saturated moment $M_{s}$ $approx$ 2.1 $mu_{B}$/U is realized. Most of the respective transitions are reflected in the electrical resistivity as sudden drastic changes. Most notably, the phase between $H_{c1}$ and $H_{c2}$ exhibits substantially larger values. As the temperature increases, transitions smear out and disappear above $approx$ 15 K. However, a substantial magnetoresistance is observed even at temperatures as high as 80 K. Due to a strong uniaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropy a very small field effect is observed for fields apllied perpendicular to the $c$-axis direction.

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We present a detailed study of the magnetic and electronic properties of U$_2$Rh$_3$Si$_5$, a material that has been demonstrated to exhibit a first order antiferromagnetic phase transition. From a high magnetic field study, together with extensive experiments in moderate fields, we establish the magnetic phase diagrams for all crystallographic directions. The possibility of an electronic phase in a narrow interval above the Neel temperature as a precursor of a magnetic phase is discussed.
We report the crystal structure and highly-anisotropic magnetic, transport and thermal properties of an exceptionally good single crystal of U(Ru0.92Rh0.08)2Si2 prepared using a modified Czochralski method. Our study, that also includes neutron diffraction results, shows all the heavy-fermion signatures of pristine URu2Si2 , however, the superconductivity, hidden order and remanent weak antiferromagnetic orders are absent. Instead, the ground state of the doped system can be classified as a spin liquid that preserves the heavy-fermion character. U(Ru0.92Rh0.08)2Si2 exhibits a short-range magnetic order distinguished by reflections of a Lorentzian profile at qIII = (1/2 1/2 1/2) positions that disappear above approx. 15 K. The short-range order seems to be a precursor of a long-range magnetic order that occurs with higher Rh concentration. We indicate that these short-range fluctuations involve, at least partially, inelastic scattering processes.
Ultrafast broadband transient reflectivity experiments are performed to study the interplay between the non-equilibrium dynamics of the pseudogap and the superconducting phases in Bi$_{2}$Sr$_{2}$Ca$_{0.92}$Y$_{0.08}$Cu$_{2}$O$_{8+delta}$. Once superconductivity is established the relaxation of the pseudogap proceeds $sim$ 2 times faster than in the normal state, and the corresponding transient reflectivity variation changes sign after $sim$ 0.5 ps. The results can be described by a set of coupled differential equations for the pseudogap and for the superconducting order parameter. The sign and strength of the coupling term suggest a remarkably weak competition between the two phases, allowing their coexistence.
We present specific heat measurements of 4% Rh-doped U(Ru,Rh)2Si2 at magnetic fields above the proposed metamagnetic transition field Hm~34 T, revealing striking similarities to the isotructural Ce analog CeRu2Si2, suggesting that strongly renormalized hybridized band models apply equally well to both systems. The vanishing bandwidths as H --> Hm are consistent with a putative quantum critical point close to Hm. The existence of a phase transition into an ordered phase in the vicinity of Hm for 4% Rh-doped U(Ru,Rh)2Si2, but not for CeRu2Si2, is consistent with a stronger super-exchange in the case of the U 5-f system, with irreversible processes at the transition revealing a strong coupling of the 5f orbitals to the lattice, most suggestive of orbital or electric quadrupolar order.
139 - B. Cheng , B. F. Hu , R. H. Yuan 2012
CaCo$_{2}$As$_{2}$, a ThCr$_{2}$Si$_{2}$-structure compound, undergoes an antiferromagnetic transition at emph{T$_{N}$}=76K with the magnetic moments being aligned parallel to the emph{c} axis. Electronic transport measurement reveals that the coupling between conducting carriers and magnetic order in CaCo$_{2}$As$_{2}$ is much weaker comparing to the parent compounds of iron pnictide. Applying magnetic field along emph{c} axis induces two successive spin-flop transitions in its magnetic state. The magnetization saturation behaviors with emph{textbf{H}$parallel$c} and emph{textbf{H}$parallel$ab} at 10K indicate that the antiferromagnetic coupling along emph{c} direction is very weak. The interlayer antiferromagntic coupling constant emph{J$_{c}$} is estimated to be about 2 meV.
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