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A recent unlabeled sampling result by Unnikrishnan, Haghighatshoar and Vetterli states that with probability one over iid Gaussian matrices $A$, any $x$ can be uniquely recovered from an unknown permutation of $y = A x$ as soon as $A$ has at least twice as many rows as columns. We show that this condition on $A$ implies something much stronger: that an unknown vector $x$ can be recovered from measurements $y = T A x$, when the unknown $T$ belongs to an arbitrary set of invertible, diagonalizable linear transformations $mathcal{T}$. The set $mathcal{T}$ can be finite or countably infinite. When it is the set of $m times m$ permutation matrices, we have the classical unlabeled sampling problem. We show that for almost all $A$ with at least twice as many rows as columns, all $x$ can be recovered either uniquely, or up to a scale depending on $mathcal{T}$, and that the condition on the size of $A$ is necessary. Our proof is based on vector space geometry. Specializing to permutations we obtain a simplified proof of the uniqueness result of Unnikrishnan, Haghighatshoar and Vetterli. In this letter we are only concerned with uniqueness; stability and algorithms are left for future work.
This paper focuses on the combined radar and communications problem and conducts a thorough analytical investigation on the effect of phase and frequency change on the communication and sensing functionality. First, we consider the classical stepped frequency radar waveform and modulate data using M-ary phase shift keying (MPSK). Two important analytical tools in radar waveform design, namely the ambiguity function (AF) and the Fisher information matrix (FIM) are derived, based on which, we make the important conclusion that MPSK modulation has a negligible effect on radar local accuracy. Next, we extend the analysis to incorporate frequency permutations and propose a new signalling scheme in which the mapping between incoming data and waveforms is performed based on an efficient combinatorial transform called the Lehmer code. We also provide an efficient communications receiver based on the Hungarian algorithm. From the communications perspective, we consider the optimal maximum likelihood (ML) detector and derive the union bound and nearest neighbour approximation on the block error probability. From the radar sensing perspective, we discuss the broader structure of the waveform based on the AF derivation and quantify the radar local accuracy based on the FIM.
The recent emergence of orthogonal time frequency space (OTFS) modulation as a novel PHY-layer mechanism is more suitable in high-mobility wireless communication scenarios than traditional orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM). Although multiple studies have analyzed OTFS performance using theoretical and ideal baseband pulseshapes, a challenging and open problem is the development of effective receivers for practical OTFS systems that must rely on non-ideal pulseshapes for transmission. This work focuses on the design of practical receivers for OTFS. We consider a fractionally spaced sampling (FSS) receiver in which the sampling rate is an integer multiple of the symbol rate. For rectangular pulses used in OTFS transmission, we derive a general channel input-output relationship of OTFS in delay-Doppler domain without the common reliance on impractical assumptions such as ideal bi-orthogonal pulses and on-the-grid delay/Doppler shifts. We propose two equalization algorithms: iterative combining message passing (ICMP) and turbo message passing (TMP) for symbol detection by exploiting delay-Doppler channel sparsity and the frequency diversity gain via FSS. We analyze the convergence performance of TMP receiver and propose simplified message passing (MP) receivers to further reduce complexity. Our FSS receivers demonstrate stronger performance than traditional receivers and robustness to the imperfect channel state information knowledge.
This paper studies a large unitarily invariant system (LUIS) involving a unitarily invariant sensing matrix, an arbitrary signal distribution, and forward error control (FEC) coding. We develop a universal Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization for orthogonal approximate message passing (OAMP). Numerous area properties are established based on the state evolution and minimum mean squared error (MMSE) property of OAMP in an un-coded LUIS. As a byproduct, we provide an alternative derivation for the constrained capacity of a LUIS. Under the assumption that the state evolution for OAMP is correct for the coded system, the achievable rate of OAMP is analyzed. We prove that OAMP achieves the constrained capacity of the LUIS with an arbitrary signal distribution provided that a matching condition is satisfied. Meanwhile, we elaborate a capacity-achieving coding principle for LUIS, based on which irregular low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes are optimized for binary signaling in the numerical results. We show that OAMP with the optimized codes has significant performance improvement over the un-optimized ones and the well-known Turbo linear MMSE algorithm. For quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK) modulation, capacity-approaching bit error rate (BER) performances are observed under various channel conditions.
In this paper, we present infinite families of permutations of $mathbb{F}_{2^{2n}}$ with high nonlinearity and boomerang uniformity $4$ from generalized butterfly structures. Both open and closed butterfly structures are considered. It appears, according to experiment results, that open butterflies do not produce permutation with boomerang uniformity $4$. For the closed butterflies, we propose the condition on coefficients $alpha, beta in mathbb{F}_{2^n}$ such that the functions $$V_i := (R_i(x,y), R_i(y,x))$$ with $R_i(x,y)=(x+alpha y)^{2^i+1}+beta y^{2^i+1}$ are permutations of $mathbb{F}_{2^n}^2$ with boomerang uniformity $4$, where $ngeq 1$ is an odd integer and $gcd(i, n)=1$. The main result in this paper consists of two major parts: the permutation property of $V_i$ is investigated in terms of the univariate form, and the boomerang uniformity is examined in terms of the original bivariate form. In addition, experiment results for $n=3, 5$ indicates that the proposed condition seems to cover all coefficients $alpha, beta in mathbb{F}_{2^n}$ that produce permutations $V_i$ with boomerang uniformity $4$. However, the experiment result shows that the quadratic permutation $V_i$ seems to be affine equivalent to the Gold function. Therefore, unluckily, we may not to obtain new permutations with boomerang uniformity $4$ from the butterfly structure.
Donoho and Stark have shown that a precise deterministic recovery of missing information contained in a time interval shorter than the time-frequency uncertainty limit is possible. We analyze this signal recovery mechanism from a physics point of view and show that the well-known Shannon-Nyquist sampling theorem, which is fundamental in signal processing, also uses essentially the same mechanism. The uncertainty relation in the context of information theory, which is based on Fourier analysis, provides a criterion to distinguish Shannon-Nyquist sampling from compressed sensing. A new signal recovery formula, which is analogous to Donoho-Stark formula, is given using the idea of Shannon-Nyquist sampling; in this formulation, the smearing of information below the uncertainty limit as well as the recovery of information with specified bandwidth take place. We also discuss the recovery of states from the domain below the uncertainty limit of coordinate and momentum in quantum mechanics and show that in principle the state recovery works by assuming ideal measurement procedures. The recovery of the lost information in the sub-uncertainty domain means that the loss of information in such a small domain is not fatal, which is in accord with our common understanding of the uncertainty principle, although its precise recovery is something we are not used to in quantum mechanics. The uncertainty principle provides a universal sampling criterion covering both the classical Shannon-Nyquist sampling theorem and the quantum mechanical measurement.