A C-motivic modular forms spectrum mmf has recently been constructed. This article presents detailed computational information on the Adams spectral sequence for mmf. This information is essential for computing with the C-motivic and classical Adams spectral sequences that compute the C-motivic and classical stable homotopy groups of spheres.
We construct a topological model for cellular, 2-complete, stable C-motivic homotopy theory that uses no algebro-geometric foundations. We compute the Steenrod algebra in this context, and we construct a motivic modular forms spectrum over C.
We survey computations of stable motivic homotopy groups over various fields. The main tools are the motivic Adams spectral sequence, the motivic Adams-Novikov spectral sequence, and the effective slice spectral sequence. We state some projects for future study.
We give a method for computing the C_2-equivariant homotopy groups of the Betti realization of a p-complete cellular motivic spectrum over R in terms of its motivic homotopy groups. More generally, we show that Betti realization presents the C_2-equivariant p-complete stable homotopy category as a localization of the p-complete cellular real motivic stable homotopy category.
We define an unstable equivariant motivic homotopy category for an algebraic group over a Noetherian base scheme. We show that equivariant algebraic $K$-theory is representable in the resulting homotopy category. Additionally, we establish homotopical purity and blow-up theorems for finite abelian groups.