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Invariant CR Mappings between Hyperquadrics

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 Added by Dusty Grundmeier
 Publication date 2018
and research's language is English

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We analyze a canonical construction of group-invariant CR Mappings between hyperquadrics due to DAngelo. Given source hyperquadric of $Q(1,1)$, we determine the signature of the target hyperquadric for all finite subgroups of $SU(1,1)$. We also extend combinatorial results proven by Loehr, Warrington, and Wilf on determinants of sparse circulant determinants. We apply these results to study CR mappings invariant under finite subgroups of $U(1,1)$.

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209 - John P. DAngelo 2009
We summarize some work on CR mappings invariant under a subgroup of U(n) and prove a result on the failure of rigidity.
164 - John P DAngelo , Jiri Lebl 2008
We make several new contributions to the study of proper holomorphic mappings between balls. Our results include a degree estimate for rational proper maps, a new gap phenomenon for convex families of arbitrary proper maps, and an interesting result about inverse images.
In this paper we characterize sums of CR functions from competing CR structures in two scenarios. In one scenario the structures are conjugate and we are adding to the theory of pluriharmonic boundary values. In the second scenario the structures are related by projective duality considerations. In both cases we provide explicit vector field-based characterizations for two-dimensional circular domains satisfying natural convexity conditions.
A smooth, strongly $mathbb{C}$-convex, real hypersurface $S$ in $mathbb{CP}^n$ admits a projective dual CR structure in addition to the standard CR structure. Given a smooth function $u$ on $S$, we provide characterizations for when $u$ can be decomposed as a sum of a CR function and a dual CR function. Following work of Lee on pluriharmonic boundary values, we provide a characterization using differential forms. We further provide a characterization using tangential vector fields in the style of Audibert and Bedford.
160 - John P. DAngelo , Jiri Lebl 2014
We introduce several homotopy equivalence relations for proper holomorphic mappings between balls. We provide examples showing that the degree of a rational proper mapping between balls (in positive codimension) is not a homotopy invariant. In domain dimension at least 2, we prove that the set of homotopy classes of rational proper mappings from a ball to a higher dimensional ball is finite. By contrast, when the target dimension is at least twice the domain dimension, it is well known that there are uncountably many spherical equivalence classes. We generalize this result by proving that an arbitrary homotopy of rational maps whose endpoints are spherically inequivalent must contain uncountably many spherically inequivalent maps. We introduce Whitney sequences, a precise analogue (in higher dimensions) of the notion of finite Blaschke product (in one dimension). We show that terms in a Whitney sequence are homotopic to monomial mappings, and we establish an additional result about the target dimensions of such homotopies.
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