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We discuss an approach for accessing bound state properties, like mass and decay width, of a theory within the functional renormalisation group approach. An important cornerstone is the dynamical hadronization technique for resonant interaction channels. The general framework is exemplified and put to work within the two-flavour quark-meson model. This model provides a low-energy description of the dynamics of two-flavour QCD with quark and hadronic degrees of freedom. We compare explicitly the respective results for correlation functions and observables with first principle QCD results in a quantitative manner. This allows us to estimate the validity range of low energy effective models. We also present first results for pole masses and decay widths. Next steps involving real-time formulations of the functional renormalisation group are discussed.
We use the functional renormalisation group to study the spectrum of three- and four-body states in bosonic systems around the unitary limit. Our effective action includes all energy-independent contact interactions in the four-atom sector and we introduce a running trimer field to eliminate couplings that involve the atom-atom-dimer channel. The results show qualitatively similar behaviour to those from exact approaches. The truncated action we use leads to overbinding of the two four-body states seen in those treatments. It also generates a third state, although only for a very narrow range of two-body scattering lengths.
We apply a functional renormalisation group to systems of four bosonic atoms close to the unitary limit. We work with a local effective action that includes a dynamical trimer field and we use this field to eliminate structures that do not correspond to the Faddeev-Yakubovsky equations. In the physical limit, we find three four-body bound states below the shallowest three-body state. The values of the scattering lengths at which two of these states become bound are in good agreement with exact solutions of the four-body equations and experimental observations. The third state is extremely shallow. During the evolution we find an infinite number of four-body states based on each three-body state which follow a double-exponential pattern in the running scale. None of the four-body states shows any evidence of dependence on a four-body parameter.
We present results for in-medium spectral functions obtained within the Functional Renormalization Group framework. The analytic continuation from imaginary to real time is performed in a well-defined way on the level of the flow equations. Based on this recently developed method, results for the sigma and the pion spectral function for the quark-meson model are shown at finite temperature, finite quark-chemical potential and finite spatial momentum. It is shown how these spectral function become degenreate at high temperatures due to the restoration of chiral symmetry. In addition, results for vector- and axial-vector meson spectral functions are shown using a gauged linear sigma model with quarks. The degeneration of the $rho$ and the $a_1$ spectral function as well as the behavior of their pole masses is discussed.
We present the initial release of ARGES, a toolkit for obtaining renormalisation group equations in perturbation theory. As such, ARGES can handle any perturbatively renormalisable four-dimensional quantum field theory. Notable further features include a symbolic rather than numeric computation, input of unconventional scalar and Yukawa sectors, an interactive evaluation and disentanglement as well as capabilities to inject algebraic simplification rules. We provide a conceptual and practical introduction into ARGES, and highlight similarities and differences with complementary packages.
We consider the calculation of threshold effects due to Kaluza Klein and winding modes in string theory. We show that for a large radius of compactification these effects may be approximated by an effective field theory applicable below the string cut-off scale. Using this formalism we show that the radiative contribution to gauge couplings involving only massive Kaluza Klein and winding modes may be calculated to all orders in perturbation theory and determine the full two loop contribution involving light modes and estimate the magnitude of the higher-order contributions. For the case of the weakly coupled heterotic string we also discuss how an improved calculation can be made incorporating the string theory threshold corrections which avoids the limitations of the effective field theory approach. Using this formalism we determine the implications for gauge coupling unification for one representative model including the effects of two loop corrections above the compactification scale. Finally we discuss the prospects for gauge unification in Type I models with a low string scale and point out potential fine tuning problems in this case.