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Probabilistic Safety Analysis using Traffic Microscopic Simulation

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 Added by Carlos Lima Azevedo
 Publication date 2018
and research's language is English

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Traffic microscopic simulation applications are a common tool in road transportation analysis and several attempts to perform road safety assessments have recently been carried out. However, these approaches often ignore causal relationships between different levels of vehicle interactions and/or accident types and they lack a physical representation of the accident phenomena itself. In this paper, a new generic probabilistic safety assessment framework for traffic microscopic simulation tools is proposed. The probability of a specific accident occurring is estimated by an accident propensity function that consists of a deterministic safety score component and a random component. The formulation of the safety score depends on the type of occurrence, on detailed vehicle interactions and maneuvers and on its representation in a simulation environment. This generic model is applied to the case of an urban motorway and specified to four types of outcomes: non-accident events and three types of accidents in a nested structure: rear-end, lane-changing, and run-off-road accidents. The model was estimated and validated using simulated microscopic data. To obtained the consistent simulated data, a two-step simulation calibration procedure was adopted: (1) using real trajectories collected on site for detailed behavior representation; and (2) using aggregate data from each event used in safety model estimation. The final estimated safety model is able to identify and interpret several simulated vehicle interactions. The fact that these outcomes were extracted from simulated analysis shows the real potential of calibrated traffic microscopic simulation for detailed safety assessments.

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To safely navigate unknown environments, robots must accurately perceive dynamic obstacles. Instead of directly measuring the scene depth with a LiDAR sensor, we explore the use of a much cheaper and higher resolution sensor: programmable light curtains. Light curtains are controllable depth sensors that sense only along a surface that a user selects. We use light curtains to estimate the safety envelope of a scene: a hypothetical surface that separates the robot from all obstacles. We show that generating light curtains that sense random locations (from a particular distribution) can quickly discover the safety envelope for scenes with unknown objects. Importantly, we produce theoretical safety guarantees on the probability of detecting an obstacle using random curtains. We combine random curtains with a machine learning based model that forecasts and tracks the motion of the safety envelope efficiently. Our method accurately estimates safety envelopes while providing probabilistic safety guarantees that can be used to certify the efficacy of a robot perception system to detect and avoid dynamic obstacles. We evaluate our approach in a simulated urban driving environment and a real-world environment with moving pedestrians using a light curtain device and show that we can estimate safety envelopes efficiently and effectively. Project website:
165 - Hanhuai Shan 2012
Plant traits are a key to understanding and predicting the adaptation of ecosystems to environmental changes, which motivates the TRY project aiming at constructing a global database for plant traits and becoming a standard resource for the ecological community. Despite its unprecedented coverage, a large percentage of missing data substantially constrains joint trait analysis. Meanwhile, the trait data is characterized by the hierarchical phylogenetic structure of the plant kingdom. While factorization based matrix completion techniques have been widely used to address the missing data problem, traditional matrix factorization methods are unable to leverage the phylogenetic structure. We propose hierarchical probabilistic matrix factorization (HPMF), which effectively uses hierarchical phylogenetic information for trait prediction. We demonstrate HPMFs high accuracy, effectiveness of incorporating hierarchical structure and ability to capture trait correlation through experiments.
An open-source, Python-based Temporal Analysis of Products (TAP) reactor simulation and processing program is introduced. TAPsolver utilizes algorithmic differentiation for the calculation of highly accurate derivatives, which are used to perform sensitivity analyses and PDE-constrained optimization. The tool supports constraints to ensure thermodynamic consistency, which can lead to more accurate parameters and assist in mechanism discrimination. The mathematical and structural details of TAPsolver are outlined, as well as validation of the forward and inverse problems against well-studied prototype problems. Benchmarks of the code are presented, and a case study for extracting thermodynamically-consistent kinetic parameters from experimental TAP measurements of CO oxidation on supported platinum particles is presented. TAPsolver will act as a foundation for future development and dissemination of TAP data processing techniques.
Network traffic classification that is widely applicable and highly accurate is valuable for many network security and management tasks. A flexible and easily configurable classification framework is ideal, as it can be customized for use in a wide variety of networks. In this paper, we propose a highly configurable and flexible machine learning traffic classification method that relies only on statistics of sequences of packets to distinguish known, or approved, traffic from unknown traffic. Our method is based on likelihood estimation, provides a measure of certainty for classification decisions, and can classify traffic at adjustable certainty levels. Our classification method can also be applied in different classification scenarios, each prioritizing a different classification goal. We demonstrate how our classification scheme and all its configurations perform well on real-world traffic from a high performance computing network environment.
We study probabilistic safety for Bayesian Neural Networks (BNNs) under adversarial input perturbations. Given a compact set of input points, $T subseteq mathbb{R}^m$, we study the probability w.r.t. the BNN posterior that all the points in $T$ are mapped to the same region $S$ in the output space. In particular, this can be used to evaluate the probability that a network sampled from the BNN is vulnerable to adversarial attacks. We rely on relaxation techniques from non-convex optimization to develop a method for computing a lower bound on probabilistic safety for BNNs, deriving explicit procedures for the case of interval and linear function propagation techniques. We apply our methods to BNNs trained on a regression task, airborne collision avoidance, and MNIST, empirically showing that our approach allows one to certify probabilistic safety of BNNs with millions of parameters.
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