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A recent experimental breakthrough allowed to probe electronic parametric resonance of a single magnetic atom in an STM setup. The results present intriguing features, such as an asymmetric lineshape and unusually large ratio of the decoherence and decay rates, which defy standard approaches using the conventional Bloch equations. To address these issues we employ novel generalized Bloch equations, together with proper microscopic modeling of the magnetic adatom, and show how all the experimental features can naturally be accounted for. The proposed approach may also be useful in treating any future similar experiments, as well as next generation hybrid quantum devices.
Combining electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) with scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) enables detailed insight into the interactions and magnetic properties of single atoms on surfaces. A requirement for EPR-STM is the efficient coupling of microwave excitations to the tunnel junction. Here, we achieve a coupling efficiency of the order of unity by using a radiofrequency antenna placed parallel to the STM tip, which we interpret using a simple capacitive-coupling model. We further demonstrate the possibility to perform EPR-STM routinely above 4 K using amplitude as well as frequency modulation of the radiofrequency excitation. We directly compare different acquisition modes on hydrogenated Ti atoms and highlight the advantages of frequency and magnetic field sweeps as well as amplitude and frequency modulation in order to maximize the EPR signal. The possibility to tune the microwave-excitation scheme and to perform EPR-STM at relatively high temperature and high power opens this technique to a broad range of experiments, ranging from pulsed EPR spectroscopy to coherent spin manipulation of single atom ensembles.
We report a dual resonance feature in ballistic conductance through a quantum Hall graphene nanoribbon with a magnetic quantum dot. Such a magnetic quantum dot localizes Dirac fermions exhibiting anisotropic eigenenergy spectra with broken time-reversal symmetry. Interplay between the localized states and quantum Hall edge states is found to be two-fold, showing Breit-Wigner and Fano resonances, which is reminiscent of a double quantum dot system. By fitting the numerical results with the Fano-Breit-Wigner lineshape from the double quantum dot model, we demonstrate that the two-fold resonance is due to the valley mixing that comes from the coupling of the magnetic quantum dot with quantum Hall edge channels; an effective double quantum dot system emerges from a single magnetic quantum dot in virtue of the valley degree of freedom. It is further confirmed that the coupling is weaker for the Fano resonance and stronger for the Breit-Wigner resonace.
We report optically detected nuclear magnetic resonance (ODNMR) measurements on small ensembles of nuclear spins in single GaAs quantum dots. Using ODNMR we make direct measurements of the inhomogeneous Knight field from a photo-excited electron which acts on the nuclei in the dot. The resulting shifts of the NMR peak can be optically controlled by varying the electron occupancy and its spin orientation, and lead to strongly asymmetric lineshapes at high optical excitation. The all-optical control of the NMR lineshape will enable position-selective control of small groups of nuclear spins in a dot. Our calculations also show that the asymmetric NMR peak lineshapes can provide information on the volume of the electron wave-function, and may be used for measurements of non-uniform distributions of atoms in nano-structures.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revolutionized diagnostic medicine and biomedical research by allowing a noninvasive access to spin ensembles. To enhance MRI resolution to the nanometer scale, new approaches including scanning probe methods have been used in recent years, which culminated in detection of individual spins. This allowed three-dimensional (3D) visualization of organic samples and of sophisticated spin-structures. Here, we demonstrate for the first time MRI of individual atoms on a surface. The setup, implemented in a cryogenic scanning tunneling microscope (STM), uses single-atom electron spin resonance (ESR) to achieve sub-{AA}ngstrom resolution exceeding the spatial resolution of previous experiments by one to two orders of magnitude. We find that MRI scans of different atomic species and probe tips lead to unique signatures in the resonance images. These signatures reveal the magnetic interactions between the tip and the atom, in particular magnetic dipolar and exchange interaction.
We demonstrate electron spin polarization detection and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy using a direct current superconducting quantum interference device (dc-SQUID) magnetometer. Our target electron spin ensemble is directly glued on the dc-SQUID magnetometer that detects electron spin polarization induced by a external magnetic field or EPR in micrometer-sized area. The minimum distinguishable number of polarized spins and sensing volume of the electron spin polarization detection and the EPR spectroscopy are estimated to be $sim$$10^6$ and $sim$$10^{-10}$ $mathrm{cm}^{3}$ ($sim$0.1 pl), respectively.