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Search for vector charmonium(-like) states in $e^+e^- rightarrow omegachi_{cJ}$

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 Added by Jielei Zhang
 Publication date 2018
and research's language is English

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The cross sections of $e^+e^- rightarrow omegachi_{cJ(J=0,1,2)}$ have been measured by BESIII. We try to search for vector charmonium(-like) states $Y(4220)$, $Y(4360)$, $psi(4415)$ and $Y(4660)$ in the $e^+e^- rightarrow omegachi_{cJ(J=0,1,2)}$ line shapes. The $omegachi_{c0}$ mainly comes from $Y(4220)$, $omegachi_{c1}$ mainly comes from $Y(4660)$ and $omegachi_{c2}$ mainly comes from $psi(4415)$, maybe partly comes from $Y(4360)$ or $Y(4660)$. For the charmonium(-like) states that are not significant in the $e^+e^- rightarrow omegachi_{cJ(J=0,1,2)}$ line shape, we also give the $90%$ confidence level upper limits on the electron partial width multiplied by branching fraction. These results are helpful to study the nature of charmonium(-like) states in this energy region.

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121 - Jielei Zhang , Rumin Wang 2018
The cross section of $e^+e^- rightarrow eta J/psi$ has been measured by BESIII and Belle experiments. Fit to the $e^+e^- rightarrow eta J/psi$ line shape, three resonant structures are evident. The parameters for the three resonant structures are $M_{1}=(3980pm17pm7)$ MeV/$c^{2}$, $Gamma_{1}=(104pm32pm13)$ MeV; $M_{2}=(4219pm5pm4)$ MeV/$c^{2}$, $Gamma_{2}=(63pm9pm3)$ MeV; $M_{3}=(4401pm12pm4)$ MeV/$c^{2}$, $Gamma_{3}=(49pm19pm4)$ MeV, where the first uncertainties are statistical and the second systematic. We attribute the three structures to $psi(4040)$, $Y(4220)$ and $psi(4415)$ states. The branching fractions $mathcal{B}(psi(4040) rightarrow eta J/psi)$ and $mathcal{B}(psi(4415) rightarrow eta J/psi)$ are given. If $Y(4220)$ is taken as $psi(4S)$ state, the branching fraction $mathcal{B}(psi(4S) rightarrow eta J/psi)$ is also given. Combining all $Y(4220)$ parameters obtained from different decays, we give average parameters for $Y(4220)$, which are $M_{Y(4220)}=(4220.8pm2.4)$ MeV/$c^{2}$, $Gamma_{Y(4220)}=(54.8pm3.3)$ MeV.
We search for the process $e^{+}e^{-}rightarrow pi ^{+}pi ^{-} chi_{cJ}$ ($J=0,1,2$) and for a charged charmonium-like state in the $pi ^{pm} chi_{cJ}$ subsystem. The search uses data sets collected with the BESIII detector at the BEPCII storage ring at center-of-mass energies between 4.18 GeV and 4.60 GeV. No significant $pi ^{+}pi ^{-} chi_{cJ}$ signals are observed at any center-of-mass energy, and thus upper limits are provided which also serve as limits for a possible charmonium-like structure in the invariant $pi ^{pm} chi_{cJ}$ mass.
Using $4.479 times 10^{8}$ $psi(3686)$ events collected with the BESIII detector, we search for the decays $psi(3686) rightarrow e^{+}e^{-}chi_{c0,1,2}$ and $chi_{c0,1,2} rightarrow e^{+}e^{-}J/psi$. The decays $psi(3686) rightarrow e^{+}e^{-}chi_{c0,1,2}$ and $chi_{c0,1,2} rightarrow e^{+}e^{-}J/psi$ are observed for the first time. The measured branching fractions are $mathcal{B}(psi(3686) rightarrow e^{+}e^{-}chi_{c0,1,2}) = (11.7 pm 2.5 pm 1.0)times10^{-4}$, $(8.6 pm 0.3 pm 0.6)times10^{-4}$, $(6.9 pm 0.5 pm 0.6)times10^{-4}$, and $mathcal{B}(chi_{c0,1,2} rightarrow e^{+}e^{-}J/psi) = (1.51 pm 0.30 pm 0.13)times10^{-4}$, $(3.73 pm 0.09 pm 0.25)times10^{-3}$, $(2.48 pm 0.08 pm 0.16)times10^{-3}$. The ratios of the branching fractions $frac{mathcal{B}(psi(3686) rightarrow e^{+}e^{-}chi_{c0,1,2})}{mathcal{B}(psi(3686) rightarrow gammachi_{c0,1,2})}$ and $frac{mathcal{B}(chi_{c0,1,2} rightarrow e^{+}e^{-}J/psi)}{mathcal{B}(chi_{c0,1,2} rightarrow gamma J/psi)}$ are also reported.
We report the measurement of $e^+e^- to D^+_sD^*_{s2}(2573)^-+c.c.$ via initial-state radiation using a data sample of an integrated luminosity of 921.9 fb$^{-1}$ collected with the Belle detector at the $Upsilon(4S)$ and nearby. We find evidence for an enhancement with a 3.4$sigma$ significance in the invariant mass of $D^+_sD^*_{s2}(2573)^- +c.c.$ The measured mass and width are $(4619.8^{+8.9}_{-8.0}({rm stat.})pm2.3({rm syst.}))~{rm MeV}/c^{2}$ and $(47.0^{+31.3}_{-14.8}({rm stat.})pm4.6({rm syst.}))~{rm MeV}$, respectively. The mass, width, and quantum numbers of this enhancement are consistent with the charmonium-like state at 4626 MeV/$c^2$ recently reported by Belle in $e^+e^-to D^+_sD_{s1}(2536)^-+c.c.$ The product of the $e^+e^-to D^+_sD^*_{s2}(2573)^-+c.c.$ cross section and the branching fraction of $D^*_{s2}(2573)^-to{bar D}^0K^-$ is measured from $D^+_sD^*_{s2}(2573)^-$ threshold to 5.6 GeV.
174 - T.Uglov 2009
We report BELLE measurements of the exclusive cross sections for the processes e+e-->DD*, e+e-->DD, e+e-->DDpi, the first observation of psi(4415)-> DD*2(2460)bar decay and new state, Y(4660), using ISR. In addition, another cluster of events at around 4.05GeV/c2 is reported.
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