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Finite-temperature equation of state of polarized fermions at unitarity

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 Publication date 2018
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We study in a nonperturbative fashion the thermodynamics of a unitary Fermi gas over a wide range of temperatures and spin polarizations. To this end, we use the complex Langevin method, a first principles approach for strongly coupled systems. Specifically, we show results for the density equation of state, the magnetization, and the magnetic susceptibility. At zero polarization, our results agree well with state-of-the art results for the density equation of state and with experimental data. At finite polarization and low fugacity, our results are in excellent agreement with the third-order virial expansion. In the fully quantum mechanical regime close to the balanced limit, the critical temperature for superfluidity appears to depend only weakly on the spin polarization.

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We calculate the equation of state in 2+1 flavor QCD at finite temperature with physical strange quark mass and almost physical light quark masses using lattices with temporal extent Nt=8. Calculations have been performed with two different improved staggered fermion actions, the asqtad and p4 actions. Overall, we find good agreement between results obtained with these two O(a^2) improved staggered fermion discretization schemes. A comparison with earlier calculations on coarser lattices is performed to quantify systematic errors in current studies of the equation of state. We also present results for observables that are sensitive to deconfining and chiral aspects of the QCD transition on Nt=6 and 8 lattices. We find that deconfinement and chiral symmetry restoration happen in the same narrow temperature interval. In an Appendix we present a simple parametrization of the equation of state that can easily be used in hydrodynamic model calculations. In this parametrization we also incorporated an estimate of current uncertainties in the lattice calculations which arise from cutoff and quark mass effects. We estimate these systematic effects to be about 10 MeV
266 - Yajiang Hao , Yafei Song , 2015
In the present paper we investigate the Tonks-Girardeau gas confined in a harmonic trap at finite temperature with thermal Bose-Fermi mapping method. The pair distribution, density distribution, reduced one-body density matrix, the occupations number of natural orbitals, and momentum distribution are evaluated. In the whole temperature regime the pair distribution and density distribution exhibit the same properties as those of polarized free Fermions because both of them depend on the modulus of wavefunction rather than wavefunction. While the reduced one-body density matrix, the natural orbital occupation, momentum distribution, which depend on wavefunction, of Tonks gas displays Bose properties different from polarized free Fermions at low temperature. At high temperature we can not distinguish Tonks gas from the polarized free Fermi gas by all properties qualitatively.
We calculate the finite-temperature density and polarization equations of state of one-dimensional fermions with a zero-range interaction, considering both attractive and repulsive regimes. In the path-integral formulation of the grand-canonical ensemble, a finite chemical potential asymmetry makes these systems intractable for standard Monte Carlo approaches due to the sign problem. Although the latter can be removed in one spatial dimension, we consider the one-dimensional situation in the present work to provide an efficient test for studies of the higher-dimensional counterparts. To overcome the sign problem, we use the complex Langevin approach, which we compare here with other approaches: imaginary-polarization studies, third-order perturbation theory, and the third-order virial expansion. We find very good qualitative and quantitative agreement across all methods in the regimes studied, which supports their validity.
We study harmonically trapped, unpolarized fermion systems with attractive interactions in two spatial dimensions with spin degeneracies Nf = 2 and 4 and N/Nf = 1, 3, 5, and 7 particles per flavor. We carry out our calculations using our recently proposed quantum Monte Carlo method on a nonuniform lattice. We report on the ground-state energy and contact for a range of couplings, as determined by the binding energy of the two-body system, and show explicitly how the physics of the Nf-body sector dominates as the coupling is increased.
We theoretically study the pairing behavior of the unitary Fermi gas in the normal phase. Our analysis is based on the static spin susceptibility, which characterizes the response to an external magnetic field. We obtain this quantity by means of the complex Langevin approach and compare our calculations to available literature data in the spin-balanced case. Furthermore, we present results for polarized systems, where we complement and expand our analysis at high temperature with high-order virial expansion results. The implications of our findings for the phase diagram of the spin-polarized unitary Fermi gas are discussed, in the context of the state of the art.
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