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On $b$-Whittaker functions

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 Added by Alexander Shapiro
 Publication date 2018
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The $b$-Whittaker functions are eigenfunctions of the modular $q$-deformed $mathfrak{gl}_n$ open Toda system introduced by Kharchev, Lebedev, and Semenov-Tian-Shansky. Using the quantum inverse scattering method, the named authors obtained a Mellin-Barnes integral representation for these eigenfunctions. In the present paper, we develop the analytic theory of the $b$-Whittaker functions from the perspective of quantum cluster algebras. We obtain a formula for the modular open Toda systems Baxter operator as a sequence of quantum cluster transformations, and thereby derive a new modular $b$-analog of Giventals integral formula for the undeformed Whittaker function. We also show that the $b$-Whittaker functions are eigenvectors of the Dehn twist operator from quantum higher Teichmuller theory, and obtain $b$-analogs of various integral identities satisfied by the undeformed Whittaker functions, including the continuous Cauchy-Littlewood identity of Stade and Corwin-OConnell-Seppalainen-Zygouras. Using these results, we prove the unitarity of the $b$-Whittaker transform, thereby completing the analytic part of the proof of the conjecture of Frenkel and Ip on tensor products of positive representations of $U_q(mathfrak{sl}_n)$, as well as the main step in the modular functor conjecture of Fock and Goncharov. We conclude by explaining how the theory of $b$-Whittaker functions can be used to derive certain hyperbolic hypergeometric integral evaluations found by Rains.

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In this paper we consider Iwahori Whittaker functions on $n$-fold metaplectic covers $widetilde{G}$ of $mathbf{G}(F)$ with $mathbf{G}$ a split reductive group over a non-archimedean local field $F$. For every element $phi$ of a basis of Iwahori Whittaker functions, and for every $ginwidetilde{G}$, we evaluate $phi(g)$ by recurrence relations over the Weyl group using vector Demazure-Whittaker operators. Specializing to the case of $mathbf{G} = mathbf{GL}_r$, we exhibit a solvable lattice model whose partition function equals $phi(g)$. These models are of a new type associated with the quantum affine super group $U_q(widehat{mathfrak{gl}}(r|n))$. The recurrence relations on the representation theory side then correspond to solutions to Yang-Baxter equations for the lattice models. Remarkably, there is a bijection between the boundary data specifying the partition function and the data determining all values of the Whittaker functions.
We show that spherical Whittaker functions on an $n$-fold cover of the general linear group arise naturally from the quantum Fock space representation of $U_q(widehat{mathfrak{sl}}(n))$ introduced by Kashiwara, Miwa and Stern (KMS). We arrive at this connection by reconsidering solvable lattice models known as `metaplectic ice whose partition functions are metaplectic Whittaker functions. First, we show that a certain Hecke action on metaplectic Whittaker coinvariants agrees (up to twisting) with a Hecke action of Ginzburg, Reshetikhin, and Vasserot. This allows us to expand the framework of KMS by Drinfeld twisting to introduce Gauss sums into the quantum wedge, which are necessary for connections to metaplectic forms. Our main theorem interprets the row transfer matrices of this ice model as `half vertex operators on quantum Fock space that intertwine with the action of $U_q(widehat{mathfrak{sl}}(n))$. In the process, we introduce new symmetric functions termed textit{metaplectic symmetric functions} and explain how they relate to Whittaker functions on an $n$-fold metaplectic cover of GL$_r$. These resemble textit{LLT polynomials} introduced by Lascoux, Leclerc and Thibon; in fact the metaplectic symmetric functions are (up to twisting) specializations of textit{supersymmetric LLT polynomials} defined by Lam. Indeed Lam constructed families of symmetric functions from Heisenberg algebra actions on the Fock space commuting with the $U_q(widehat{mathfrak{sl}}(n))$-action. We explain that half vertex operators agree with Lams construction and this interpretation allows for many new identities for metaplectic symmetric and Whittaker functions, including Cauchy identities. While both metaplectic symmetric functions and LLT polynomials can be related to vertex operators on the $q$-Fock space, only metaplectic symmetric functions are connected to solvable lattice models.
We find a formula to compute the number of the generators, which generate the $n$-filtered space of Hopf algebra of rooted trees, i.e. the number of equivalent classes of rooted trees with weight $n$. Applying Hopf algebra of rooted trees, we show that the analogue of Andruskiewitsch and Schneiders Conjecture is not true. The Hopf algebra of rooted trees and the enveloping algebra of the Lie algebra of rooted trees are two important examples of Hopf algebras. We give their representation and show that they have not any nonzero integrals. We structure their graded Drinfeld doubles and show that they are local quasitriangular Hopf algebras.
340 - P. Aniello , A. Ibort , V. Manko 2009
Using the formalism of quantizers and dequantizers, we show that the characters of irreducible unitary representations of finite and compact groups provide kernels for star products of complex-valued functions of the group elements. Examples of permutation groups of two and three elements, as well as the SU(2) group, are considered. The k-deformed star products of functions on finite and compact groups are presented. The explicit form of the quantizers and dequantizers, and the duality symmetry of the considered star products are discussed.
This paper is a response to an article (R. de la Madrid, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 39,9255-9268 (2006)) recently published in Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. The article claims that the theory of resonances and decaying states based on certain rigged Hilbert spaces of Hardy functions is physically untenable. In this paper we show that all of the key conclusions of the cited article are the result of either the errors in mathematical reasoning or an inadequate understanding of the literature on the subject.
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