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Should Type Ia Supernova Distances be Corrected for their Local Environments?

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 Added by David Jones
 Publication date 2018
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Recent analyses suggest that distance residuals measured from Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) are correlated with local host galaxy properties within a few kpc of the SN explosion. However, the well-established correlation with global host galaxy properties is nearly as significant, with a shift of 0.06 mag across a low to high mass boundary (the mass step). Here, with 273 SNe Ia at $z<0.1$, we investigate whether stellar masses and rest-frame $u-g$ colors of regions within 1.5 kpc of the SN Ia explosion site are significantly better correlated with SN distance measurements than global properties or properties measured at random locations in SN hosts. At $lesssim2sigma$ significance, local properties tend to correlate with distance residuals better than properties at random locations, though despite using the largest low-$z$ sample to date we cannot definitively prove that a local correlation is more significant than a random correlation. Our data hint that SNe observed by surveys that do not target a pre-selected set of galaxies may have a larger local mass step than SNe from surveys that do, an increase of $0.071pm0.036$ mag (2.0$sigma$). We find a $3sigma$ local mass step after global mass correction, evidence that SNe Ia should be corrected for their local mass, but we note that this effect is insignificant in the targeted low-$z$ sample. Only the local mass step remains significant at $>2sigma$ after global mass correction, and we conservatively estimate a systematic shift in H$_0$ measurements of -0.14 $textrm{km},textrm{s}^{-1}textrm{Mpc}^{-1}$ with an additional uncertainty of 0.14 $textrm{km},textrm{s}^{-1}textrm{Mpc}^{-1}$, $sim$10% of the present uncertainty.

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We measured high-quality surface brightness fluctuation (SBF) distances for a sample of 63 massive early-type galaxies using the WFC3/IR camera on the Hubble Space Telescope. The median uncertainty on the SBF distance measurements is 0.085 mag, or 3.9% in distance. Achieving this precision at distances of 50 to 100 Mpc required significant improvements to the SBF calibration and data analysis procedures for WFC3/IR data. Forty-two of the galaxies are from the MASSIVE Galaxy Survey, a complete sample of massive galaxies within ~100 Mpc; the SBF distances for these will be used to improve the estimates of the stellar and central supermassive black hole masses in these galaxies. Twenty-four of the galaxies are Type Ia supernova hosts, useful for calibrating SN Ia distances for early-type galaxies and exploring possible systematic trends in the peak luminosities. Our results demonstrate that the SBF method is a powerful and versatile technique for measuring distances to galaxies with evolved stellar populations out to 100 Mpc and constraining the local value of the Hubble constant.
137 - Patrick L. Kelly 2014
The luminosities of Type Ia supernovae (SNe), the thermonuclear explosions of white-dwarf stars, vary systematically with their intrinsic color and the rate at which they fade. From images taken with the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX), we identified SNe Ia that erupted in environments that have high ultraviolet surface brightness and star-formation surface density. When we apply a steep model extinction law, we calibrate these SNe using their broadband optical light curves to within ~0.065 to 0.075 magnitudes, corresponding to <4% in distance. The tight scatter, probably arising from a small dispersion among progenitor ages, suggests that variation in only one progenitor property primarily accounts for the relationship between their light-curve widths, colors, and luminosities.
A spectral-energy distribution (SED) model for Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) is a critical tool for measuring precise and accurate distances across a large redshift range and constraining cosmological parameters. We present an improved model framework, SALT3, which has several advantages over current models including the leading SALT2 model (SALT2.4). While SALT3 has a similar philosophy, it differs from SALT2 by having improved estimation of uncertainties, better separation of color and light-curve stretch, and a publicly available training code. We present the application of our training method on a cross-calibrated compilation of 1083 SNe with 1207 spectra. Our compilation is $2.5times$ larger than the SALT2 training sample and has greatly reduced calibration uncertainties. The resulting trained SALT3.K21 model has an extended wavelength range $2000$-$11000$ angstroms (1800 angstroms redder) and reduced uncertainties compared to SALT2, enabling accurate use of low-$z$ $I$ and $iz$ photometric bands. Including these previously discarded bands, SALT3.K21 reduces the Hubble scatter of the low-z Foundation and CfA3 samples by 15% and 10%, respectively. To check for potential systematic uncertainties we compare distances of low ($0.01<z<0.2$) and high ($0.4<z<0.6$) redshift SNe in the training compilation, finding an insignificant $2pm14$ mmag shift between SALT2.4 and SALT3.K21. While the SALT3.K21 model was trained on optical data, our method can be used to build a model for rest-frame NIR samples from the Roman Space Telescope. Our open-source training code, public training data, model, and documentation are available at, and the model is integrated into the sncosmo and SNANA software packages.
As part of an on-going effort to identify, understand and correct for astrophysics biases in the standardization of Type Ia supernovae (SNIa) for cosmology, we have statistically classified a large sample of nearby SNeIa into those located in predominantly younger or older environments. This classification is based on the specific star formation rate measured within a projected distance of 1kpc from each SN location (LsSFR). This is an important refinement compared to using the local star formation rate directly as it provides a normalization for relative numbers of available SN progenitors and is more robust against extinction by dust. We find that the SNeIa in predominantly younger environments are DY=0.163pm0.029 mag (5.7 sigma) fainter than those in predominantly older environments after conventional light-curve standardization. This is the strongest standardized SN Ia brightness systematic connected to host-galaxy environment measured to date. The well-established step in standardized brightnesses between SNeIa in hosts with lower or higher total stellar masses is smaller at DM=0.119pm0.032 mag (4.5 sigma), for the same set of SNeIa. When fit simultaneously, the environment age offset remains very significant, with DY=0.129pm0.032 mag (4.0 sigma), while the global stellar mass step is reduced to DM=0.064pm0.029 mag (2.2 sigma). Thus, approximately 70% of the variance from the stellar mass step is due to an underlying dependence on environment-based progenitor age. Standardization using only the SNeIa in younger environments reduces the total dispersion from 0.142pm0.008 mag to 0.120pm0.010 mag. We show that as environment ages evolve with redshift a strong bias on measurement of the dark energy equation of state parameters can develop. Fortunately, data to measure and correct for this effect is likely to be available for many next-generation experiments. [abstract shorten]
We use multi-wavelength, matched aperture, integrated photometry from GALEX, SDSS and the RC3 to estimate the physical properties of 166 nearby galaxies hosting 168 well-observed Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia). Our data corroborate well-known features that have been seen in other SN Ia samples. Specifically, hosts with active star formation produce brighter and slower SNe Ia on average, and hosts with luminosity-weighted ages older than 1 Gyr produce on average more faint, fast and fewer bright, slow SNe Ia than younger hosts. New results include that in our sample, the faintest and fastest SNe Ia occur only in galaxies exceeding a stellar mass threshhold of ~10^10 M_sun, indicating that their progenitors must arise in populations that are older and/or more metal rich than the general SN Ia population. A low host extinction sub-sample hints at a residual trend in peak luminosity with host age, after correcting for light-curve shape, giving the appearance that older hosts produce less-extincted SNe Ia on average. This has implications for cosmological fitting of SNe Ia and suggests that host age could be useful as a parameter in the fitting. Converting host mass to metallicity and computing 56Ni mass from the supernova light curves, we find that our local sample is consistent with a model that predicts a shallow trend between stellar metallicity and the 56Ni mass that powers the explosion, but we cannot rule out the absence of a trend. We measure a correlation between 56Ni mass and host age in the local universe that is shallower and not as significant as that seen at higher redshifts. The details of the age -- 56Ni mass correlations at low and higher redshift imply a luminosity-weighted age threshhold of ~3 Gyr for SN Ia hosts, above which they are less likely to produce SNe Ia with 56Ni masses above ~0.5 M_sun. (Abridged)
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