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We discuss thermodynamic work cost of various stages of a quantum estimation protocol: probe and memory register preparation, measurement and extraction of work from post-measurement states. We consider both (i) a multi-shot scenario, where average work is calculated in terms of the standard Shannon entropy and (ii) a single-shot scenario, where deterministic work is expressed in terms of min- and max-entropies. We discuss an exemplary phase estimation protocol where estimation precision is optimized under a fixed work credit (multi-shot) or a total work cost (single-shot). In the multi-shot regime precision is determined using the concept of Fisher information, while in the single-shot case we advocate the use of confidence intervals as only they can provide a meaningful and reliable information in a single-shot experiment, combining naturally with the the concept of deterministic work.
We quantitatively assess the energetic cost of several well-known control protocols that achieve a finite time adiabatic dynamics, namely counterdiabatic and local counterdiabatic driving, optimal control, and inverse engineering. By employing a cost measure based on the norm of the total driving Hamiltonian, we show that a hierarchy of costs emerges that is dependent on the protocol duration. As case studies we explore the Landau-Zener model, the quantum harmonic oscillator, and the Jaynes-Cummings model and establish that qualitatively similar results hold in all cases. For the analytically tractable Landau-Zener case, we further relate the effectiveness of a control protocol with the spectral features of the new driving Hamiltonians and show that in the case of counterdiabatic driving, it is possible to further minimize the cost by optimizing the ramp.
We analyze work extraction from a qubit into a wave guide (WG) acting as a battery, where work is the coherent component of the energy radiated by the qubit. The process is stimulated by a wave packet whose mean photon number (the batterys charge) can be adjusted. We show that the extracted work is bounded by the qubits ergotropy, and that the bound is saturated for a large enough batterys charge. If this charge is small, work can still be extracted. Its amount is controlled by the quantum coherence initially injected in the qubits state, that appears as a key parameter when energetic resources are limited. This new and autonomous scenario for the study of quantum batteries can be implemented with state-of-the-art artificial qubits coupled to WGs.
We present a complete methodology for testing the performances of quantum tomography protocols. The theory is validated by several numerical examples and by the comparison with experimental results achieved with various protocols for whole families of polarization states of qubits and ququaters including pure, mixed, entangled and separable.
The concept of a ``system is foundational to physics, but the question of how observers identify systems is seldom addressed. Classical thermodynamics restricts observers to finite, finite-resolution observations with which to identify the systems on which ``pointer state measurements are to be made. It is shown that system identification is at best approximate, even in a finite world, and that violations of the Leggett--Garg and Bell/CHSH (Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt) inequalities emerge naturally as requirements for successful system identification.
From the perspective of quantum thermodynamics, realisable measurements cost work and result in measurement devices that are not perfectly correlated with the measured systems. We investigate the consequences for the estimation of work in non-equilibrium processes and for the fundamental structure of the work fluctuations when one assumes that the measurements are non-ideal. We show that obtaining work estimates and their statistical moments at finite work cost implies an imperfection of the estimates themselves: more accurate estimates incur higher costs. Our results provide a qualitative relation between the cost of obtaining information about work and the trustworthiness of this information. Moreover, we show that Jarzynskis equality can be maintained exactly at the expense of a correction that depends only on the systems energy scale, while the more general fluctuation relation due to Crooks no longer holds when the cost of the work estimation procedure is finite. We show that precise links between dissipation and irreversibility can be extended to the non-ideal situation.