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Suppression of the magnetic order in CeFeAsO: non-equivalence of hydrostatic and chemical pressure

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 Added by Philipp Materne
 Publication date 2018
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present a detailed investigation of the electronic properties of CeFeAsO under chemical (As by P substitution) and hydrostatic pressure by means of in-house and synchrotron Mossbauer spectroscopy. The Fe magnetism is suppressed due to both pressures and no magnetic order was observed above a P-substitution level of 40% or 5.2 GPa hydrostatic pressure. We compared both pressures and found that the isovalent As by P substitution change the crystallographic and electronic properties differently than hydrostatic pressure.

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In the iron-pnictide material CeFeAsO not only the Fe moments, but also the local 4f moments of the Ce order antiferromagnetically at low temperatures. We elucidate on the peculiar role of the Ce on the emergence of superconductivity. While application of pressure suppresses the iron SDW ordering temperature monotonously up to 4 GPa, the Ce-4f magnetism is stabilized, until both types of magnetic orders disappear abruptly and a narrow SC dome develops. With further increasing pressure characteristics of a Kondo-lattice system become more and more apparent in the electrical resistivity. This suggests a connection of the emergence of superconductivity with the extinction of the magnetic order and the onset of Kondo-screening of the Ce-4f moments.
149 - K. Mydeen , E. Lengyel , A. Jesche 2012
We carried out a combined P-substitution and hydrostatic pressure study on CeFeAs_1-xP_xO single crystals in order to investigate the peculiar relationship of the local moment magnetism of Ce, the ordering of itinerant Fe moments, and their connection with the occurrence of superconductivity. Our results evidence a close relationship between the weakening of Fe magnetism and the change from antiferromagnetic to ferromagnetic ordering of Ce moments at p*=1.95 GPa in CeFeAs_0.78P_0.22O. The absence of superconductivity in CeFeAs_0.78P_0.22O and the presence of a narrow and strongly pressure sensitive superconducting phase in CeFeAs_0.70P_0.30O and CeFeAs_0.65P_0.35O indicate the detrimental effect of the Ce magnetism on superconductivity in P-substituted CeFeAsO.
We report the effect of hydrostatic pressure on the magnetic and structural properties of the shape-memory Heusler alloy Ni50Mn35In15. Magnetization and x-ray diffraction experiments were performed at hydrostatic pressures up to 5 GPa using diamond anvil cells. Pressure stabilizes the martensitic phase, shifting the martensitic transition to higher temperatures and suppresses the ferromagnetic austenitic phase. Above ~3 GPa, where the martensitic-transition temperature approaches the Curie temperature in the austenite, the magnetization shows no indication of ferromagnetic ordering anymore. We further find an extremely large temperatureregion with a mixture of martensite and austenite phases, which directly relates to the magnetic properties.
We investigate the pressure phase diagram of FeTe, predicting structural and magnetic properties in the normal state at zero temperature within density functional theory (DFT). We carefully examined several possible different crystal structures over a pressure range up to $approx 30 $ GPa: simple tetragonal (PbO type), simple monoclinic, orthorhombic (MnP type), hexagonal (NiAs and wurzite type) and cubic (CsCl and NaCl type). We predict pressure to drive the system through different magnetic ordering (notably also some ferromagnetic phases) eventually suppressing magnetism at around 17GPa. We speculate the ferromagnetic order to be the reason for the absence of a superconducting phase in FeTe at variance with the case of FeSe.
We report on the effects of hydrostatic pressure (HP) on the charge density wave observed in underdoped cuprates. We studied YBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_{6.6}$ ($T_c$=61 K) using high-resolution inelastic x-ray scattering (IXS), and reveal an extreme sensitivity of the phonon anomalies related to the charge density wave (CDW) order to HP. The amplitudes of the normal state broadening and superconductivity induced phonon softening at Q$_{CDW}$ rapidly decrease as HP is applied, resulting in the complete suppression of signatures of the CDW below $sim$1 GPa. Additional IXS measurements on YBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_{6.75}$ demonstrate that this very rapid effect cannot be explained by pressure-induced modification of the doping level and highlight the different role of external pressure and doping in tuning the phase diagram of the cuprates. Our results provide new insights into the mechanisms underlying the CDW formation and its interplay with superconductivity.
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