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Quantum metasurface for multi-photon interference and state reconstruction

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 Publication date 2018
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Metasurfaces based on resonant nanophotonic structures have enabled novel types of flat-optics devices often outperforming the capabilities of bulk components, yet these advances remain largely unexplored for quantum applications. We show that non-classical multi-photon interferences can be achieved at the subwavelength scale in all-dielectric metasurfaces. We simultaneously image multiple projections of quantum states with a single metasurface, enabling a robust reconstruction of amplitude, phase, coherence, and entanglement of multi-photon polarization-encoded states. One- and two-photon states are reconstructed through nonlocal photon correlation measurements with polarization-insensitive click-detectors positioned after the metasurface, and the scalability to higher photon numbers is established theoretically. Our work illustrates the feasibility of ultra-thin quantum metadevices for the manipulation and measurement of multi-photon quantum states with applications in free-space quantum imaging and communications.

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We introduce the concept of hypergraphs to describe quantum optical experiments with probabilistic multi-photon sources. Every hyperedge represents a correlated photon source, and every vertex stands for an optical output path. Such general graph description provides new insights for producing complex high-dimensional multi-photon quantum entangled states, which go beyond limitations imposed by pair creation via spontaneous parametric down-conversion. Furthermore, properties of hypergraphs can be investigated experimentally. For example, the NP-Complete problem of deciding whether a hypergraph has a perfect matchin can be answered by experimentally detecting multi-photon events in quantum experiments. By introducing complex weights in hypergraphs, we show a general many-particle quantum interference and manipulating entanglement in a pictorial way. Our work paves the path for the development of multi-photon high-dimensional state generation and might inspire new applications of quantum computations using hypergraph mappings.
Multi-particle interference is a key resource for quantum information processing, as exemplified by Boson Sampling. Hence, given its fragile nature, an essential desideratum is a solid and reliable framework for its validation. However, while several protocols have been introduced to this end, the approach is still fragmented and fails to build a big picture for future developments. In this work, we propose an operational approach to validation that encompasses and strengthens the state of the art for these protocols. To this end, we consider the Bayesian hypothesis testing and the statistical benchmark as most favorable protocols for small- and large-scale applications, respectively. We numerically investigate their operation with finite sample size, extending previous tests to larger dimensions, and against two adversarial algorithms for classical simulation: the Mean-Field sampler and the Metropolized Independent Sampler. To evidence the actual need for refined validation techniques, we show how the assessment of numerically simulated data depends on the available sample size, as well as on the internal hyper-parameters and other practically relevant constraints. Our analyses provide general insights into the challenge of validation, and can inspire the design of algorithms with a measurable quantum advantage.
Integrated single-photon detectors open new possibilities for monitoring inside quantum photonic circuits. We present a concept for the in-line measurement of spatially-encoded multi-photon quantum states, while keeping the transmitted ones undisturbed. We theoretically establish that by recording photon correlations from optimally positioned detectors on top of coupled waveguides with detuned propagation constants, one can perform robust reconstruction of the density matrix describing the amplitude, phase, coherence and quantum entanglement. We report proof-of-principle experiments using classical light, which emulates single-photon regime. Our method opens a pathway towards practical and fast in-line quantum measurements for diverse applications in quantum photonics.
149 - Z. Y. Ou 2007
The complementary principle of quantum mechanics relates qualitatively the visibility of quantum interference with path indistinguishability. Here we propose a scheme of constructive quantum interference involving superposition between an $N$-photon state and a single-photon state to characterize quantitatively the degree of temporal distinguishability of the $N$-photon state. This scheme is based on a generalized photon bunching effect. Such a scheme can be extended to other more general cases.
129 - Z. Y. Ou 2007
A number of recent interference experiments involving multiple photons are reviewed. These experiments include generalized photon bunching effects, generalized Hong-Ou-Mandel interference effects and multi-photon interferometry for demonstrations of multi-photon de Broglie wavelength. The multi-photon states used in these experiments are from two pairs of photons in parametric down-conversion. We find that the size of the interference effect in these experiments, characterized by the visibility of interference pattern, is governed by the degree of distinguishability among different pairs of photons. Based on this discovery, we generalize the concept of multi-photon temporal distinguishability and relate it to a number of multi-photon interference effects. Finally, we make an attempt to interpret the coherence theory by the multi-photon interference via the concept of temporal distinguishability of photons.
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