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We study the Neel-paramagnetic quantum phase transition in two-dimensional dimerized $S=1/2$ Heisenberg antiferromagnets using finite-size scaling of quantum Monte Carlo data. We resolve the long standing issue of the role of cubic interactions arising in the bond-operator representation when the dimer pattern lacks a certain symmetry. We find non-monotonic (monotonic) size dependence in the staggered (columnar) dimerized model, where cubic interactions are (are not) present. We conclude that there is an irrelevant field in the staggered model that is not present in the columnar case, but, at variance with previous claims, it is not the leading irrelevant field. The new exponent is $omega_2 approx 1.25$ and the prefactor of the correction $L^{-omega_2}$ is large and comes with a different sign from that of the formally leading conventional correction with exponent $omega_1 approx 0.78$. Our study highlights the possibility of competing scaling corrections at quantum critical points.
For a number of quantum critical points in one dimension quantum field theory has provided exact results for the scaling of spatial and temporal correlation functions. Experimental realizations of these models can be found in certain quasi one dimensional antiferromagnetc materials. Measuring the predicted scaling laws experimentally presents formidable technical challenges. In many cases it only became possible recently, thanks to qualitative progress in the development of inelastic neutron scattering techniques and to the discovery of new model compounds. Here we review some of the recent experimental studies of this type.
We re-examine the experimental results for the magnetic response function $chi({bf q}, E, T)$, for ${bf q}$ around the anti-ferromagnetic vectors ${bf Q}$, in the quantum-critical region, obtained by inelastic neutron scattering, on an Fe-based superconductor, and on a heavy Fermion compound. The motivation is to compare the results with a recent theory, which shows that the fluctuations in a generic anti-ferromagnetic model for itinerant fermions map to those in the universality class of the dissipative quantum-XY model. The quantum-critical fluctuations in this model, in a range of parameters, are given by the correlations of spatial and of temporal topological defects. The theory predicts a $chi({bf q}, E, T)$ (i) which is a separable function of $({bf q -Q})$ and of ($E$,$T$), (ii) at crticality, the energy dependent part is $propto tanh (E/2T)$ below a cut-off energy, (iii) the correlation time departs from its infinite value at criticality on the disordered side by an essential singularity, and (iv) the correlation length depends logarithmically on the correlation time, so that the dynamical critical exponent $z$ is $infty$ . The limited existing experimental results are found to be consistent with the first two unusual predictions from which the linear dependence of the resistivity on T and the $T ln T$ dependence of the entropy also follow. More experiments are suggested, especially to test the theory of variations on the correlation time and length on the departure from criticality.
We use a quantum Monte Carlo method to calculate the Neel temperature T_N of weakly coupled S=1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnetic layers consisting of coupled ladders. This system can be tuned to different two-dimensional scaling regimes for T > T_N. In a single-layer mean-field theory, chi_s^{2D}(T_N)=(z_2J)^{-1}, where chi_s^{2D} is the exact staggered susceptibility of an isolated layer, J the inter-layer coupling, and z_2=2 the layer coordination number. With a renormalized z_2, we find that this relationship applies not only in the renormalized-classical regime, as shown previously, but also in the quantum-critical regime and part of the quantum-disordered regime. The renormalization is nearly constant; k_2 ~ 0.65-0.70. We also study other universal scaling functions.
The nature of quasiparticles in 2D quantum antiferromagnets at finite temperature remains an open question despite decades of theoretical work. In particular, it is not fully understood how long wavelength excitations contribute to significant broadening of the experimentally observable spectrum. Motivated by this problem, we consider the $XY$ model of easy-plane antiferromagnets, and compute the dynamic structure factor by direct summation of diagrams. In doing so, we find that non-interacting quasiparticles with infinite lifetimes can still lead to a broad response. This forms the basis for a new paradigm describing the interaction of experimental probes with a physical system, where broadening is due neither to the lifetime, nor to the emergence of fractional quasiparticles. Instead, strong fluctuations drive the probe to absorb and radiate an infinite number of arbitrarily low energy quasiparticles, leading us to draw parallels with the infrared catastrophe in quantum electrodynamics.
By means of nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate 1/T1, we follow the spin dynamics as a function of the applied magnetic field in two gapped one-dimensional quantum antiferromagnets: the anisotropic spin-chain system NiCl2-4SC(NH2)2 and the spin-ladder system (C5H12N)2CuBr4. In both systems, spin excitations are confirmed to evolve from magnons in the gapped state to spinons in the gapples Tomonaga-Luttinger-liquid state. In between, 1/T1 exhibits a pronounced, continuous variation, which is shown to scale in accordance with quantum criticality. We extract the critical exponent for 1/T1, compare it to the theory, and show that this behavior is identical in both studied systems, thus demonstrating the universality of quantum critical behavior.