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Discovery of a diffuse optical line emitting halo in the core of the Centaurus cluster of galaxies: Line emission outside the protection of the filaments

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 Added by Stephen Hamer
 Publication date 2018
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present the discovery of diffuse optical line emission in the Centaurus cluster seen with the MUSE IFU. The unparalleled sensitivity of MUSE allows us to detect the faint emission from these structures which extend well beyond the bounds of the previously known filaments. Diffuse structures (emission surrounding the filaments, a northern shell and an extended Halo) are detected in many lines typical of the nebulae in cluster cores ([NII]$_{lambda 6548&6583}$ ,[SII]$_{lambda 6716&6731}$, [OI]$_{lambda 6300}$, [OIII]$_{lambda 4959&5007}$ etc.) but are more than an order of magnitude fainter than the filaments, with the faint halo only detected through the brightest line in the spectrum ([NII]$_{lambda 6583}$). These structures are shown to be kinematically distinct from the stars in the central galaxy and have different physical and excitation states to the filaments. Possible origins are discussed for each structure in turn and we conclude that shocks and/or pressure imbalances are resulting in gas dispersed throughout the cluster core, formed from either disrupted filaments or direct cooling, which is not confined to the bright filaments.

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We present high resolution FLAMES/VLT spectroscopy of intracluster planetary nebula (ICPN) candidates, targeting three new fields in the Virgo cluster core with surface brightness down to mu_B = 28.5. Based on the projected phase space information we separate the old and 12 newly-confirmed PNs into galaxy and intracluster components. The M87 PNs are confined to the extended stellar envelope of M87, within a projected radius of ~ 160 kpc, while the ICPNs are scattered across the whole surveyed region between M87 and M86. The velocity dispersions determined from the M87 PNs at projected radii of 60 kpc and 144 kpc show that the galaxys velocity dispersion profile decreases in the outer halo, down to 78 +/- 25 km/s. A Jeans model for the M87 halo stars in the gravitational potential traced by the X-ray emission fits the observed velocity dispersion profile only if the stellar orbits are strongly radially anisotropic (beta ~= 0.4 at r ~= 10 kpc increasing to 0.8 at the outer edge), and if additionally the stellar halo is truncated at ~= 150 kpc average elliptical radius. From the spatial and velocity distribution of the ICPNs we infer that M87 and M86 are falling towards each other and that we may be observing them just before the first close pass. The inferred luminosity-specific PN numbers for the M87 halo and the ICL are in the range of values observed for old (> 10 Gyr) stellar populations (abridged).
In the cores of ellipticals, clusters, and groups of galaxies, the gas has a cooling time shorter than 1 Gyr. It is possible to probe cooling flows through the detection of Fe XVII and O VII emission lines, but so far O VII has not been detected in any individual object. The Reflection Grating Spectrometers (RGS) aboard XMM-Newton are currently the only instruments able to detect O VII in extended objects such as elliptical galaxies and galaxy clusters. We searched for evidence of O VII through all the archival RGS observations of galaxy clusters, groups of galaxies, and elliptical galaxies focusing on those with core temperatures below 1 keV. We have discovered O VII resonance (21.6A) and forbidden (22.1A) lines for the first time in the spectra of individual objects. O VII was detected at a level higher than three sigma in six elliptical galaxies: M 84, M 86, M 89, NGC 1316, NGC 4636, and NGC 5846. M 84, M 86 and M 89 are members of the Virgo Cluster, the others are central dominant galaxies of groups, and most them show evidence of O VI in UV spectra. We detect no significant trend between the Fe XVII and O VII resonance-to-forbidden line ratios, possibly because of the limited statistics. The observed line ratios <Fe(r/f), O(r/f)>= (0.52+/-0.02, 0.9+/-0.2) indicate that the spectra of all these ellipticals are affected by resonance scattering, suggesting low turbulence. Deeper exposures will help to understand whether the Fe XVII and O VII lines are both produced by the same cooling gas or by multiphase gas. Our O VII luminosities correspond to 0.2-2 Msun/yr, which agree with the predictions for ellipticals. Such weak cooling rates would not be detected in clusters because their spectra are dominated by the emission of hotter gas, and owing to their greater distance, the expected O VII line flux would be undetectable.
Ly$alpha$ photons scattered by neutral hydrogen atoms in the circumgalactic media or produced in the halos of star-forming galaxies are expected to lead to extended Ly$alpha$ emission around galaxies. Such low surface brightness Ly$alpha$ halos (LAHs) have been detected by stacking Ly$alpha$ images of high-redshift star-forming galaxies. We study the origin of LAHs by performing radiative transfer modeling of nine $z=3.1$ Lyman-Alpha Emitters (LAEs) in a high resolution hydrodynamic cosmological galaxy formation simulation. We develop a method of computing the mean Ly$alpha$ surface brightness profile of each LAE by effectively integrating over many different observing directions. Without adjusting any parameters, our model yields an average Ly$alpha$ surface brightness profile in remarkable agreement with observations. We find that observed LAHs cannot be accounted for solely by photons originating from the central LAE and scattered to large radii by hydrogen atoms in the circumgalactic gas. Instead, Ly$alpha$ emission from regions in the outer halo is primarily responsible for producing the extended LAHs seen in observations, which potentially includes both star-forming and cooling radiation. With the limit on the star formation contribution set by the ultra-violet (UV) halo measurement, we find that cooling radiation can play an important role in forming the extended LAHs. We discuss the implications and caveats of such a picture.
We present high resolution images of the Faraday Rotation Measure (RM) structure of the radio galaxy PKS 1246-410, at the center of the Centaurus cluster. Comparison with Halpha-line and soft X-ray emission reveals a correspondence between the line-emitting gas, the soft X-ray emitting gas, regions with an excess in the RM images, and signs of depolarization. Magnetic field strengths of 25 microG, organized on scales of ~1 kpc, and intermixed with gas at a temperature of 5 x 10^6 K with a density of ~0.1 cm^-3 can reproduce the observed RM excess, the depolarization, and the observed X-ray surface brightness. This hot gas may be in pressure equilibrium with the optical line-emitting gas, but the magnetic field strength of 25 microG associated with the hot gas provides only 10% of the thermal pressure and is therefore insufficient to account for the stability of the line-emitting filaments.
470 - F. X. An , X. Z. Zheng 2014
Using deep narrow-band $H_2S1$ and $K_{s}$-band imaging data obtained with CFHT/WIRCam, we identify a sample of 56 H$alpha$ emission-line galaxies (ELGs) at $z=2.24$ with the 5$sigma$ depths of $H_2S1=22.8$ and $K_{s}=24.8$ (AB) over 383 arcmin$^{2}$ area in the ECDFS. A detailed analysis is carried out with existing multi-wavelength data in this field. Three of the 56 H$alpha$ ELGs are detected in Chandra 4 Ms X-ray observation and two of them are classified as AGNs. The rest-frame UV and optical morphologies revealed by HST/ACS and WFC3 deep images show that nearly half of the H$alpha$ ELGs are either merging systems or with a close companion, indicating that the merging/interacting processes play a key role in regulating star formation at cosmic epoch z=2-3; About 14% are too faint to be resolved in the rest-frame UV morphology due to high dust extinction. We estimate dust extinction from SEDs. We find that dust extinction is generally correlated with H$alpha$ luminosity and stellar mass (SM). Our results suggest that H$alpha$ ELGs are representative of star-forming galaxies (SFGs). Applying extinction correction for individual objects, we examine the intrinsic H$alpha$ luminosity function (LF) at $z=2.24$, obtaining a best-fit Schechter function characterized by a faint-end slope of $alpha=-1.3$. This is shallower than the typical slope of $alpha sim -1.6$ in previous works based on constant extinction correction. We demonstrate that this difference is mainly due to the different extinction corrections. The proper extinction correction is thus key to recovering the intrinsic LF as the extinction globally increases with H$alpha$ luminosity. Moreover, we find that our H$alpha$ LF mirrors the SM function of SFGs at the same cosmic epoch. This finding indeed reflects the tight correlation between SFR and SM for the SFGs, i.e., the so-called main sequence.
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