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On some applications of balanced pairs and their relation with cotorsion triplets

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 Added by Marco P\\'erez
 Publication date 2018
and research's language is English

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Balanced pairs appear naturally in the realm of Relative Homological Algebra associated to the balance of right derived functors of the $mathsf{Hom}$ functor. A natural source to get such pairs is by means of cotorsion triplets. In this paper we study the connection between balanced pairs and cotorsion triplets by using recent quiver representation techniques. In doing so, we find a new characterization of abelian categories having enough projectives and injectives in terms of the existence of complete hereditary cotorsion triplets. We also give a short proof of the lack of balance for derived functors of $mathsf{Hom}$ computed by using flat resolutions which extends the one showed by Enochs in the commutative case.

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135 - Qiong Huang , Panyue Zhou 2021
It was shown recently that the heart of a twin cotorsion pair on an extriangulated category is semi-abelian. In this article, we consider a special kind of hearts of twin cotorsion pairs induced by $d$-cluster tilting subcategories in extriangulated categories. We give a necessary and sufficient condition for such hearts to be abelian. In particular, we also can see that such hearts are hereditary. As an application, this generalizes the work by Liu in an exact case, thereby providing new insights in a triangulated case.
126 - Jian He , Panyue Zhou 2021
A notion of balanced pairs in an extriangulated category with a negative first extension is defined in this article. We prove that there exists a bijective correspondence between balanced pairs and proper classes $xi$ with enough $xi$-projectives and enough $xi$-injectives. It can be regarded as a simultaneous generalization of Fu-Hu-Zhang-Zhu and Wang-Li-Huang. Besides, we show that if $(mathcal A ,mathcal B,mathcal C)$ is a recollement of extriangulated categories, then balanced pairs in $mathcal B$ can induce balanced pairs in $mathcal A$ and $mathcal C$ under natural assumptions. As a application, this result gengralizes a result by Fu-Hu-Yao in abelian categories. Moreover, it highlights a new phenomena when it applied to triangulated categories.
Let $mathcal{C}$ be a triangulated category. We first introduce the notion of balanced pairs in $mathcal{C}$, and then establish the bijective correspondence between balanced pairs and proper classes $xi$ with enough $xi$-projectives and enough $xi$-injectives. Assume that $xi:=xi_{mathcal{X}}=xi^{mathcal{Y}}$ is the proper class induced by a balanced pair $(mathcal{X},mathcal{Y})$. We prove that $(mathcal{C}, mathbb{E}_xi, mathfrak{s}_xi)$ is an extriangulated category. Moreover, it is proved that $(mathcal{C}, mathbb{E}_xi, mathfrak{s}_xi)$ is a triangulated category if and only if $mathcal{X}=mathcal{Y}=0$; and that $(mathcal{C}, mathbb{E}_xi, mathfrak{s}_xi)$ is an exact category if and only if $mathcal{X}=mathcal{Y}=mathcal{C}$. As an application, we produce a large variety of examples of extriangulated categories which are neither exact nor triangulated.
In this paper, we prove that any relative character (a.k.a. spherical character) of any admissible representation of a real reductive group with respect to any pair of spherical subgroups is a holonomic distribution on the group. This implies that the restriction of the relative character to an open dense subset is given by an analytic function. The proof is based on an argument from algebraic geometry and thus implies also analogous results in the p-adic case. As an application, we give a short proof of some results from [KO13,KS16] on boundedness and finiteness of multiplicities of irreducible representations in the space of functions on a spherical space. In order to deduce this application we prove relative and quantitative analogs of the Bernstein-Kashiwara theorem, which states that the space of solutions of a holonomic system of differential equations in the space of distributions is finite-dimensional. We also deduce that, for every algebraic group $G$ defined over $mathbb{R}$, the space of $G(mathbb{R})$-equivariant distributions on the manifold of real points of any algebraic $G$-manifold $X$ is finite-dimensional if $G$ has finitely many orbits on $X$.
In this paper, a linear $ell$-intersection pair of codes is introduced as a generalization of linear complementary pairs of codes. Two linear codes are said to be a linear $ell$-intersection pair if their intersection has dimension $ell$. Characterizations and constructions of such pairs of codes are given in terms of the corresponding generator and parity-check matrices. Linear $ell$-intersection pairs of MDS codes over $mathbb{F}_q$ of length up to $q+1$ are given for all possible parameters. As an application, linear $ell$-intersection pairs of codes are used to construct entanglement-assisted quantum error correcting codes. This provides a large number of new MDS entanglement-assisted quantum error correcting codes.
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