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ALICE Data Release: A revaluation of HST-NICMOS coronagraphic images

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 Added by Elodie Choquet
 Publication date 2018
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) NICMOS instrument has been used from 1997 to 2008 to perform coronagraphic observations of about 400 targets. Most of them were part of surveys looking for substellar companions or resolved circumstellar disks to young nearby stars, making the NICMOS coronagraphic archive a valuable database for exoplanets and disks studies. As part of the Archival Legacy Investigations of Circumstellar Environments (ALICE) program, we have consistently re-processed a large fraction of the NICMOS coronagrahic archive using advanced PSF subtraction methods. We present here the high-level science products of these re-analyzed data, which we delivered back to the community through the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST) . We also present the second version of the HCI-FITS format (for High-Contrast Imaging FITS format), which we developed as a standard format for data exchange of imaging reduced science products. These re-analyzed products are openly available for population statistics studies, characterization of specific targets, or detected point source identification.

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The Gaia spacecraft of the European Space Agency (ESA) has been securing observations of solar system objects (SSOs) since the beginning of its operations. Gaia Data Release 2 (DR2) contains the observations of a selected sample of 14,099 SSOs. These asteroids have been already identified and have been numbered by the Minor Planet Center. Positions are provided for each Gaia observation at CCD level. As additional information, the apparent brightness of SSOs in the unfiltered G band is also provided for selected observations. We explain the processing of SSO data, and describe the criteria we used to select the sample published in Gaia DR2. We then explore the data set to assess its quality. To exploit the epoch astrometry of asteroids in Gaia DR2 it is necessary to take into account the unusual properties of the uncertainty, as the position information is nearly one-dimensional. When this aspect is handled appropriately, an orbit fit can be obtained with post-fit residuals that are overall consistent with the a-priori error model that was used to define individual values of the astrometric uncertainty. The distribution of residuals allowed us to identify possible contaminants in the data set. Photometry in the G band was compared to computed values from reference asteroid shapes and to the flux registered at the corresponding epochs by the red and blue photometers (RP and BP). The overall astrometric performance is close to the expectations, with an optimal range of brightness G~12-17. In this range, the typical transit-level accuracy is well below 1 mas. For fainter asteroids, the growing photon noise deteriorates the performance. Asteroids brighter than G~12 are affected by a lower performance of the processing of their signals. The dramatic improvement brought by Gaia DR2 astrometry of SSOs is demonstrated by preliminary tests on the detection of subtle non-gravitational effects.
299 - J. Milli , T. Banas , D. Mouill 2016
The major source of noise in high-contrast imaging is the presence of slowly evolving speckles that do not average with time. The temporal stability of the point-spread-function (PSF) is therefore critical to reach a high contrast with extreme adaptive optics (xAO) instruments. Understanding on which timescales the PSF evolves and what are the critical parameters driving the speckle variability allow to design an optimal observing strategy and data reduction technique to calibrate instrumental aberrations and reveal faint astrophysical sources. We have obtained a series of 52 min, AO-corrected, coronagraphically occulted, high-cadence (1.6Hz), H-band images of the star HR 3484 with the SPHERE (Spectro-Polarimeter High-contrast Exoplanet REsearch instrument on the VLT. This is a unique data set from an xAO instrument to study its stability on timescales as short as one second and as long as several tens of minutes. We find different temporal regimes of decorrelation. We show that residuals from the atmospheric turbulence induce a fast, partial decorrelation of the PSF over a few seconds, before a transition to a regime with a linear decorrelation with time, at a rate of several tens parts per million per second (ppm/s). We analyze the spatial dependence of this decorrelation, within the well-corrected radius of the adaptive optics system and show that the linear decorrelation is faster at short separations. Last, we investigate the influence of the distance to the meridian on the decorrelation.
In preparation for cosmological analyses of the Vera C. Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST), the LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration (LSST DESC) has created a 300 deg$^2$ simulated survey as part of an effort called Data Challenge 2 (DC2). The DC2 simulated sky survey, in six optical bands with observations following a reference LSST observing cadence, was processed with the LSST Science Pipelines (19.0.0). In this Note, we describe the public data release of the resulting object catalogs for the coadded images of five years of simulated observations along with associated truth catalogs. We include a brief description of the major features of the available data sets. To enable convenient access to the data products, we have developed a web portal connected to Globus data services. We describe how to access the data and provide example Jupyter Notebooks in Python to aid first interactions with the data. We welcome feedback and questions about the data release via a GitHub repository.
The Gaia Data Release 2 contains the 1st release of radial velocities complementing the kinematic data of a sample of about 7 million relatively bright, late-type stars. Aims: This paper provides a detailed description of the Gaia spectroscopic data processing pipeline, and of the approach adopted to derive the radial velocities presented in DR2. Methods: The pipeline must perform four main tasks: (i) clean and reduce the spectra observed with the Radial Velocity Spectrometer (RVS); (ii) calibrate the RVS instrument, including wavelength, straylight, line-spread function, bias non-uniformity, and photometric zeropoint; (iii) extract the radial velocities; and (iv) verify the accuracy and precision of the results. The radial velocity of a star is obtained through a fit of the RVS spectrum relative to an appropriate synthetic template spectrum. An additional task of the spectroscopic pipeline was to provide 1st-order estimates of the stellar atmospheric parameters required to select such template spectra. We describe the pipeline features and present the detailed calibration algorithms and software solutions we used to produce the radial velocities published in DR2. Results: The spectroscopic processing pipeline produced median radial velocities for Gaia stars with narrow-band near-IR magnitude Grvs < 12 (i.e. brighter than V~13). Stars identified as double-lined spectroscopic binaries were removed from the pipeline, while variable stars, single-lined, and non-detected double-lined spectroscopic binaries were treated as single stars. The scatter in radial velocity among different observations of a same star, also published in DR2, provides information about radial velocity variability. For the hottest (Teff > 7000 K) and coolest (Teff < 3500 K) stars, the accuracy and precision of the stellar parameter estimates are not sufficient to allow selection of appropriate templates. [Abridged]
CONTEXT: The second Gaia data release (DR2) took place on April 2018. DR2 included photometry for more than 1.3 10^9 sources in G, BP, and RP. Even though Gaia DR2 photometry is very precise, there are currently three alternative definitions of the sensitivity curves that show significative differences. AIMS: The aim of this paper is to improve the quality of the input calibration data to produce new compatible definitions of the three bands and to identify the reasons for the discrepancies between previous definitions. METHODS: We have searched the HST archive for STIS spectra with G430L+G750L data obtained with wide apertures and combined them with the CALSPEC library to produce a high quality SED library of 122 stars with a broad range of colors, including three very red stars. We have used it to compute new sensitivity curves for G, BP, and RP using a functional analytical formalism. RESULTS: The new curves are significantly better than the two previous attempts, REV and WEI. For G we confirm the existence of a systematic bias in magnitude and correct a color term present in REV. For BP we confirm the need to define two magnitude ranges with different sensitivity curves and measure the cut between them at G = 10.87 with a significant increase in precision. The new curves also fit the data better than either REV or WEI. For RP we obtain a sensitivity curve that better fits the STIS spectra and we find that the differences with previous attempts reside in a systematic effect between ground-based and HST spectral libraries. Additional evidence from color-color diagrams indicate that the new sensitivity curve is more accurate. Nevertheless, there is still room for improvement in the accuracy of the sensitivity curves because of the current dearth of good-quality red calibrators: adding more to the sample should be a priority before Gaia data release 3 takes place.
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