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In the high energy limit of scattering amplitudes in Quantum Chromodynamics and supersymmetric theories the dominant Feynman diagrams are characterized by a hidden integrability. A well-known example is that of Odderon exchange, which can be described as a bound state of three reggeized gluons and corresponds to a closed spin chain with periodic boundary conditions. In the $N=4$ supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory a similar spin chain arises in the multi-Regge asymptotics of the eight-point amplitude in the planar limit. We investigate the associated open spin chain in transverse momentum and rapidity variables solving the corresponding effective Feynman diagrams. We introduce the concept of complexity in the high energy effective field theory and study its emerging scaling laws.
Using anisotropic R-matrices associated with affine Lie algebras $hat g$ (specifically, $A_{2n}^{(2)}, A_{2n-1}^{(2)}, B_n^{(1)}, C_n^{(1)}, D_n^{(1)}$) and suitable corresponding K-matrices, we construct families of integrable open quantum spin chains of finite length, whose transfer matrices are invariant under the quantum group corresponding to removing one node from the Dynkin diagram of $hat g$. We show that these transfer matrices also have a duality symmetry (for the cases $C_n^{(1)}$ and $D_n^{(1)}$) and additional $Z_2$ symmetries that map complex representations to their conjugates (for the cases $A_{2n-1}^{(2)}, B_n^{(1)}, D_n^{(1)}$). A key simplification is achieved by working in a certain unitary gauge, in which only the unbroken symmetry generators appear. The proofs of these symmetries rely on some new properties of the R-matrices. We use these symmetries to explain the degeneracies of the transfer matrices.
We construct the most general perturbatively long-range integrable spin chain with spins transforming in the fundamental representation of gl(N) and open boundary conditions. In addition to the previously determined bulk moduli we find a new set of parameters determining the reflection phase shift. We also consider finite-size contributions and comment on their determination.
Investigations of high-energy graviton-graviton and gluon-gluon scattering are performed in the leading eikonal approximation for the kinematic regime of large center of mass energy and low momentum transfer. We find a double copy relation between the amplitudes of the two theories to all loop orders when, on the gauge theory side, we retain only the set of diagrams at each loop order for which the collinear divergences cancel amongst themselves. For this to happen the color structure of all diagrams in the set must be identical. Using standard field theoretic methods, it is shown that this relation is reflected in a similar double copy relationship between the classical shockwaves of the two theories as well.
In this article, we extend the work of arXiv:0901.4744 to a Bethe/Gauge correspondence between 2d (or resp. 3d) SO/Sp gauge theories and open XXX (resp. XXZ) spin chains with diagonal boundary conditions. The case of linear quiver gauge theories is also considered.
In this note, we construct a BRST invariant cubic vertex for massless fields of arbitrary mixed symmetry in flat space-time. The construction is based on the vertex given in bosonic Open String Field Theory. The algebra of gauge transformations is closed without any additional, higher than cubic, couplings due to the presence of an infinite tower of massless fields. We briefly discuss the generalization of this result to a curved space-time and other possible implications.