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The Oort conjecture for Shimura curves of small unitary rank

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 Added by Xin Lu
 Publication date 2017
and research's language is English

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We prove that a Shimura curve in the Siegel modular variety is not generically contained in the open Torelli locus as long as the rank of unitary part in its canonical Higgs bundle satisfies a numerical upper bound. As an application we show that the Coleman-Oort conjecture holds for Shimura curves associated to partial corestriction upon a suitable choice of parameters, which generalizes a construction due to Mumford.

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303 - Yichao Tian , Liang Xiao 2013
Let $F$ be a totally real field in which $p$ is unramified. We study the Goren-Oort stratification of the special fibers of quaternionic Shimura varieties over a place above $p$. We show that each stratum is a $(mathbb{P}^1)^N$-bundle over other quaternionic Shimura varieties (for some appropriate $N$).
Shimura curves on Shimura surfaces have been a candidate for counterexamples to the bounded negativity conjecture. We prove that they do not serve this purpose: there are only finitely many whose self-intersection number lies below a given bound. Previously, this result has been shown in [BHK+13] for compact Hilbert modular surfaces using the Bogomolov-Miyaoka-Yau inequality. Our approach uses equidistribution and works uniformly for all Shimura surfaces.
293 - David Helm , Yichao Tian , 2014
Let $F$ be a totally real field in which a fixed prime $p$ is inert, and let $E$ be a CM extension of $F$ in which $p$ splits. We fix two positive integers $r,s in mathbb N$. We investigate the Tate conjecture on the special fiber of $G(U(r,s) times U(s,r))$-Shimura variety. We construct cycles which we conjecture to generate the Tate classes and verify our conjecture in the case of $G(U(1,s) times U(s,1))$. We also discuss the general conjecture regarding special cycles on the special fibers of unitary Shimura varieties.
In this paper we construct infinitely many Shimura curves contained in the locus of Jacobians of genus four curves. All Jacobians in these families are ${mathbb Z}/3$ covers of varying elliptic curves that appear in a geometric construction of Pirola, and include an example of a Shimura-Teichmuller curve that parameterizes Jacobians that are suitable ${mathbb Z}/6$ covers of ${mathbb P}^1$. We compute explicitly the period matrices of the Shimura curves we construct using the original construction of Shimura for moduli spaces of abelian varieties with automorphisms.
356 - David Jensen , Sam Payne 2016
We produce new combinatorial methods for approaching the tropical maximal rank conjecture, including inductive procedures for deducing new cases of the conjecture on graphs of increasing genus from any given case. Using explicit calculations in a range of base cases, we prove this conjecture for the canonical divisor, and in a wide range of cases for m=3, extending previous results for m=2.
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