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Magnetically-Trapped Molecules Efficiently Loaded from a Molecular MOT

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 Added by Matthew Steinecker
 Publication date 2017
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We describe experiments demonstrating efficient transfer of molecules from a magneto-optical trap (MOT) into a conservative magnetic quadrupole trap. Our scheme begins with a blue-detuned optical molasses to cool SrF molecules to $sim!50$ $mu$K. Next, we optically pump the molecules into a strongly-trapped sublevel. This two-step process reliably transfers $64%$ of the molecules initially trapped in the MOT into the magnetic trap, comparable to similar atomic experiments. Once loaded, the magnetic trap is compressed by increasing the magnetic field gradient. Finally, we demonstrate a magnetic trap lifetime of over $1$ s. This opens a promising new path to the study of ultracold molecular collisions, and potentially the production of quantum-degenerate molecular gases.

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Laser slowing of CaF molecules down to the capture velocity of a magneto-optical trap (MOT) for molecules is achieved. Starting from a two-stage buffer gas beam source, we apply frequency-broadened white-light slowing and observe approximately 6x10^4 CaF molecules with velocities near 10,m/s. CaF is a candidate for collisional studies in the mK regime. This work represents a significant step towards magneto-optical trapping of CaF.
A mixed system of cooled and trapped, ions and atoms, paves the way for ion assisted cold chemistry and novel many body studies. Due to the different individual trapping mechanisms, trapped atoms are significantly colder than trapped ions, therefore in the combined system, the strong binary ion$-$atom interaction results in heat flow from ions to atoms. Conversely, trapped ions can also get collisionally heated by the cold atoms, making the resulting equilibrium between ions and atoms intriguing. Here we experimentally demonstrate, Rubidium ions (Rb$^+$) cool in contact with magneto-optically trapped (MOT) Rb atoms, contrary to the general expectation of ion heating for equal ion and atom masses. The cooling mechanism is explained theoretically and substantiated with numerical simulations. The importance of resonant charge exchange (RCx) collisions, which allows swap cooling of ions with atoms, wherein a single glancing collision event brings a fast ion to rest, is discussed.
134 - J. Deiglmayr , M. Repp , O. Dulieu 2011
We investigate the rovibrational population redistribution of polar molecules in the electronic ground state induced by spontaneous emission and blackbody radiation. As a model system we use optically trapped LiCs molecules formed by photoassociation in an ultracold two-species gas. The population dynamics of vibrational and rotational states is modeled using an ab-initio electric dipole moment function and experimental potential energy curves. Comparison with the evolution of the v=3 electronic ground state yields good qualitative agreement. The analysis provides important input to assess applications of ultracold LiCs molecules in quantum simulation and ultracold chemistry.
Nonadiabatic transitions are known to be major loss channels for atoms in magnetic traps, but have thus far not been experimentally reported upon for trapped molecules. We have observed and quantified losses due to nonadiabatic transitions for three isotopologues of ammonia in electrostatic traps, by comparing the trapping times in traps with a zero and a non-zero electric field at the center. Nonadiabatic transitions are seen to dominate the overall loss rate even for samples at relatively high temperatures of 10-50 mK.
In addition to being suitable for laser cooling and trapping in a magneto-optical trap (MOT) using a relatively broad ($sim$5 MHz) transition, the molecule YO possesses a narrow-line transition. This forbidden transition between the $X^{2}Sigma$ and $A^{2}Delta_{3/2}$ states has linewidth $sim$2$pitimes$160 kHz. After cooling in a MOT on the $X^{2}Sigma$ to $A^{2}Pi_{1/2}$ (orange) transition, the narrow (red) transition can be used to further cool the sample, requiring only minimal additions to the first stage system. The narrow line cooling stage will bring the temperature from $sim$1 mK to $sim$10 $mu$K, significantly advancing the frontier on direct cooling achievable for molecules.
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