An exact solution for the spatially flat scale-invariant Cosmology, recently proposed by Maeder (2017) is deduced. No deviation from the numerical solution was detected. The exact solution yields transparency for the dynamical equations and faster cosmological constraints may be performed.
In a previous paper (P. D. Mannheim, Phys. Rev. D 102, 123535 (2020)) we studied cosmological perturbation theory in the cosmology associated with the fourth-order derivative conformal gravity theory, and provided an exact solution to the theory in the recombination era. In this paper we present an exact solution that holds all the way from recombination until the current era.
We find a Friedmann model with appropriate matter/energy density such that the solution of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation exactly corresponds to the classical evolution. The well-known problems in quantum cosmology disappear in the resulting coasting evolution. The exact quantum-classical correspondence is demonstrated with the help of the de Broglie-Bohm and modified de Broglie-Bohm approaches to quantum mechanics. It is reassuring that such a solution leads to a robust model for the universe, which agrees well with cosmological expansion indicated by SNe Ia data.
We derive the exact third-order analytic solution of the matter density fluctuation in the proper-time hypersurface in a $Lambda$CDM universe, accounting for the explicit time-dependence and clarifying the relation to the initial condition. Furthermore, we compare our analytic solution to the previous calculation in the comoving gauge, and to the standard Newtonian perturbation theory by providing Fourier kernels for the relativistic effects. Our results provide an essential ingredient for a complete description of galaxy bias in the relativistic context.
Thanks to the Planck Collaboration, we know the value of the scalar spectral index of primordial fluctuations with unprecedented precision. In addition, the joint analysis of the data from Planck, BICEP2, and KEK has further constrained the value of the tensor-to-scalar ratio $r$ so that chaotic inflationary scenarios seem to be disfavoured. Inspired by these results, we look for a model that yields a value of $r$ that is larger than the one predicted by the Starobinsky model but is still within the new constraints. We show that purely quadratic, renormalizable, and scale-invariant gravity, implemented by loop-corrections, satisfies these requirements.
We study quantum corrections to an inflationary model, which has the attractive feature of being classically scale-invariant. In this model, quadratic gravity plays along a scalar field in such a way that inflation begins near the unstable point of the effective potential and it ends at a stable fixed point, where the scale symmetry is broken and a fundamental mass scale naturally emerges. We compute the one loop corrections to the classical action on the curved background of the model and we report their effects on the classical dynamics with both analytical and numerical methods.