We present a fully three-dimensional initial state model for relativistic heavy-ion collisions at RHIC Beam Energy Scan (BES) collision energies. The initial energy and net baryon density profiles are produced based on a classical string deceleration model. The baryon stopping and fluctuations during this early stage of the collision are investigated by studying the net baryon rapidity distribution and longitudinal decorrelation of the transverse geometry.
We develop a (3+1)-dimensional hybrid evolution model for heavy-ion collisions with dynamical sources for the energy-momentum tensor and baryon current. During an initial pre-equilibrium stage based on UrQMD, the four-momenta and baryon numbers carried by secondary particles created within UrQMD are fed continuously, after a short thermalization time, into a (3+1)-dimensional viscous hydrodynamic evolution module including baryon transport. The sensitivity of the initial conditions to model parameters and the effect of baryon diffusion on the hydrodynamic evolution are studied.
We present a fully three-dimensional model providing initial conditions for energy and conserved charge density distributions in heavy ion collisions at RHIC Beam Energy Scan (BES) collision energies. The model includes the dynamical deceleration of participating nucleons or valence quarks. It provides a realistic estimation of the initial baryon stopping during the early stage of collisions. We also present the implementation of the model with 3+1 dimensional hydrodynamics, which involves the addition of source terms that deposit energy and net-baryon densities produced by the initial state model at proper times greater than the initial time for the hydrodynamic simulation. The importance of this dynamical initialization stage on hadronic flow observables at the RHIC BES is quantified.
We present a concise review of the recent development of relativistic hydrodynamics and its applications to heavy-ion collisions. Theoretical progress on the extended formulation of hydrodynamics towards out-of-equilibrium systems is addressed, emphasizing the so-called attractor solution. On the other hand, recent phenomenological improvements in the hydrodynamic modeling of heavy-ion collisions with respect to the ongoing Beam Energy Scan program, the quantitative characterization of transport coefficients in the three-dimensionally expanding quark-gluon plasma, the fluid description of small colliding systems, and some other interdisciplinary connections are discussed.
Equilibration of highly excited baryon-rich matter is studied within the microscopic model calculations in A+A collisions at energies of BES, FAIR and NICA. It is shown that the system evolution from the very beginning of the collision can be approximated by relativistic hydrodynamics, although the hot and dense nuclear matter is not in local equilibrium yet. During the evolution of the fireball the extracted values of energy density, net baryon and net strangeness densities are used as an input to Statistical Model (SM) in order to calculate temperature $T$, chemical potentials $mu_B$ and $mu_S$, and entropy density $s$ of the system. Also, they are used as an input for the box with periodic boundary conditions to investigate the momentum correlators in the infinite nuclear matter. Shear viscosity $eta$ is calculated according to the Green-Kubo formalism. At all energies, shear viscosity to entropy density ratio shows minimum at time corresponding to maximum baryon density. The ratio dependence on $T, mu_B, mu_S$ is investigated for both in- and out of equilibrium cases.
A simple approach is proposed allowing actual calculations of the preequilibrium dynamics in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions to be performed for a far-from-equilibrium initial state. The method is based on the phenomenological macroscopic equations that describe the relaxation dynamics of the energy-momentum tensor and are motivated by Boltzmann kinetics in the relaxation-time approximation. It gives the possibility to match smoothly a nonthermal initial state to the hydrodynamics of the quark gluon plasma. The model contains two parameters, the duration of the prehydrodynamic stage and the initial value of the relaxation-time parameter, and allows one to assess the energy-momentum tensor at a supposed time of initialization of the hydrodynamics.