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Single-photon detectors are widely used in modern quantum optics experiments and applications. Like all detectors, it is important for these devices to be accurately calibrated. A single-photon detector is calibrated by determining its detection efficiency; the standard method to measure this quantity requires comparison to another detector. Here, we suggest a method to measure the detection efficiency of a single photon detector without requiring an external reference detector. Our method is valid for individual single-photon detectors as well as multiplexed detectors, which are known to be photon number resolving. The method exploits the photon-number correlations of a nonlinear source, as well as the nonlinear loss of a single photon detector that occurs when multiple photons are detected simultaneously. We have analytically modeled multiplexed detectors and used the results to experimentally demonstrate calibration of a single photon detector without the need for an external reference detector.
Detectors inherently capable of resolving photon numbers have undergone a significant development recently, and this is expected to affect multiplexed periodic single-photon sources where such detectors can find their applications. We analyze various spatially and time-multiplexed periodic single-photon source arrangements with photon-number-resolving detectors, partly to identify the cases when they outperform those with threshold detectors. We develop a full statistical description of these arrangements in order to optimize such systems with respect to maximal single-photon probability, taking into account all relevant loss mechanisms. The model is suitable for the description of all spatial and time multiplexing schemes. Our detailed analysis of symmetric spatial multiplexing identifies a particular range of loss parameters in which the use of the new type of detectors leads to an improvement. Photon number resolution opens an additional possibility for optimizing the system in that the heralding strategy can be defined in terms of actual detected photon numbers. Our results show that this kind of optimization opens an additional parameter range of improved efficiency. Moreover, this higher efficiency can be achieved by using less multiplexed units, i.e., smaller system size as compared to threshold-detector schemes. We also extend our investigation to certain time-multiplexed schemes of actual experimental relevance. We find that the highest single-photon probability is 0.907 that can be achieved by binary bulk time multiplexers using photon-number-resolving detectors.
A nonclassical light source is used to demonstrate experimentally the absolute efficiency calibration of a photon-number-resolving detector. The photon-pair detector calibration method developed by Klyshko for single-photon detectors is generalized to take advantage of the higher dynamic range and additional information provided by photon-number-resolving detectors. This enables the use of brighter twin-beam sources including amplified pulse pumped sources, which increases the relevant signal and provides measurement redundancy, making the calibration more robust.
We experimentally map the transverse profile of diffraction-limited beams using photon-number-resolving detectors. We observe strong compression of diffracted beam profiles for high detected photon number. This effect leads to higher contrast than a conventional irradiance profile between two Airy disk-beams separated by the Rayleigh criterion.
We measure the detection efficiency of single-photon detectors at wavelengths near 851 nm and 1533.6 nm. We investigate the spatial uniformity of one free-space-coupled single-photon avalanche diode and present a comparison between fusion-spliced and connectorized fiber-coupled single-photon detectors. We find that our expanded relative uncertainty for a single measurement of the detection efficiency is as low as 0.70 % for fiber-coupled measurements at 1533.6 nm and as high as 1.78 % for our free-space characterization at 851.7 nm. The detection-efficiency determination includes corrections for afterpulsing, dark count, and count-rate effects of the single-photon detector with the detection efficiency interpolated to operation at a specified detected count rate.
The Wigner quasiprobability distribution of a narrowband single-photon state was reconstructed by quantum state tomography using photon-number-resolving measurements with transition-edge sensors (TES) at system efficiency 58(2)%. This method makes no assumptions on the nature of the measured state, save for the limitation on photon flux imposed by the TES. Negativity of the Wigner function was observed in the raw data without any inference or correction for decoherence.