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Parametrically driven hybrid qubits-photon systems: dissipation-induced quantum entanglement and photon production from vacuum

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 Added by Dmitriy Shapiro
 Publication date 2017
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We consider a dissipative evolution of parametrically-driven qubits-cavity system under the periodical modulation of coupling energy between two subsystems, which leads to the amplification of counterrotating processes. We reveal a very rich dynamical behavior of this hybrid system. In particular, we find that the energy dissipation in one of the subsystems can enhance quantum effects in another subsystem. For instance, optimal cavity decay assists to stabilize entanglement and quantum correlations between qubits even in the steady state and to compensate finite qubit relaxation. On the contrary, energy dissipation in qubit subsystem results in the enhanced photon production from vacuum for strong modulation, but destroys both quantum concurrence and quantum mutual information between qubits. Our results provide deeper insights to nonstationary cavity quantum electrodynamics in context of quantum information processing and might be of importance for dissipative quantum state engineering.

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419 - Matthew Reed 2013
A quantum computer will use the properties of quantum physics to solve certain computational problems much faster than otherwise possible. One promising potential implementation is to use superconducting quantum bits in the circuit quantum electrodynamics (cQED) architecture. There, the low energy states of a nonlinear electronic oscillator are isolated and addressed as a qubit. These qubits are capacitively coupled to the modes of a microwave-frequency transmission line resonator which serves as a quantum communication bus. Microwave electrical pulses are applied to the resonator to manipulate or measure the qubit state. State control is calibrated using diagnostic sequences that expose systematic errors. Hybridization of the resonator with the qubit gives it a nonlinear response when driven strongly, useful for amplifying the measurement signal to enhance accuracy. Qubits coupled to the same bus may coherently interact with one another via the exchange of virtual photons. A two-qubit conditional phase gate mediated by this interaction can deterministically entangle its targets, and is used to generate two-qubit Bell states and three-qubit GHZ states. These three-qubit states are of particular interest because they redundantly encode quantum information. They are the basis of the quantum repetition code prototypical of more sophisticated schemes required for quantum computation. Using a three-qubit Toffoli gate, this code is demonstrated to autonomously correct either bit- or phase-flip errors. Despite observing the expected behavior, the overall fidelity is low because of decoherence. A superior implementation of cQED replaces the transmission-line resonator with a three-dimensional box mode, increasing lifetimes by an order of magnitude. In-situ qubit frequency control is enabled with control lines, which are used to fully characterize and control the system Hamiltonian.
Interactions are essential for the creation of correlated quantum many-body states. While two-body interactions underlie most natural phenomena, three- and four-body interactions are important for the physics of nuclei [1], exotic few-body states in ultracold quantum gases [2], the fractional quantum Hall effect [3], quantum error correction [4], and holography [5, 6]. Recently, a number of artificial quantum systems have emerged as simulators for many-body physics, featuring the ability to engineer strong interactions. However, the interactions in these systems have largely been limited to the two-body paradigm, and require building up multi-body interactions by combining two-body forces. Here, we demonstrate a pure N-body interaction between microwave photons stored in an arbitrary number of electromagnetic modes of a multimode cavity. The system is dressed such that there is collectively no interaction until a target total photon number is reached across multiple distinct modes, at which point they interact strongly. The microwave cavity features 9 modes with photon lifetimes of $sim 2$ ms coupled to a superconducting transmon circuit, forming a multimode circuit QED system with single photon cooperativities of $sim10^9$. We generate multimode interactions by using cavity photon number resolved drives on the transmon circuit to blockade any multiphoton state with a chosen total photon number distributed across the target modes. We harness the interaction for state preparation, preparing Fock states of increasing photon number via quantum optimal control pulses acting only on the cavity modes. We demonstrate multimode interactions by generating entanglement purely with uniform cavity drives and multimode photon blockade, and characterize the resulting two- and three-mode W states using a new protocol for multimode Wigner tomography.
324 - L. Sun , A. Petrenko , Z. Leghtas 2013
Quantum error correction (QEC) is required for a practical quantum computer because of the fragile nature of quantum information. In QEC, information is redundantly stored in a large Hilbert space and one or more observables must be monitored to reveal the occurrence of an error, without disturbing the information encoded in an unknown quantum state. Such observables, typically multi-qubit parities such as <XXXX>, must correspond to a special symmetry property inherent to the encoding scheme. Measurements of these observables, or error syndromes, must also be performed in a quantum non-demolition (QND) way and faster than the rate at which errors occur. Previously, QND measurements of quantum jumps between energy eigenstates have been performed in systems such as trapped ions, electrons, cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED), nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers, and superconducting qubits. So far, however, no fast and repeated monitoring of an error syndrome has been realized. Here, we track the quantum jumps of a possible error syndrome, the photon number parity of a microwave cavity, by mapping this property onto an ancilla qubit. This quantity is just the error syndrome required in a recently proposed scheme for a hardware-efficient protected quantum memory using Schr{o}dinger cat states in a harmonic oscillator. We demonstrate the projective nature of this measurement onto a parity eigenspace by observing the collapse of a coherent state onto even or odd cat states. The measurement is fast compared to the cavity lifetime, has a high single-shot fidelity, and has a 99.8% probability per single measurement of leaving the parity unchanged. In combination with the deterministic encoding of quantum information in cat states realized earlier, our demonstrated QND parity tracking represents a significant step towards implementing an active system that extends the lifetime of a quantum bit.
Multi-photon interference reveals strictly non-classical phenomena. Its applications range from fundamental tests of quantum mechanics to photonic quantum information processing, where a significant fraction of key experiments achieved so far comes from multi-photon state manipulation. We review the progress, both theoretical and experimental, of this rapidly advancing research. The emphasis is given to the creation of photonic entanglement of various forms, tests of the completeness of quantum mechanics (in particular, violations of local realism), quantum information protocols for quantum communication (e.g., quantum teleportation, entanglement purification and quantum repeater), and quantum computation with linear optics. We shall limit the scope of our review to few photon phenomena involving measurements of discrete observables.
A current bottleneck for quantum computation is the realization of high-fidelity two-qubit quantum operations between two and more quantum bits in arrays of coupled qubits. Gates based on parametrically driven tunable couplers offer a convenient method to entangle multiple qubits by selectively activating different interaction terms in the effective Hamiltonian. Here, we study theoretically and experimentally a superconducting qubit setup with two transmon qubits connected via a capacitively coupled tunable bus. We develop a time-dependent Schrieffer-Wolff transformation and derive analytic expressions for exchange-interaction gates swapping excitations between the qubits (iSWAP) and for two-photon gates creating and annihilating simultaneous two-qubit excitations (bSWAP). We find that the bSWAP gate is generally slower than the more commonly used iSWAP gate, but features favorable scalability properties with less severe frequency crowding effects, which typically degrade the fidelity in multi-qubit setups. Our theoretical results are backed by experimental measurements as well as exact numerical simulations including the effects of higher transmon levels and dissipation.
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