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Analysis of full disc Ca II K spectroheliograms. I. Photometric calibration and CLV compensation

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 Publication date 2017
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Historical Ca II K spectroheliograms (SHG) are unique in representing long-term variations of the solar chromospheric magnetic field. They usually suffer from numerous problems and lack photometric calibration. Thus accurate processing of these data is required to get meaningful results from their analysis. In this paper we aim at developing an automatic processing and photometric calibration method that provides precise and consistent results when applied to historical SHG. The proposed method is based on the assumption that the centre-to-limb variation of the intensity in quiet Sun regions does not vary with time. We tested the accuracy of the proposed method on various sets of synthetic images that mimic problems encountered in historical observations. We also tested our approach on a large sample of images randomly extracted from seven different SHG archives. The tests carried out on the synthetic data show that the maximum relative errors of the method are generally <6.5%, while the average error is <1%, even if rather poor quality observations are considered. In the absence of strong artefacts the method returns images that differ from the ideal ones by <2% in any pixel. The method gives consistent values for both plage and network areas. We also show that our method returns consistent results for images from different SHG archives. Our tests show that the proposed method is more accurate than other methods presented in the literature. Our method can also be applied to process images from photographic archives of solar observations at other wavelengths than Ca II K.

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We derive the plage area evolution over the last 12 solar cycles employing data from all Ca II K archives available publicly in digital form known to us, including several as yet unexplored Ca II K archives. We analyse more than 290,000 full-disc Ca II K observations from 43 datasets spanning the period 1892-2019. All images were consistently processed with an automatic procedure that performs the photometric calibration (if needed) and the limb-darkening compensation. The processing also accounts for artefacts plaguing many of the images, including some very specific artefacts such as bright arcs found in Kyoto and Yerkes data. We have produced a plage area time-series from each analysed dataset. We found that the differences between the plage areas derived from individual archives are mainly due to the differences in the central wavelength and the bandpass used to acquire the data at the various sites. We have empirically cross-calibrated and combined the results obtained from each dataset to produce a composite series of plage areas. Backbone series are used to bridge all the series together. We have also shown that the selection of the backbone series has little effect on the final plage area composite. We have quantified the uncertainty of determining the plage areas with our processing due to shifts in the central wavelength and found it to be less than 0.01 in fraction of the solar disc for the average conditions found on historical data. We also found the variable seeing conditions during the observations to slightly increase the plage areas during activity maxima. We provide the so far most complete time series of plage areas based on corrected and calibrated historical and modern Ca II K images. Consistent plage areas are now available on 88% of all days from 1892 onwards and on 98% from 1907 onwards.
Reconstructions of past irradiance variations require suitable data on solar activity. The longest direct proxy is the sunspot number, and it has been most widely employed for this purpose. These data, however, only provide information on the surface magnetic field emerging in sunspots, while a suitable proxy of the evolution of the bright magnetic features, specifically faculae/plage and network, is missing. This information can potentially be extracted from the historical full-disc observations in the Ca II K line. We have analysed over 100,000 historical images from 8 digitised photographic archives of the Arcetri, Kodaikanal, McMath-Hulbert, Meudon, Mitaka, Mt Wilson, Schauinsland, and Wendelstein observatories, as well as one archive of modern observations from the Rome/PSPT. The analysed data cover the period 1893--2018. We first performed careful photometric calibration and compensation for the centre-to-limb variation, and then segmented the images to identify plage regions. This has been consistently applied to both historical and modern observations. The plage series derived from different archives are generally in good agreement with each other. However, there are also clear deviations that most likely hint at intrinsic differences in the data and their digitisation. We showed that accurate image processing significantly reduces errors in the plage area estimates. Accurate photometric calibration also allows precise plage identification on images from different archives without the need to arbitrarily adjust the segmentation parameters. Finally, by comparing the plage area series from the various records, we found the conversion laws between them. This allowed us to produce a preliminary composite of the plage areas obtained from all the datasets studied here. This is a first step towards an accurate assessment of the long-term variation of plage regions.
We address the importance of historical full disc Ca II K spectroheliograms for solar activity and irradiance reconstruction studies. We review our work on processing such data to enable them to be used in irradiance reconstructions. We also present our preliminary estimates of the plage areas from five of the longest available historical Ca II K archives.
68 - B. Dias , M. C. Parisi 2020
(ABRIDGED) Context. The line strength of the Ca II triplet (CaT) lines are a proxy to measure metallicity from individual stellar spectra of bright red giant stars. It is a mandatory step to remove the magnitude (proxy for gravity, temperature and luminosity) dependence from the equivalent width (EW) of the lines before converting them into metallicities. The working empirical procedure used for decades is to use the relative magnitude with respect to the horizontal branch level. Aims. The V filter is broadly adopted as the reference magnitude, although a few works have used different filters (I and Ks, for example). In this work we investigate the dependence of the CaT calibration using griz filters from the DECam and the GMOS, G from Gaia, BVI filters from the MCPS, YJKs filters from VIRCAM. We use as a reference FORS2 V filter used in the original analysis of the sample. Methods. Red giant stars from clusters with known metallicity and available CaT equivalent widths are used as reference. Public photometric catalogues are taken from SMASH DR2, VMC, Gaia, MCPS surveys plus VISCACHA-GMOS data, for a selection of Small Magellanic Cloud clusters. The slopes are fitted using two and three lines to be applicable to most of the metallicity scales. Results. The magnitude dependence of the CaT EWs is well described by a linear relation using any filter analysed in this work. The slope increases with wavelength of the filters. The zero point (a.k.a. reduced equivalent width), that is the metallicity indicator, remains the same. Conclusions. If the same line profile function is used with the same bandpasses and continuum regions, and the total EW comes from the same number of lines (2 or 3), then the reduced EW is the same regardless the filter used. Therefore, any filter can be used to convert the CaT equivalent widths into metallicity for a given CaT calibration.
Knowledge of solar irradiance variability is critical to Earths climate models and understanding the solar influence on Earths climate. Direct solar irradiance measurements are only available since 1978. Reconstructions of past variability typically rely on sunspot data. These provide only indirect information on the facular and network regions, which are decisive contributors to irradiance variability on timescales of the solar cycle and longer. Our ultimate goal is to reconstruct past solar irradiance variations using historical full-disc Ca II K observations to describe the facular contribution independently of sunspot observations. Here, we develop the method and test it extensively by using modern CCD-based Ca II K observations and carry out initial tests on two photographic archives. We employ carefully reduced and calibrated Ca II K images from 13 datasets, such as those from the Meudon, Mt Wilson, and Rome observatories. We convert them to unsigned magnetograms and then use them as input to the adapted SATIRE model to reconstruct TSI variations over the period 1978-2019, for which direct irradiance measurements are available. The reconstructed TSI from the analysed Ca II K archives agrees well with direct TSI measurements and existing reconstructions. The model also returns good results on data taken with different bandpasses and images with low spatial resolution. Historical Ca II K archives suffer from numerous inconsistencies, but we show that these archives can still be used to reconstruct TSI with reasonable accuracy provided the observations are accurately processed. By using the unsigned magnetograms of the Sun reconstructed from high-quality Ca II K observations as input into the SATIRE model, we can reconstruct solar irradiance variations nearly as accurately as from directly recorded magnetograms.
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