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Phase-shifting coronagraph

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 Added by Francois Henault
 Publication date 2017
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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With the recent commissioning of ground instruments such as SPHERE or GPI and future space observatories like WFIRST-AFTA, coronagraphy should probably become the most efficient tool for identifying and characterizing extra-solar planets in the forthcoming years. Coronagraphic instruments such as Phase mask coronagraphs (PMC) are usually based on a phase mask or plate located at the telescope focal plane, spreading the starlight outside the diameter of a Lyot stop that blocks it. In this communication is investigated the capability of a PMC to act as a phase-shifting wavefront sensor for better control of the achieved star extinction ratio in presence of the coronagraphic mask. We discuss the two main implementations of the phase-shifting process, either introducing phase-shifts in a pupil plane and sensing intensity variations in an image plane, or reciprocally. Conceptual optical designs are described in both cases. Numerical simulations allow for better understanding of the performance and limitations of both options, and optimizing their fundamental parameters. In particular, they demonstrate that the phase-shifting process is a bit more efficient when implemented into an image plane, and is compatible with the most popular phase masks currently employed, i.e. four-quadrants and vortex phase masks.

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478 - M. Lippa , N. Blind , S. Gillessen 2015
The VLTI instrument GRAVITY will provide very powerful astrometry by combining the light from four telescopes for two objects simultaneously. It will measure the angular separation between the two astronomical objects to a precision of 10 microarcseconds. This corresponds to a differential optical path difference (dOPD) between the targets of few nanometers and the paths within the interferometer have to be maintained stable to that level. For this purpose, the novel metrology system of GRAVITY will monitor the internal dOPDs by means of phase-shifting interferometry. We present the four-step phase-shifting concept of the metrology with emphasis on the method used for calibrating the phase shifts. The latter is based on a phase-step insensitive algorithm which unambiguously extracts phases in contrast to other methods that are strongly limited by non-linearities of the phase-shifting device. The main constraint of this algorithm is to introduce a robust ellipse fitting routine. Via this approach we are able to measure phase shifts in the laboratory with a typical accuracy of lambda/2000 or 1 nanometer of the metrology wavelength.
Over the last decade, the vector-apodizing phase plate (vAPP) coronagraph has been developed from concept to on-sky application in many high-contrast imaging systems on 8-m class telescopes. The vAPP is an geometric-phase patterned coronagraph that is inherently broadband, and its manufacturing is enabled only by direct-write technology for liquid-crystal patterns. The vAPP generates two coronagraphic PSFs that cancel starlight on opposite sides of the point spread function (PSF) and have opposite circular polarization states. The efficiency, that is the amount of light in these PSFs, depends on the retardance offset from half-wave of the liquid-crystal retarder. Using different liquid-crystal recipes to tune the retardance, different vAPPs operate with high efficiencies ($>96%$) in the visible and thermal infrared (0.55 $mu$m to 5 $mu$m). Since 2015, seven vAPPs have been installed in a total of six different instruments, including Magellan/MagAO, Magellan/MagAO-X, Subaru/SCExAO, and LBT/LMIRcam. Using two integral field spectrographs installed on the latter two instruments, these vAPPs can provide low-resolution spectra (R$sim$30) between 1 $mu$m and 5 $mu$m. We review the design process, development, commissioning, on-sky performance, and first scientific results of all commissioned vAPPs. We report on the lessons learned and conclude with perspectives for future developments and applications.
The vortex coronagraph is an optical instrument that precisely removes on-axis starlight allowing for high contrast imaging at small angular separation from the star, thereby providing a crucial capability for direct detection and characterization of exoplanets and circumstellar disks. Telescopes with aperture obstructions, such as secondary mirrors and spider support structures, require advanced coronagraph designs to provide adequate starlight suppression. We introduce a phase-only Lyot-plane optic to the vortex coronagraph that offers improved contrast performance on telescopes with complicated apertures. Potential solutions for the European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT) are described and compared. Adding a Lyot-plane phase mask relocates residual starlight away from a region of the image plane thereby reducing stellar noise and improving sensitivity to off-axis companions. The phase mask is calculated using an iterative phase retrieval algorithm. Numerically, we achieve a contrast on the order of $10^{-6}$ for a companion with angular displacement as small as $4~lambda/D$ with an E-ELT type aperture. Even in the presence of aberrations, improved performance is expected compared to either a conventional vortex coronagraph or optimized pupil plane phase element alone.
Future space telescopes with coronagraph instruments will use a wavefront sensor (WFS) to measure and correct for phase errors and stabilize the stellar intensity in high-contrast images. The HabEx and LUVOIR mission concepts baseline a Zernike wavefront sensor (ZWFS), which uses Zernikes phase contrast method to convert phase in the pupil into intensity at the WFS detector. In preparation for these potential future missions, we experimentally demonstrate a ZWFS in a coronagraph instrument on the Decadal Survey Testbed in the High Contrast Imaging Testbed facility at NASAs Jet Propulsion Laboratory. We validate that the ZWFS can measure low- and mid-spatial frequency aberrations up to the control limit of the deformable mirror, with surface height sensitivity as small as 1 pm, using a configuration similar to the HabEx and LUVOIR concepts. Furthermore, we demonstrate closed-loop control, resolving an individual DM actuator, with residuals consistent with theoretical models. In addition, we predict the expected performance of a ZWFS on future space telescopes using natural starlight from a variety of spectral types. The most challenging scenarios require ~1 hr of integration time to achieve picometer sensitivity. This timescale may be drastically reduced by using internal or external laser sources for sensing purposes. The experimental results and theoretical predictions presented here advance the WFS technology in the context of the next generation of space telescopes with coronagraph instruments.
64 - G. Ruane , A. Riggs , C. T. Coker 2018
Coronagraph instruments on future space telescopes will enable the direct detection and characterization of Earth-like exoplanets around Sun-like stars for the first time. The quest for the optimal optical coronagraph designs has made rapid progress in recent years thanks to the Segmented Coronagraph Design and Analysis (SCDA) initiative led by the Exoplanet Exploration Program at NASAs Jet Propulsion Laboratory. As a result, several types of high-performance designs have emerged that make use of dual deformable mirrors to (1) correct for optical aberrations and (2) suppress diffracted starlight from obstructions and discontinuities in the telescope pupil. However, the algorithms used to compute the optimal deformable mirror surface tend to be computationally intensive, prohibiting large scale design surveys. Here, we utilize the Fast Linearized Coronagraph Optimizer (FALCO), a tool that allows for rapid optimization of deformable mirror shapes, to explore trade-offs in coronagraph designs for obstructed and segmented space telescopes. We compare designs for representative shaped pupil Lyot and vortex coronagraphs, two of the most promising concepts for the LUVOIR space mission concept. We analyze the optical performance of each design, including their throughput and ability to passively suppress light from partially resolved stars in the presence of low-order aberrations. Our main result is that deformable mirror based apodization can sufficiently suppress diffraction from support struts and inter-segment gaps whose widths are on the order of $sim$0.1% of the primary mirror diameter to detect Earth-sized planets within a few tens of milliarcseconds from the star.
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