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Tensile-Strain Dependent Spin States in Epitaxial LaCoO$_3$ Thin Films

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 Added by Yuichi Yokoyama
 Publication date 2017
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The spin states of Co$^{3+}$ ions in perovskite-type LaCoO$_3$, governed by complex interplay between the electron-lattice interactions and the strong electron correlations, still remain controversial due to the lack of experimental techniques which can detect directly. In this letter, we revealed the tensile-strain dependence of spin states, $i. e.$ the ratio of the high- and low-spin states, in epitaxial thin films and a bulk crystal of LaCoO$_3$ via resonant inelastic soft x-ray scattering. The tensile-strain as small as 1.0% was found to realize different spin states from that in the bulk.

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We study ferromagnetic ordering and microscopic inhomogeneity in tensile strained LaCoO$_3$ using numerical simulations. We argue that both phenomena originate from effective superexchange interactions between atoms in the high-spin (HS) state mediated by the intermediate-spin excitations. We derive a model of the HS excitation as a bare atomic state dressed by electron and electron-hole fluctuations on the neighbor atoms. We construct a series of approximations to account for electron correlation effects responsible for HS fluctuations and magnetic exchange. The obtained amplitudes and directional dependence of magnetic couplings between the dressed HS states show a qualitative agreement with experimental observations and provide a new physical picture of LaCoO$_3$ films.
147 - Zuhuang Chen , Yajun Qi , Lu You 2013
Crystal and domain structures of tensile-strained BiFeO3 films grown on orthorhombic (110)o PrScO3 substrates were investigated. All films possess a MB-type monoclinic structure with 109o stripe domains oriented along the [=i10]o direction. For films thicknesses less than ~40 nm, presence of well-ordered domains is proved by the detection of satellite peaks in synchrotron x-ray diffraction studies. For thicker films, For thicker films, only the Bragg reflections from tilted domains were detected. This is attributed to the broader domain size distribution in thicker films.Using planar electrodes,the in-plane polarization of the MB phase is determined to be 85 uC/cm2, which is much larger than that of compressive strained BiFeO3 films. Our results further reveal that the substrate monoclinic distortion plays a major role in determining the stripe domain formation of the rhombohedral ferroic epitaxial thin films, which sheds light to the understanding of elastic domain structure evolution in many other functional oxide thin films as well.
184 - Jian Liu , M. Kareev , B. Gray 2010
We have synthesized epitaxial NdNiO$_{3}$ ultra-thin films in a layer-by-layer growth mode under tensile and compressive strain on SrTiO$_{3}$ (001) and LaAlO$_3$ (001), respectively. A combination of X-ray diffraction, temperature dependent resistivity, and soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy has been applied to elucidate electronic and structural properties of the samples. In contrast to the bulk NdNiO$_{3}$, the metal-insulator transition under compressive strain is found to be completely quenched, while the transition remains under the tensile strain albeit modified from the bulk behavior.
Enhanced magnetic moment and coercivity in SrRuO3 thin films are significant issues for advanced technological usages and hence are researched extensively in recent times. Most of the previous reports on thin films with enhanced magnetic moment attributed the high spin state for the enhancement. Our magnetization results show high magnetic moment of 3.3 Bohr-magnetron/Ru ion in the epitaxial thin films grown on LSAT substrate against 1.2 Bohr-magnetron/Ru ion observed in bulk compound. Contrary to the expectation the Ru ions are found to be in low spin state and the orbital moment is shown to be contributing significantly in the enhancement of magnetic moment. We employed x-ray absorption spectroscopy and resonant valance band spectroscopy to probe the spin state and orbital contributions in these films. The existence of strong spin-orbit coupling responsible for the de-quenching of the 4d orbitals is confirmed by the observation of the non-statistical large branching ratio at the Ru M2,3 absorption edges. The relaxation of orbital quenching by strain engineering provides a new tool for enhancing magnetic moment. Strain disorder is shown to be an efficient mean to control the spin-orbit coupling.
387 - K. Yamagami , K. Ikeda , A. Hariki 2021
The strain effect from a substrate is an important experimental route to control electronic and magnetic properties in transition-metal oxide (TMO) thin films. Using hard x-ray photoemission spectroscopy, we investigate the strain dependence of the valence states in LaNiO$_{3}$ thin films, strongly correlated perovskite TMO, grown on four substrates: LaAlO$_{3}$, (LaAlO$_{3}$)$_{0.3}$(SrAl$_{0.5}$Ta$_{0.5}$O$_{3}$)$_{0.7}$, SrTiO$_{3}$, and DyScO$_{3}$. A Madelung potential analysis of core-level spectra suggests that the point-charge description is valid for the La ions while it breaks down for Ni and O ions due to a strong covalent bonding between the two. A clear x-ray photon-energy dependence of the valence spectra is analyzed by the density functional theory, which points to a presence of the La 5$p$ state near the Fermi level.
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