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Planetary embryos form protoplanets via mutual collisions, which can lead to the development of magma oceans. During their solidification, large amounts of the mantles volatile contents may be outgassed. The resulting H$_2$O/CO$_2$ dominated steam atmospheres may be lost efficiently via hydrodynamic escape due to the low gravity and the high stellar EUV luminosities. Protoplanets forming later from such degassed building blocks could therefore be drier than previously expected. We model the outgassing and subsequent hydrodynamic escape of steam atmospheres from such embryos. The efficient outflow of H drags along heavier species (O, CO$_2$, noble gases). The full range of possible EUV evolution tracks of a solar-mass star is taken into account to investigate the escape from Mars-sized embryos at different orbital distances. The envelopes are typically lost within a few to a few tens of Myr. Furthermore, we study the influence on protoplanetary evolution, exemplified by Venus. We investigate different early evolution scenarios and constrain realistic cases by comparing modeled noble gas isotope ratios with observations. Starting from solar values, consistent isotope ratios (Ne, Ar) can be found for different solar EUV histories, as well as assumptions about the initial atmosphere (either pure steam or a mixture with accreted H). Our results generally favor an early accretion scenario with a small amount of accreted H and a low-activity Sun, because in other cases too much CO$_2$ is lost during evolution, which is inconsistent with Venus present atmosphere. Important issues are likely the time at which the initial steam atmosphere is outgassed and/or the amount of CO$_2$ which may still be delivered at later evolutionary stages. A late accretion scenario can only reproduce present isotope ratios for a highly active young Sun, but then very massive steam atmospheres would be required.
Here we discuss the current state of knowledge on how atmospheric escape processes can fractionate noble gas isotopes and moderately volatile rock-forming elements that populate primordial atmospheres, magma ocean related environments, and catastrophically outgassed steam atmospheres. Variations of isotopes and volatile elements in different planetary reservoirs keep information about atmospheric escape, composition and even the source of accreting material. We summarize our knowledge on atmospheric isotope ratios and discuss the latest evidence that proto-Venus and Earth captured small H$_2$-dominated primordial atmospheres that were lost by EUV-driven hydrodynamic escape after the disk dispersed. All relevant thermal and non-thermal atmospheric escape processes that can fractionate various isotopes and volatile elements are discussed. Erosion of early atmospheres, crust and mantle by large planetary impactors are also addressed. Further, we discuss how moderately volatile elements such as the radioactive heat producing element $^{40}$K and other rock-forming elements such as Mg can also be outgassed and lost from magma oceans that originate on large planetary embryos and accreting planets. Outgassed elements escape from planetary embryos with masses that are $geq$,M$_{rm Moon}$ directly, or due to hydrodynamic drag of escaping H atoms originating from primordial- or steam atmospheres at more massive embryos. We discuss how these processes affect the final elemental composition and ratios such as K/U, Fe/Mg of early planets and their building blocks. Finally, we review modeling efforts that constrain the early evolution of Venus, Earth and Mars by reproducing their measured present day atmospheric $^{36}$Ar/$^{38}$Ar, $^{20}$Ne/$^{22}$Ne noble gas isotope ratios and the role of isotopes on the loss of water and its connection to the redox state on early Mars.
The water content of magma oceans is widely accepted as a key factor that determines whether a terrestrial planet is habitable. Water ocean mass is determined as a result not only of water delivery and loss, but also of water partitioning among several reservoirs. Here we review our current understanding of water partitioning among the atmosphere, magma ocean, and solid mantle of accreting planetary embryos and protoplanets just after giant collisions. Magma oceans are readily formed in planetary embryos and protoplanets in their accretion phase. Significant amounts of water are partitioned into magma oceans, provided the planetary building blocks are water-rich enough. Particularly important but still quite uncertain issues are how much water the planetary building blocks contain initially and how water goes out of the solidifying mantle and is finally degassed to the atmosphere. Constraints from both solar-system explorations and exoplanet observations and also from laboratory experiments are needed to resolve these issues.
The determination of Saturns atmospheric noble gas abundances are critical to understanding the formation and evolution of Saturn, and giant planets in general. These measurements can only be performed with an entry probe. A Saturn probe will address whether enhancement in heavy noble gases, as was found in Jupiter, are a general feature of giant planets, and their ratios will be a powerful constraint on how they form. The helium abundance will show the extent to which helium has phase separated from hydrogen in the planets deep interior. Jupiters striking neon depletion may also be tied to its helium depletion, and must be confirmed or refuted in Saturn. Together with Jupiters measured atmospheric helium abundance, a consistent evolutionary theory for both planets, including helium rain will be possible. We will then be able to calibrate the theory of the evolution of all giant planets, including exoplanets. In addition, high pressure H/He mixtures under giant planet conditions are an important area of condensed matter physics that are beyond the realm of experiment.
The origin of Uranus and Neptune remains a challenge for planet formation models. A potential explanation is that the planets formed from a population of a few planetary embryos with masses of a few Earth masses which formed beyond Saturns orbit and migrated inwards. These embryos can collide and merge to form Uranus and Neptune. In this work we revisit this formation scenario and study the outcomes of such collisions using 3D hydrodynamical simulations. We investigate under what conditions the perfect-merging assumption is appropriate, and infer the planets final masses, obliquities and rotation periods, as well as the presence of proto-satellite disks. We find that the total bound mass and obliquities of the planets formed in our simulations generally agree with N-body simulations therefore validating the perfect-merging assumption. The inferred obliquities, however, are typically different from those of Uranus and Neptune, and can be roughly matched only in a few cases. In addition, we find that in most cases the planets formed in this scenario rotate faster than Uranus and Neptune, close to break-up speed, and have massive disks. We therefore conclude that forming Uranus and Neptune in this scenario is challenging, and further research is required. We suggest that future planet formation models should aim to explain the various physical properties of the planets such as their masses, compositions, obliquities, rotation rates and satellite systems.
Chondrules are millimeter-sized spherules that dominate primitive meteorites (chondrites) originating from the asteroid belt. The incorporation of chondrules into asteroidal bodies must be an important step in planet formation, but the mechanism is not understood. We show that the main growth of asteroids can result from gas-drag-assisted accretion of chondrules. The largest planetesimals of a population with a characteristic radius of 100 km undergo run-away accretion of chondrules within ~3 Myr, forming planetary embryos up to Mars sizes along with smaller asteroids whose size distribution matches that of main belt asteroids. The aerodynamical accretion leads to size-sorting of chondrules consistent with chondrites. Accretion of mm-sized chondrules and ice particles drives the growth of planetesimals beyond the ice line as well, but the growth time increases above the disk life time outside of 25 AU. The contribution of direct planetesimal accretion to the growth of both asteroids and Kuiper belt objects is minor. In contrast, planetesimal accretion and chondrule accretion play more equal roles for the formation of Moon-sized embryos in the terrestrial planet formation region. These embryos are isolated from each other and accrete planetesimals only at a low rate. However, the continued accretion of chondrules destabilizes the oligarchic configuration and leads to the formation of Mars-sized embryos and terrestrial planets by a combination of direct chondrule accretion and giant impacts.