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Thermalization as an Invisibility Cloak for Fragile Quantum Superpositions

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 Added by Walter Hahn
 Publication date 2017
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We propose a method for protecting fragile quantum superpositions in many-particle systems from dephasing by external classical noise. We call superpositions fragile if dephasing occurs particularly fast, because the noise couples very differently to the superposed states. The method consists of letting a quantum superposition evolve under the internal thermalization dynamics of the system, followed by a time reversal manipulation known as Loschmidt echo. The thermalization dynamics makes the superposed states almost indistinguishable during most of the above procedure. We validate the method by applying it to a cluster of spins-1/2.

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An elliptical invisible cloak is proposed using a coordinate transformation in the elliptical-cylindrical coordinate system, which crushes the cloaked object to a line segment instead of a point. The elliptical cloak is reduced to a nearly-circular cloak if the elliptical focus becomes very small. The advantage of the proposed invisibility cloak is that none of the parameters is singular and the changing range of all parameters is relatively small.
We propose a method to prepare and verify spatial quantum superpositions of a nanometer-sized object separated by distances of the order of its size. This method provides unprecedented bounds for objective collapse models of the wave function by merging techniques and insights from cavity quantum optomechanics and matter wave interferometry. An analysis and simulation of the experiment is performed taking into account standard sources of decoherence. We provide an operational parameter regime using present day and planned technology.
Using the idea of transformation medium, a cloak can be designed to make a domain invisible for one target frequency. In this article, we examine the possibility to extend the bandwidth of such a cloak. We obtained a constraint of the band width, which is summarized as a simple inequality that states that limits the bandwidth of operation. The constraint originates from causality requirements. We suggest a simple strategy that can get around the constraint.
84 - Chushun Tian , Kun Yang , 2016
A profound quest of statistical mechanics is the origin of irreversibility - the arrow of time. New stimulants have been provided, thanks to unprecedented degree of control reached in experiments with isolated quantum systems and rapid theoretical developments of manybody localization in disordered interacting systems. The proposal of (many-body) eigenstate thermalization (ET) for these systems reinforces the common belief that either interaction or extrinsic randomness is required for thermalization. Here, we unveil a quantum thermalization mechanism challenging this belief. We find that, provided one-body quantum chaos is present, as a pure many-body state evolves the arrow of time can emerge, even without interaction or randomness. In times much larger than the Ehrenfest time that signals the breakdown of quantum-classical correspondence, quantum chaotic motion leads to thermal [Fermi-Dirac (FD) or Bose-Einstein (BE)] distributions and thermodynamics in individual eigenstates. Our findings lay dynamical foundation of statistical mechanics and thermodynamics of isolated quantum systems.
We report on low-temperature noise measurements of a single electron transistor (SET) immersed in superfluid $^4$He. The device acts as a charge sensitive electrometer able to detect the fluctuations of charged defects in close proximity to the SET. In particular, we measure telegraphic switching of the electric current through the device originating from a strongly coupled individual two-level fluctuator. By embedding the device in a superfluid helium immersion cell we are able to systematically control the thermalizing environment surrounding the SET and investigate the effect of the superfluid on the SET noise performance. We find that the presence of superfluid $^4$He can strongly suppress the switching rate of the defect by cooling the surrounding phonon bath.
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