We present a derivation of coherent helicity amplitudes for a particle decaying into multifinal states with nonzero spins. The results show that the coherent amplitudes introduce additional rotations to transform the helicities into a consistent helicity system, which allows us to add helicity amplitudes for different decay chains coherently. These rotations may have significant effects on the interference between the decay chains in the partial wave analysis.
We present a new approach to coherent parton showers in the decays of coloured resonances, based on the notion of resonance-final (RF) QCD antennae. A full set of mass- and helicity-dependent $2to 3$ antenna functions are defined, with the additional requirement of positivity over the respective branching phase spaces. Their singularity structure is identical to that of initial-final (IF) antennae in $2to N$ hard processes (once mass terms associated with the incoming legs are allowed for), but the phase-space factorisations are different. The consequent radiation patterns respect QCD coherence (at leading colour) and reduce to Dokshitzer-Gribov-Lipatov-Altarelli-Parisi and eikonal kernels in the respective collinear and soft limits. The main novelty in the phase-space factorisation is that branchings in RF antennae impart a collective recoil to the other partons within the same decay system. An explicit implementation of these ideas, based on the Sudakov veto algorithm, is provided in the VINCIA antenna-shower plug-in to the PYTHIA 8 Monte Carlo event generator. We apply our formalism, matched to next-to-leading order accuracy using POWHEG, to top quark production at the LHC, and investigate implications for direct measurement of the top quark mass. Finally, we make recommendations for assessing theoretical uncertainties arising from parton showers in this context.
We develop the helicity formalism for spin-2 particles and apply it to the case of gravity in flat extra dimensions. We then implement the large extra dimensions scenario of Arkani-Hamed, Dimopoulos and Dvali in the program AMEGIC++, allowing for an easy calculation of arbitrary processes involving the emission or exchange of gravitons. We complete the set of Feynman rules derived by Han, Lykken and Zhang, and perform several consistency checks of our implementation.
We compute the integrand of the full-colour, two-loop, five-gluon scattering amplitude in pure Yang-Mills theory with all helicities positive, using generalized unitarity cuts. Tree-level BCJ relations, satisfied by amplitudes appearing in the cuts, allow us to deduce all the necessary non-planar information for the full-colour amplitude from known planar data. We present our result in terms of irreducible numerators, with colour factors derived from the multi-peripheral colour decomposition. Finally, the leading soft divergences are checked to reproduce the expected infrared behaviour.
The partial differential equation for the imaginary part of the elastic scattering amplitude is derived. It is solved in the black disk limit. The asymptotical scaling behavior of the amplitude coinciding with the geometrical scaling is proved. Its extension to preasymptotical region and modifications of scaling laws for the differential cross section are considered.