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Reconstructing the Primary CMB Dipole

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 Publication date 2017
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The observed dipole anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature is much larger than the fluctuations observed on smaller scales and is dominated by the kinematic contribution from the Doppler shifting of the monopole due to our motion with respect to the CMB rest frame. In addition to this kinematic component, there is expected to be an intrinsic contribution with an amplitude about two orders of magnitude smaller. Here we explore a method whereby the intrinsic CMB dipole can be reconstructed through observation of temperature fluctuations on small scales which result from gravitational lensing. Though the experimental requirements pose practical challenges, we show that one can in principle achieve a cosmic variance limited measurement of the primary dipole using the reconstruction method we describe. Since the primary CMB dipole is sensitive to the largest observable scales, such a measurement would have a number of interesting applications for early universe physics, including testing large-scale anomalies, extending the lever-arm for measuring local non-Gaussianity, and constraining isocurvature fluctuations on super-horizon scales.

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On the assumption that quasars (QSO) and gamma-ray bursts (GRB) represent standardisable candles, we provide evidence that the Hubble constant $H_0$ adopts larger values in hemispheres aligned with the CMB dipole direction. The observation is consistent with similar trends in strong lensing time delay, Type Ia supernovae (SN) and with well documented discrepancies in the cosmic dipole. Therefore, not only do strong lensing time delay, Type Ia SN, QSOs and GRBs seem to trace a consistent anisotropic Universe, but variations in $H_0$ across the sky suggest that Hubble tension is a symptom of a deeper cosmological malaise.
We present an Effective Field Theory based reconstruction of quintessence models of dark energy directly from cosmological data. We show that current cosmological data possess enough constraining power to test several quintessence model properties for redshifts $zin [0,1.5]$ with no assumptions about the behavior of the scalar field potential. We use measurements of the cosmic microwave background, supernovae distances, and the clustering and lensing of galaxies to constrain the evolution of the dark energy equation of state, Swampland Conjectures, the shape of the scalar field reconstructed potential, and the structure of its phase space. The standard cosmological model still remains favored by data and, within quintessence models, deviations from its expansion history are bounded to be below the 10% level at 95% confidence at any redshift below $z=1.5$.
142 - Takeshi Chiba 2015
Recent cosmological observations are in good agreement with the scalar spectral index $n_s$ with $n_s-1sim -2/N$, where $N$ is the number of e-foldings. Quadratic chaotic model, Starobinsky model and Higgs inflation or $alpha$-attractors connecting them are typical examples predicting such a relation. We consider the problem in the opposite: given $n_s$ as a function of $N$, what is the inflaton potential $V(phi)$. We find that for $n_s-1=-2/N$, $V(phi)$ is either $tanh^2(gammaphi/2)$ (T-model) or $phi^2$ (chaotic inflation) to the leading order in the slow-roll approximation. $gamma$ is the ratio of $1/V$ at $Nrightarrow infty$ to the slope of $1/V$ at a finite $N$ and is related to $alpha$ in the $alpha$-attractors by $gamma^2=2/3alpha$. The tensor-to-scalar ratio $r$ is $r=8/N(gamma^2 N +1) $. The implications for the reheating temperature are also discussed. We also derive formulas for $n_s-1=-p/N$. We find that if the potential is bounded from above, only $p>1$ is allowed. Although $r$ depends on a parameter, the running of the spectral index is independent of it, which can be used as a consistency check of the assumed relation of $n_s(N)$.
We study the angular bispectrum of local type arising from the (possibly correlated) combination of a primordial adiabatic mode with an isocurvature one. Generically, this bispectrum can be decomposed into six elementary bispectra. We estimate how precisely CMB data, including polarization, can enable us to measure or constrain the six corresponding amplitudes, considering separately the four types of isocurvature modes (CDM, baryon, neutrino density, neutrino velocity). Finally, we discuss how the model-independent constraints on the bispectrum can be combined to get constraints on the parameters of multiple-field inflation models.
120 - Carlo R. Contaldi 2015
Correlations of polarization components in the coordinate frame are a natural basis for searches of parity-violating modes in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). This fact can be exploited to build estimators of parity-violating modes that are {sl local} and robust with respect to partial-sky coverage or inhomogeneous weighting. As an example application of a method based on these ideas we develop a peak stacking tool that isolates the signature of parity-violating modes. We apply the tool to {sl Planck} maps and obtain a constraint on the monopole of the polarization rotation angle $alpha < 0.72$ degrees at $95%$ We also demonstrate how the tool can be used as a local method for reconstructing maps of direction dependent rotation $alpha(hat {n})$.
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