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How can we train a statistical mixture model on a massive data set? In this work we show how to construct coresets for mixtures of Gaussians. A coreset is a weighted subset of the data, which guarantees that models fitting the coreset also provide a good fit for the original data set. We show that, perhaps surprisingly, Gaussian mixtures admit coresets of size polynomial in dimension and the number of mixture components, while being independent of the data set size. Hence, one can harness computationally intensive algorithms to compute a good approximation on a significantly smaller data set. More importantly, such coresets can be efficiently constructed both in distributed and streaming settings and do not impose restrictions on the data generating process. Our results rely on a novel reduction of statistical estimation to problems in computational geometry and new combinatorial complexity results for mixtures of Gaussians. Empirical evaluation on several real-world datasets suggests that our coreset-based approach enables significant reduction in training-time with negligible approximation error.
Generative adversarial networks (GANs) learn the distribution of observed samples through a zero-sum game between two machine players, a generator and a discriminator. While GANs achieve great success in learning the complex distribution of image, sound, and text data, they perform suboptimally in learning multi-modal distribution-learning benchmarks including Gaussian mixture models (GMMs). In this paper, we propose Generative Adversarial Training for Gaussian Mixture Models (GAT-GMM), a minimax GAN framework for learning GMMs. Motivated by optimal transport theory, we design the zero-sum game in GAT-GMM using a random linear generator and a softmax-based quadratic discriminator architecture, which leads to a non-convex concave minimax optimization problem. We show that a Gradient Descent Ascent (GDA) method converges to an approximate stationary minimax point of the GAT-GMM optimization problem. In the benchmark case of a mixture of two symmetric, well-separated Gaussians, we further show this stationary point recovers the true parameters of the underlying GMM. We numerically support our theoretical findings by performing several experiments, which demonstrate that GAT-GMM can perform as well as the expectation-maximization algorithm in learning mixtures of two Gaussians.
Graphical model selection in Markov random fields is a fundamental problem in statistics and machine learning. Two particularly prominent models, the Ising model and Gaussian model, have largely developed in parallel using different (though often related) techniques, and several practical algorithms with rigorous sample complexity bounds have been established for each. In this paper, we adapt a recently proposed algorithm of Klivans and Meka (FOCS, 2017), based on the method of multiplicative weight updates, from the Ising model to the Gaussian model, via non-trivial modifications to both the algorithm and its analysis. The algorithm enjoys a sample complexity bound that is qualitatively similar to others in the literature, has a low runtime $O(mp^2)$ in the case of $m$ samples and $p$ nodes, and can trivially be implemented in an online manner.
We consider the problem of clustering datasets in the presence of arbitrary outliers. Traditional clustering algorithms such as k-means and spectral clustering are known to perform poorly for datasets contaminated with even a small number of outliers. In this paper, we develop a provably robust spectral clustering algorithm that applies a simple rounding scheme to denoise a Gaussian kernel matrix built from the data points and uses vanilla spectral clustering to recover the cluster labels of data points. We analyze the performance of our algorithm under the assumption that the good data points are generated from a mixture of sub-gaussians (we term these inliers), while the outlier points can come from any arbitrary probability distribution. For this general class of models, we show that the misclassification error decays at an exponential rate in the signal-to-noise ratio, provided the number of outliers is a small fraction of the inlier points. Surprisingly, this derived error bound matches with the best-known bound for semidefinite programs (SDPs) under the same setting without outliers. We conduct extensive experiments on a variety of simulated and real-world datasets to demonstrate that our algorithm is less sensitive to outliers compared to other state-of-the-art algorithms proposed in the literature.
We consider estimating the parameters of a Gaussian mixture density with a given number of components best representing a given set of weighted samples. We adopt a density interpretation of the samples by viewing them as a discrete Dirac mixture density over a continuous domain with weighted components. Hence, Gaussian mixture fitting is viewed as density re-approximation. In order to speed up computation, an expectation-maximization method is proposed that properly considers not only the sample locations, but also the corresponding weights. It is shown that methods from literature do not treat the weights correctly, resulting in wrong estimates. This is demonstrated with simple counterexamples. The proposed method works in any number of dimensions with the same computational load as standard Gaussian mixture estimators for unweighted samples.
Incremental gradient (IG) methods, such as stochastic gradient descent and its variants are commonly used for large scale optimization in machine learning. Despite the sustained effort to make IG methods more data-efficient, it remains an open question how to select a training data subset that can theoretically and practically perform on par with the full dataset. Here we develop CRAIG, a method to select a weighted subset (or coreset) of training data that closely estimates the full gradient by maximizing a submodular function. We prove that applying IG to this subset is guaranteed to converge to the (near)optimal solution with the same convergence rate as that of IG for convex optimization. As a result, CRAIG achieves a speedup that is inversely proportional to the size of the subset. To our knowledge, this is the first rigorous method for data-efficient training of general machine learning models. Our extensive set of experiments show that CRAIG, while achieving practically the same solution, speeds up various IG methods by up to 6x for logistic regression and 3x for training deep neural networks.