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The impacts that the environment has on the quantum phase transition of light in the DickeBose-Hubbard model are investigated. Based on the quasibosonic approach, mean field theory and the perturbation theory, the formulation of the Hamiltonian, the eigenenergies and the superfluid order parameter are obtained analytically. Compared with the ideal cases, the order parameter of the system evolves with time as the photons naturally decay in their environment. When the system starts with the superfluid state, the dissipation makes the photons tend to localize, and a greater hopping energy of photon is required to restore the long-range phase coherence of the localized state of the system. Furthermore, the Mott lobes disappears and the system tends to be classical with the number of atoms increasing; however, the atomic number is far lower than that expected under ideal circumstances. Therefore, our theoretical results offer valuable insight into the quantum phase transition of a dissipative system.
We show that a two-atoms Bose-Hubbard model exhibits three different phases in the behavior of thermal entanglement in its parameter space. These phases are demonstrated to be traceable back to the existence of quantum phase transitions in the same system. Significant similarities between the behaviors of thermal entanglement and heat capacity in the parameter space are brought to light thus allowing to interpret the occurrence and the meaning of all these three phases.
The superfluid to Mott insulator transition and the superradiant transition are textbook examples for quantum phase transition and coherent quantum optics, respectively. Recent experiments in ETH and Hamburg succeeded in loading degenerate bosonic atomic gases in optical lattices inside a cavity, which enables the first experimental study of the interplay between these two transitions. In this letter we present the theoretical phase diagram for the ETH experimental setup, and determine the phase boundaries and the orders of the phase transitions between the normal superfluid phase, the superfluid with superradiant light, the normal Mott insulator and the Mott insulator with superradiant light. We find that in contrast to the second-order superradiant transition in a weakly interacting Bose condensate, strong correlations in the superfluid nearby a Mott transition can render the superradiant transition to a first order one. Our results will stimulate further experimental studies of interactions between cavity light and strongly interacting quantum matters.
We present an unbiased numerical density-matrix renormalization group study of the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model supplemented by nearest-neighbor Coulomb interaction and bond dimerization. It places the emphasis on the determination of the ground-state phase diagram and shows that, besides dimerized Mott and density-wave insulating phases, an intermediate symmetry-protected topological Haldane insulator emerges at weak Coulomb interactions for filling factor one, which disappears, however, when the dimerization becomes too large. Analyzing the critical behavior of the model, we prove that the phase boundaries of the Haldane phase to Mott insulator and density-wave states belong to the Gaussian and Ising universality classes with central charges $c=1$ and $c=1/2$, respectively, and merge in a tricritical point. Interestingly we can demonstrate a direct Ising quantum phase transition between the dimerized Mott and density-wave phases above the tricritical point. The corresponding transition line terminates at a critical end point that belongs to the universality class of the dilute Ising model with $c=7/10$. At even stronger Coulomb interactions the transition becomes first order.
We theoretically explore quantum correlation properties of a dissipative Bose-Hubbard dimer in presence of a coherent drive. In particular, we focus on the regime where the semiclassical theory predicts a bifurcation with a spontaneous spatial symmetry breaking. The critical behavior in a well defined thermodynamical limit of large excitation numbers is considered and analyzed within a Gaussian approach. The case of a finite boson density is also examined by numerically integrating the Lindblad master equation for the density matrix. We predict the critical behavior around the bifurcation points accompanied with large quantum correlations of the mixed steady-state, in particular exhibiting a peak in the logarithmic entanglement negativity.