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Moments of volumes of lower-dimensional random simplices are not monotone

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 Publication date 2017
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In a $d$-dimensional convex body $K$, for $n leq d+1$, random points $X_0, dots, X_{n-1}$ are chosen according to the uniform distribution in $K$. Their convex hull is a random $(n-1)$-simplex with probability $1$. We denote its $(n-1)$-dimensional volume by $V_{K[n]}$. The $k$-th moment of the $(n-1)$-dimensional volume of a random $(n-1)$-simplex is monotone under set inclusion, if $K subseteq L$ implies that the $k$-th moment of $V_{K[n]}$ is not larger than that of $V_{L[n]}$. Extending work of Rademacher [On the monotonicity of the expected volume of a random simplex. Mathematika 58 (2012), 77--91] and Reichenwallner and Reitzner [On the monotonicity of the moments of volumes of random simplices. Mathematika 62 (2016), 949--958], it is shown that for $n leq d$, the moments of $V_{K[n]}$ are not monotone under set inclusion.

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In a $d$-dimensional convex body $K$ random points $X_0, dots, X_d$ are chosen. Their convex hull is a random simplex. The expected volume of a random simplex is monotone under set inclusion, if $K subset L$ implies that the expected volume of a random simplex in $K$ is smaller than the expected volume of a random simplex in $L$. Continuing work of Rademacher, it is shown that moments of the volume of random simplices are in general not monotone under set inclusion.
Let $X_1,ldots,X_n$ be i.i.d. random points in the $d$-dimensional Euclidean space sampled according to one of the following probability densities: $$ f_{d,beta} (x) = text{const} cdot (1-|x|^2)^{beta}, quad |x|leq 1, quad text{(the beta case)} $$ and $$ tilde f_{d,beta} (x) = text{const} cdot (1+|x|^2)^{-beta}, quad xinmathbb{R}^d, quad text{(the beta case).} $$ We compute exactly the expected intrinsic volumes and the expected number of facets of the convex hull of $X_1,ldots,X_n$. Asymptotic formulae where obtained previously by Affentranger [The convex hull of random points with spherically symmetric distributions, 1991]. By studying the limits of the beta case when $betadownarrow -1$, respectively $beta uparrow +infty$, we can also cover the models in which $X_1,ldots,X_n$ are uniformly distributed on the unit sphere or normally distributed, respectively. We obtain similar results for the random polytopes defined as the convex hulls of $pm X_1,ldots,pm X_n$ and $0,X_1,ldots,X_n$. One of the main tools used in the proofs is the Blaschke-Petkantschin formula.
Central limit theorems for the log-volume of a class of random convex bodies in $mathbb{R}^n$ are obtained in the high-dimensional regime, that is, as $ntoinfty$. In particular, the case of random simplices pinned at the origin and simplices where all vertices are generated at random is investigated. The coordinates of the generating vectors are assumed to be independent and identically distributed with subexponential tails. In addition, asymptotic normality is established also for random convex bodies (including random simplices pinned at the origin) when the spanning vectors are distributed according to a radially symmetric probability measure on the $n$-dimensional $ell_p$-ball. In particular, this includes the cone and the uniform probability measure.
204 - Thomas Haettel 2014
We show that symmetric spaces and thick affine buildings which are not of spherical type $A_1^r$ have no coarse median in the sense of Bowditch. As a consequence, they are not quasi-isometric to a CAT(0) cube complex, answering a question of Haglund. Another consequence is that any lattice in a simple higher rank group over a local field is not coarse median.
The aim of this paper is the study of the strong local survival property for discrete-time and continuous-time branching random walks. We study this property by means of an infinite dimensional generating function G and a maximum principle which, we prove, is satisfied by every fixed point of G. We give results about the existence of a strong local survival regime and we prove that, unlike local and global survival, in continuous time, strong local survival is not a monotone property in the general case (though it is monotone if the branching random walk is quasi transitive). We provide an example of an irreducible branching random walk where the strong local property depends on the starting site of the process. By means of other counterexamples we show that the existence of a pure global phase is not equivalent to nonamenability of the process, and that even an irreducible branching random walk with the same branching law at each site may exhibit non-strong local survival. Finally we show that the generating function of a irreducible BRW can have more than two fixed points; this disproves a previously known result.
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