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Prior studies on covert communication with noise uncertainty adopted a worst-case approach from the wardens perspective. That is, the worst-case detection performance of the warden is used to assess covertness, which is overly optimistic. Instead of simply considering the worst limit, in this work, we take the distribution of noise uncertainty into account to evaluate the overall covertness in a statistical sense. Specifically, we define new metrics for measuring the covertness, which are then adopted to analyze the maximum achievable rate for a given covertness requirement under both bounded and unbounded noise uncertainty models.
Covert communications enable a transmitter to send information reliably in the presence of an adversary, who looks to detect whether the transmission took place or not. We consider covert communications over quasi-static block fading channels, where users suffer from channel uncertainty. We investigate the adversary Willies optimal detection performance in two extreme cases, i.e., the case of perfect channel state information (CSI) and the case of channel distribution information (CDI) only. It is shown that in the large detection error regime, Willies detection performances of these two cases are essentially indistinguishable, which implies that the quality of CSI does not help Willie in improving his detection performance. This result enables us to study the covert transmission design without the need to factor in the exact amount of channel uncertainty at Willie. We then obtain the optimal and suboptimal closed-form solution to the covert transmission design. Our result reveals fundamental difference in the design between the case of quasi-static fading channel and the previously studied case of non-fading AWGN channel.
This work examines the performance gain achieved by deploying an intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) in covert communications. To this end, we formulate the joint design of the transmit power and the IRS reflection coefficients by taking into account the communication covertness for the cases with global channel state information (CSI) and without a wardens instantaneous CSI. For the case of global CSI, we first prove that perfect covertness is achievable with the aid of the IRS even for a single-antenna transmitter, which is impossible without an IRS. Then, we develop a penalty successive convex approximation (PSCA) algorithm to tackle the design problem. Considering the high complexity of the PSCA algorithm, we further propose a low-complexity two-stage algorithm, where analytical expressions for the transmit power and the IRSs reflection coefficients are derived. For the case without the wardens instantaneous CSI, we first derive the covertness constraint analytically facilitating the optimal phase shift design. Then, we consider three hardware-related constraints on the IRSs reflection amplitudes and determine their optimal designs together with the optimal transmit power. Our examination shows that significant performance gain can be achieved by deploying an IRS into covert communications.
In cite{Chandar2008}, Chandar et al studied a problem of sequential frame synchronization for a frame transmitted randomly and uniformly among $A$ slots. For a discrete memory-less channel (DMC), they showed that the frame length $N$ must scale as $e^{alpha(Q)N}>A$ for the frame detection error to go to zero asymptotically with $A$. $alpha(Q)$ is the synchronization threshold and $Q$ is channel transition probability. We study the sequential frame synchronisation problem for a fading channel and additive noise and seek to characterise the effect of fading. For a discrete ON-OFF fading channel (with ON probability $p$) and additive noise (with channel transition probabilities $Q_n$), we characterise the synchronisation threshold of the composite channel $alpha(Q)$ and show that $alpha(Q)leq p,alpha(Q_n)$. We then characterize the synchronization threshold for Rayleigh fading and AWGN channel as a function of channel parameters. The asynchronous framework permits a trade-off between sync frame length, $N$, and channel, $Q$, to support asynchronism. This allows us to characterize the synchronization threshold with sync frame energy instead of sync frame length.
Secure communication with feedback is studied. An achievability scheme in which the backward channel is used to generate a shared secret key is proposed. The scenario of binary symmetric forward and backward channels is considered, and a combination of the proposed scheme and Maurers coding scheme is shown to achieve improved secrecy rates. The scenario of a Gaussian channel with perfect output feedback is also analyzed and the Schalkwijk-Kailath coding scheme is shown to achieve the secrecy capacity for this channel.
This paper considers a Gaussian channel with one transmitter and two receivers. The goal is to maximize the communication rate at the intended/primary receiver subject to a disturbance constraint at the unintended/secondary receiver. The disturbance is measured in terms of minimum mean square error (MMSE) of the interference that the transmission to the primary receiver inflicts on the secondary receiver. The paper presents a new upper bound for the problem of maximizing the mutual information subject to an MMSE constraint. The new bound holds for vector inputs of any length and recovers a previously known limiting (when the length of vector input tends to infinity) expression from the work of Bustin $textit{et al.}$ The key technical novelty is a new upper bound on the MMSE. This bound allows one to bound the MMSE for all signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) values $textit{below}$ a certain SNR at which the MMSE is known (which corresponds to the disturbance constraint). This bound complements the `single-crossing point property of the MMSE that upper bounds the MMSE for all SNR values $textit{above}$ a certain value at which the MMSE value is known. The MMSE upper bound provides a refined characterization of the phase-transition phenomenon which manifests, in the limit as the length of the vector input goes to infinity, as a discontinuity of the MMSE for the problem at hand. For vector inputs of size $n=1$, a matching lower bound, to within an additive gap of order $O left( log log frac{1}{sf MMSE} right)$ (where ${sf MMSE}$ is the disturbance constraint), is shown by means of the mixed inputs technique recently introduced by Dytso $textit{et al.}$