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Angle resolved Photoemission from Ag and Au single crystals: Final state lifetimes in the as range

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 Added by Friedrich Roth
 Publication date 2016
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present angle resolved photoemission spectra for Ag(111) and Au(111) single crystals in normal emission geometry, taken at closely spaced intervals for photon energies between 8 eV and 160 eV. The most dominant transitions observed are attributed to f-derived final states located about 16 eV to 17 eV above EF for both materials. These transitions exhibit very distinct resonance phenomena and selection rules and are reminiscent of the angular momentum characteristics of the states involved. The excited electron lifetime is in the attosecond (as) range as determined from the energy width of the observed transitions. This serves as an alternate approach to the direct determination of excited electron lifetimes by as laser spectroscopy.

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We present angle resolved photoemission spectra for Cu(100) and Cu(111) singly crystals in normal emission geometry, taken at tightly spaced intervals for photon energies between 8 eV and 150 eV. This systematic collection of spectra gives unprecedented insight into the influence of the final states to the photoemission process as well as the band structure and lifetimes of highly excited electrons in Cu.
Continuing the photoemission study begun with the work of Opeil et al. [Phys. Rev. B textbf{73}, 165109 (2006)], in this paper we report results of an angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) study performed on a high-quality single-crystal $alpha$-uranium at 173 K. The absence of surface-reconstruction effects is verified using X-ray Laue and low-energy electron diffraction (LEED) patterns. We compare the ARPES intensity map with first-principles band structure calculations using a generalized gradient approximation (GGA) and we find good correlations with the calculated dispersion of the electronic bands.
Perovskite alkaline earth stannates, such as $BaSnO_3$ and $SrSnO_3$, showing light transparency and high electrical conductivity (when doped), have become promising candidates for novel optoelectrical devices. Such devices are mostly based on hetero-structures and understanding of their electronic structure, which usually deviates from the bulk, is mandatory for exploring a full application potential. Employing angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy and ab initio calculations we reveal the existence of a 2-dimensional metallic state at the $SnO_2$-terminated surface of a 1% La-doped $BaSnO_3$ thin film. The observed surface state is characterized by distinct carrier density and a smaller effective mass in comparison with the corresponding bulk values. The small surface effective mass of about $0.12m_e$ can cause an improvement of the electrical conductivity of BSO based heterostructures.
We studied the electronic structure of PtPb$_{4}$ using laser angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy(ARPES) and density functional theory(DFT) calculations. This material is closely related to PtSn$_{4}$, which exhibits exotic topological properties such as Dirac node arcs. Fermi surface(FS) of PtPb$_{4}$ consists of two electron pockets at the center of the Brillouin zone(BZ) and several hole pockets around the zone boundaries. Our ARPES data reveals significant Rashba splitting at the $Gamma$ point in agreement with DFT calculations. The presence of Rashba splitting may render this material of potential interest for spintronic applications.
We combined a spin-resolved photoemission spectrometer with a high-harmonic generation (HHG) laser source in order to perform spin-, time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (STARPES) experiments on the transition metal dichalcogenide bulk WTe$_2$, a possible Weyl type-II semimetal. Measurements at different femtosecond pump-probe delays and comparison with spin-resolved one-step photoemission calculations provide insight into the spin polarization of electrons above the Fermi level in the region where Weyl points of WTe$_2$ are expected. We observe a spin accumulation above the Weyl points region, that is consistent with a spin-selective bottleneck effect due to the presence of spin polarized cone-like electronic structure. Our results support the feasibility of STARPES with HHG, which despite being experimentally challenging provides a unique way to study spin dynamics in photoemission.
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