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External potentials play a crucial role in modelling quantum systems, since, for a given inter- particle interaction, they define the system Hamiltonian. We use the metric space approach to quantum mechanics to derive, from the energy conservation law, two natural metrics for potentials. We show that these metrics are well defined for physical potentials, regardless of whether the system is in an eigenstate or if the potential is bounded. In addition, we discuss the gauge freedom of potentials and how to ensure that the metrics preserve physical relevance. Our metrics for potentials, together with the metrics for wavefunctions and densities from [I. DAmico, J. P. Coe, V. V. Franca, and K. Capelle, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 050401 (2011)] paves the way for a comprehensive study of the two fundamental theorems of Density Functional Theory. We explore these by analysing two many- body systems for which the related exact Kohn-Sham systems can be derived. First we consider the information provided by each of the metrics, and we find that the density metric performs best in distinguishing two many-body systems. Next we study for the systems at hand the one-to-one relationships among potentials, ground state wavefunctions, and ground state densities defined by the Hohenberg-Kohn theorem as relationships in metric spaces. We find that, in metric space, these relationships are monotonic and incorporate regions of linearity, at least for the systems considered. Finally, we use the metrics for wavefunctions and potentials in order to assess quantitatively how close the many-body and Kohn-Sham systems are: We show that, at least for the systems analysed, both metrics provide a consistent picture, and for large regions of the parameter space the error in approximating the many-body wavefunction with the Kohn-Sham wavefunction lies under a threshold of 10%.
A new framework for deriving equations of motion for constrained quantum systems is introduced, and a procedure for its implementation is outlined. In special cases the framework reduces to a quantum analogue of the Dirac theory of constrains in classical mechanics. Explicit examples involving spin-1/2 particles are worked out in detail: in one example our approach coincides with a quantum version of the Dirac formalism, while the other example illustrates how a situation that cannot be treated by Diracs approach can nevertheless be dealt with in the present scheme.
Forty-five years after the point de depart [1] of density functional theory, its applications in chemistry and the study of electronic structures keep steadily growing. However, the precise form of the energy functional in terms of the electron density still eludes us -- and possibly will do so forever [2]. In what follows we examine a formulation in the same spirit with phase space variables. The validity of Hohenberg-Kohn-Levy-type theorems on phase space is recalled. We study the representability problem for reduced Wigner functions, and proceed to analyze properties of the new functional. Along the way, new results on states in the phase-space formalism of quantum mechanics are established. Natural Wigner orbital theory is developed in depth, with the final aim of constructing accurate correlation-exchange functionals on phase space. A new proof of the overbinding property of the Mueller functional is given. This exact theory supplies its home at long last to that illustrious ancestor, the Thomas-Fermi model.
We present the results of a percolation-like model that has been restricted compared to standard percolation models in the sense that we do not allow finite sized clusters to break up once they have formed. We calculate the critical exponents for this model and derive relationships between these exponents and those of standard percolation models. We argue that this restricted model represents a new universality class that is directly relevant to the critical physics as observed in quantum critical systems, and we describe under what conditions our percolation results can be applied to the observed temperature and field dependencies of the specific heat and susceptibility in such systems.
This paper establishes the applicability of density functional theory methods to quantum computing systems. We show that ground-state and time-dependent density functional theory can be applied to quantum computing systems by proving the Hohenberg-Kohn and Runge-Gross theorems for a fermionic representation of an N qubit system. As a first demonstration of this approach, time-dependent density functional theory is used to determine the minimum energy gap Delta(N) arising when the quantum adiabatic evolution algorithm is used to solve instances of the NP-Complete problem MAXCUT. It is known that the computational efficiency of this algorithm is largely determined by the large-N scaling behavior of Delta(N), and so determining this behavior is of fundamental significance. As density functional theory has been used to study quantum systems with N ~ 1000 interacting degrees of freedom, the approach introduced in this paper raises the realistic prospect of evaluating the gap Delta(N) for systems with N ~ 1000 qubits. Although the calculation of Delta(N) serves to illustrate how density functional theory methods can be applied to problems in quantum computing, the approach has a much broader range and shows promise as a means for determining the properties of very large quantum computing systems.
We construct exact Kohn-Sham potentials for the ensemble density-functional theory (EDFT) from the ground and excited states of helium. The exchange-correlation (XC) potential is compared with the quasi-local-density approximation and both single determinant and symmetry eigenstate ghost-corrected exact exchange approximations. Symmetry eigenstate Hartree-exchange recovers distinctive features of the exact XC potential and is used to calculate the correlation potential. Unlike the exact case, excitation energies calculated from these approximations depend on ensemble weight, and it is shown that only the symmetry eigenstate method produces an ensemble derivative discontinuity. Differences in asymptotic and near-ground-state behavior of exact and approximate XC potentials are discussed in the context of producing accurate optical gaps.