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Minimal Constrained Supergravity

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 Added by Fotis Farakos
 Publication date 2016
and research's language is English

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We describe minimal supergravity models where supersymmetry is non-linearly realized via constrained superfields. We show that the resulting actions differ from the so called de Sitter supergravities because we consider constraints eliminating directly the auxiliary fields of the gravity multiplet.

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We determine the general structure of quantum anomalies for the $R$-multiplet of four dimensional $mathcal{N}=1$ supersymmetric quantum field theories in the presence of background fields for an arbitrary number of Abelian flavor multiplets. By solving the Wess-Zumino consistency conditions for off-shell new minimal supergravity in four dimensions with an arbitrary number of Abelian vector multiplets, we compute the anomaly in the conservation of the supercurrent to leading non trivial order in the gravitino and vector multiplet fermions. We find that both $R$-symmetry and flavor anomalies necessarily lead to a supersymmetry anomaly, thus generalizing our earlier results to non superconformal theories with Abelian flavor symmetries. The anomaly in the conservation of the supercurrent leads to an anomalous transformation for the supercurrent under rigid supersymmetry on bosonic backgrounds that admit new minimal Killing spinors. The resulting deformation of the supersymmetry algebra has implications for supersymmetric localization computations on such backgrounds.
207 - I. Antoniadis 2014
We construct a supergravity model whose scalar degrees of freedom arise from a chiral superfield and are solely a scalaron and an axion that is very heavy during the inflationary phase. The model includes a second chiral superfield $X$, which is subject however to the constraint $X^2=0$ so that it describes only a Volkov - Akulov goldstino and an auxiliary field. We also construct the dual higher - derivative model, which rests on a chiral scalar curvature superfield ${cal R}$ subject to the constraint ${cal R}^2=0$, where the goldstino dual arises from the gauge - invariant gravitino field strength as $gamma^{mn} {cal D}_m psi_n$. The final bosonic action is an $R+R^2$ theory involving an axial vector $A_m$ that only propagates a physical pseudoscalar mode.
141 - Jan W. van Holten 2019
I review the classical and quantum dynamics of systems with local world-line supersymmetry. The hamiltonian formulation, in particular the covariant hamiltonian approach, is emphasized. Anomalous behaviour of local quantum supersymmetry is investigated and illustrated by supersymmetric dynamics on the sphere $S^2$.
It is proposed that a family of Jackiw-Teitelboim supergravites, recently discussed in connection with matrix models by Stanford and Witten, can be given a complete definition, to all orders in the topological expansion and beyond, in terms of a specific combination of minimal string theories. This construction defines non-perturbative physics for the supergravity that is well-defined and stable. The minimal models come from double-scaled complex matrix models and correspond to the cases $(2Gamma{+}1,2)$ in the Altland-Zirnbauer $(boldsymbol{alpha},boldsymbol{beta})$ classification of random matrix ensembles, where $Gamma$ is a parameter. A central role is played by a non-linear `string equation that naturally incorporates $Gamma$, usually taken to be an integer, counting e.g., D-branes in the minimal models. Here, half-integer $Gamma$ also has an interpretation. In fact, $Gamma{=}{pm}frac12$ yields the cases $(0,2)$ and $(2,2)$ that were shown by Stanford and Witten to have very special properties. These features are manifest in this definition because the relevant solutions of the string equation have special properties for $Gamma{=}{pm}frac12$. Additional special features for other half-integer $Gamma$ suggest new surprises in the supergravity models.
The minimal Starobinsky supergravity with the inflaton (scalaron) and the goldstino in a massive vector supermultiplet is coupled to the dilaton-axion chiral superfield with the no-scale Kahler potential and a superpotential. The Kachru-Kallosh-Linde-Trivedi (KKLT)-type mechanism in the presence of a constant term in the superpotential is applied to stabilize the dilaton/axion during inflation, and it is shown to lead to an instability. The instability is cured by adding the alternative Fayet-Iliopoulos (FI) term that does not lead to the gauged $R$-symmetry. Other stabilization mechanisms, based on the Wess-Zumino (WZ)-type superpotential, are also studied in the presence of the FI term. A possible connection to a D3-brane is briefly discussed too.
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