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We present 190 galaxy cluster candidates (most at high redshift) based on galaxy overdensity measurements in the spitzer/IRAC imaging of the fields surrounding 646 bent, double-lobed radio sources drawn from the Clusters Occupied by Bent Radio AGN (COBRA) Survey. The COBRA sources were chosen as objects in the VLA FIRST survey that lack optical counterparts in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) to a limit of $m_r=22$, making them likely to lie at high redshift. This is confirmed by our observations: the redshift distribution of COBRA sources with estimated redshifts peaks near $z=1$, and extends out to $zapprox3$. Cluster candidates were identified by comparing our target fields to a background field and searching for statistically significant ($ge2sigma$) excesses in the galaxy number counts surrounding the radio sources; 190 fields satisfy the $ge2sigma$ limit. We find that 530 fields (82.0%) have a net positive excess of galaxies surrounding the radio source. Many of the fields with positive excesses but below the $2sigma$ cutoff are likely to be galaxy groups. Forty-one COBRA sources are quasars with known spectroscopic redshifts, which may be tracers of some of the most distant clusters known.
The shape of bent, double-lobed radio sources requires a dense gaseous medium. Bent sources can therefore be used to identify galaxy clusters and characterize their evolutionary history. By combining radio observations from the Very Large Array Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty centimeters (VLA FIRST) survey with optical and infrared imaging of 36 red sequence selected cluster candidates from the high-z Clusters Occupied by Bent Radio AGN (COBRA) survey (0.35 < z < 2.2), we find that radio sources with narrower opening angles reside in richer clusters, indicating that the cluster environment impacts radio morphology. Within these clusters, we determine 55.5% of our radio host galaxies are brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) and that the remainder are associated with other luminous galaxies. The projected separations between the radio sources and cluster centers and the sizes of the opening angles of bent sources follow similar distributions for BCG and non-BCG host populations, suggesting that COBRA host galaxies are either BCGs or galaxies that may evolve into BCGs. By measuring the orientation of the radio sources relative to the cluster centers, we find between 30% and 42% of COBRA bent sources are outgoing and have passed through the cluster center, while between 8% and 58% of COBRA bent sources are infalling. Although these sources typically do not follow directly radial paths, the large population of outgoing sources contrasts what is observed in low-z samples of bent sources and may indicate that the intracluster medium is less dense in these high-z clusters.
Here we present new red sequence overdensity measurements for 77 fields in the high-$z$ Clusters Occupied by Bent Radio AGN (COBRA) survey, based on $r$- and $i$-band imaging taken with Lowell Observatorys Discovery Channel Telescope. We observe 38 COBRA fields in $r$-band and 90 COBRA fields in $i$-band. By combining the $r$- and $i$-band photometry with our 3.6$mu$m and 4.5$mu$m $Spitzer$ IRAC observations, we identify 39 red sequence cluster candidates that host a strong overdensity of galaxies when measuring the excess of red sequence galaxies relative to a background field. We initially treat the radio host as the cluster center and then determine a new cluster center based on the surface density of red sequence sources. Using our color selection, we identify which COBRA cluster candidates have strong red sequence populations. By removing foreground and background contaminants, we more securely determine which fields include cluster candidates with a higher significance than our single-band observations. Additionally, of the 77 fields we analyze with a redshift estimate, 26 include newly estimated photometric redshifts.
We are conducting a large survey of distant clusters of galaxies using radio sources with bent jets and lobes as tracers. These radio sources are driven by AGN and achieve their bent morphologies through interaction with the surrounding gas found in clusters of galaxies. Based on low-redshift studies, these types of sources can be used to identify clusters very efficiently. We present initial results from our survey of 653 bent-double radio sources with optical hosts too faint to appear in the SDSS. The sample was observed in the infrared with Spitzer, and it has revealed $sim$200 distant clusters or proto-clusters in the redshift range $zsim0.7 - 3.0$. The sample of bent-doubles contains both quasars and radio galaxies enabling us to study both radiative and kinetic mode feedback in cluster and group environments at a wide range of redshifts.
We present results from a comprehensive imaging survey of 70 radio galaxies at redshifts 1<z<5.2 using all three cameras onboard the Spitzer Space Telescope. The resulting spectral energy distributions unambiguously show a stellar population in 46 sources and hot dust emission associated with the active nucleus in 59. Using a new restframe S_3um/S_1.6um versus S_um/S_3um criterion, we identify 42 sources where the restframe 1.6um emission from the stellar population can be measured. For these radio galaxies, the median stellar mass is high, 2x10^11 M_sun, and remarkably constant within the range 1<z<3. At z>3, there is tentative evidence for a factor of two decrease in stellar mass. This suggests that radio galaxies have assembled the bulk of their stellar mass by z~3, but confirmation by more detailed decomposition of stellar and AGN emission is needed. The restframe 500 MHz radio luminosities are only marginally correlated with stellar mass but are strongly correlated with the restframe 5um hot dust luminosity. This suggests that the radio galaxies have a large range of Eddington ratios. We also present new Very Large Array 4.86 and 8.46 GHz imaging of 14 radio galaxies and find that radio core dominance --- an indicator of jet orientation --- is strongly correlated with hot dust luminosity. While all of our targets were selected as narrow-lined, type 2 AGNs, this result can be understood in the context of orientation-dependent models if there is a continuous distribution of orientations from obscured type 2 to unobscured type 1 AGNs rather than a clear dichotomy. Finally, four radio galaxies have nearby (<6) companions whose mid-IR colors are suggestive of their being AGNs. This may indicate an association between radio galaxy activity and major mergers.
As part of an on-going study of radio transients in Epoch 1 (2017-2019) of the Very Large Array Sky Survey (VLASS), we have discovered a sample of 0.2<z<3.2 active galactic nuclei (AGN) selected in the optical/infrared that have recently brightened dramatically in the radio. These sources would have previously been classified as radio-quiet based on upper limits from the Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty-centimeters (FIRST; 1993-2011) survey; however, they are now consistent with radio-loud quasars. We present a quasi-simultaneous, multi-band (1-18 GHz) VLA follow-up campaign of our sample of AGN with extreme radio variability. We conclude that the radio properties are most consistent with AGN that have recently launched jets within the past few decades, potentially making them among the youngest radio AGN known.