In this article, we prove that for several classes of graphs, the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of symbolic powers of their edge ideals coincide with that of their ordinary powers.
In this article, we study the regularity of integral closure of powers of edge ideals. We obtain a lower bound for the regularity of integral closure of powers of edge ideals in terms of induced matching number of graphs. We prove that the regularity of integral closure of powers of edge ideals of graphs with at most two odd cycles is the same as the regularity of their powers.
In this article, we obtain an upper bound for the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of powers of an ideal generated by a homogeneous quadratic sequence in a polynomial ring in terms of the regularity of its related ideals and degrees of its generators. As a consequence, we compute upper bounds for the regularity of powers of several binomial ideals. We generalize a result of Matsuda and Murai to show that the regularity of $J^s_G$ is bounded below by $2s+ell(G)-1$ for all $s geq 1$, where $J_G$ denotes the binomial edge ideal of a graph $G$ and $ell(G)$ is the length of a longest induced path in $G$. We compute the regularity of powers of binomial edge ideals of cycle graphs, star graphs, and balloon graphs explicitly. Also, we give sharp bounds for the regularity of powers of almost complete intersection binomial edge ideals and parity binomial edge ideals.
In this paper, we define (im, reg)-invariant extension of graphs and propose a new approach for Nevo and Peevas conjecture which said that for any gap-free graph $G$ with $reg(I(G)) = 3$ and for any $k geq 2$, $I(G)^k$ has a linear resolution. Moreover, we consider new conjectures related to the regularity of powers of edge ideals of gap-free graphs.
Let $Delta$ be a one-dimensional simplicial complex. Let $I_Delta$ be the Stanley-Reisner ideal of $Delta$. We prove that for all $s ge 1$ and all intermediate ideals $J$ generated by $I_Delta^s$ and some minimal generators of $I_Delta^{(s)}$, we have $${rm reg} J = {rm reg} I_Delta^s = {rm reg} I_Delta^{(s)}.$$