Let I be either the ideal of maximal minors or the ideal of 2-minors of a row graded or column graded matrix of linear forms L. In two previous papers we showed that I is a Cartwright-Sturmfels ideal, that is, the multigraded generic initial ideal gin(I) of I is radical (and essentially independent of the term order chosen). In this paper we describe generators and prime decomposition of gin(I) in terms of data related to the linear dependences among the row or columns of the submatrices of L. In the case of 2-minors we also give a closed formula for its multigraded Hilbert series.
In this paper, we survey the theory of Cartwright-Sturmfels ideals. These are Z^n-graded ideals, whose multigraded generic initial ideal is radical. Cartwright-Sturmfels ideals have surprising properties, mostly stemming from the fact that their Hilbert scheme only contains one Borel-fixed point. This has consequences, e.g., on their universal Groebner bases and on the family of their initial ideals. In this paper, we discuss several known classes of Cartwright-Sturmfels ideals and we find a new one. Among determinantal ideals of same-size minors of a matrix of variables and Schubert determinantal ideals, we are able to characterize those that are Cartwright-Sturmfels.
We study the behavior of generic initial ideals with respect to fibre products. In our main result we determine the generic initial ideal of the fibre product with respect to the reverse lexicographic order. As an application we compute the symmetric algebraic shifted complex of two disjoint simplicial complexes as was conjectured by Kalai. This result is the symmetric analogue of a theorem of Nevo who determined the exterior algebraic shifted complex of two disjoint simplicial complexes as predicted by Kalai.
We show that the ideal generated by maximal minors (i.e., $(k+1)$-minors) of a $(k+1) times n$ Vandermonde matrix is radical and Cohen-Macaulay. Note that this ideal is generated by all Specht polynomials with shape $(n-k,1,...,1)$.
We show that a determinantal ideal generated by $t$-minors does not contain any nonzero polynomials with $t!/2$ or fewer terms. Geometrically this means that any nonzero polynomial vanishing on all matrices of rank at most $t-1$ has more than $t!/2$ terms.
Given any equigenerated monomial ideal $I$ with the property that the defining ideal $J$ of the fiber cone $ F(I)$ of $I$ is generated by quadratic binomials, we introduce a matrix such that the set of its binomial $2$-minors is a generating set of $J$. In this way, we characterize the fiber cone of sortable and Freiman ideals.