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Emission of neutron-proton and proton-proton pairs in neutrino scattering

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 Added by Ignacio Ruiz
 Publication date 2016
and research's language is English

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We use a recently developed model of relativistic meson-exchange currents to compute the neutron-proton and proton-proton yields in $( u_mu,mu^-)$ scattering from $^{12}$C in the 2p-2h channel. We compute the response functions and cross sections with the relativistic Fermi gas model for different kinematics from intermediate to high momentum transfers. We find a large contribution of neutron-proton configurations in the initial state, as compared to proton-proton pairs. In the case of charge-changing neutrino scattering the 2p-2h cross section of proton-proton emission ({it i.e.,} np in the initial state) is much larger than for neutron-proton emission ({it i.e.,} two neutrons in the initial state) by a $(omega,q)$-dependent factor. The different emission probabilities of distinct species of nucleon pairs are produced in our model only by meson-exchange currents, mainly by the $Delta$ isobar current. We also analyze other effects including exchange contributions and the effect of the axial and vector currents.

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We use a relativistic model of meson-exchange currents to compute the proton-neutron and proton-proton yields in $(e,e)$ scattering from $^{12}$C in the 2p-2h channel. We compute the response functions and cross section with the relativistic Fermi gas model for a range of kinematics from intermediate to high momentum transfers. We find a large contribution of neutron-proton configurations in the initial state, as compared to proton-proton pairs. The different emission probabilities of distinct species of nucleon pairs are produced in our model only by meson-exchange currents, mainly by the $Delta$ isobar current. We also analyze the effect of the exchange contribution and show that the direct/exchange interference strongly affects the determination of the np/pp ratio.
The parity nonconserving longitudinal analyzing power A_L is calculated in elastic pp scattering at the energies below the approximate inelastic region T_lab = 350 MeV. The short-ranged heavy meson rho and omega exchanges as well as the longer-ranged two pion exchanges are considered as the mediators of the parity nonconserving interactions. The DDH best coupling values are used as the parity nonconserving meson-NN couplings. Also three different parity nonconserving two-pion exchange potentials by various authors are compared.
The inverse $beta$-decay reaction, $ bar{ u}_e p to e^+ n$, for low-energy anti-neutrinos coming from nuclear reactors is of great current interest in connection with high-precision measurements of the neutrino mixing angle $theta_{13}$. We have derived analytic expressions, up to next-to-leading order in heavy-baryon chiral perturbation theory, for the radiative corrections (RCs) and the nucleon-recoil corrections both for this reaction and for the related neutron $beta$-decay process. We show that the recoil corrections, which include the weak magnetism contribution, are small for neutron $beta$-decay, but for inverse $beta$-decay, the recoil corrections are comparable in size to the RCs for typical energies of reactor anti-neutrinos, and they have opposite signs. The RCs and the recoil corrections exhibit very different dependences on the neutrino energy.
It is suggested that proton elastic scattering on atomic electrons allows a precise measurement of the proton charge radius. Very small values of transferred momenta (up to four order of magnitude smaller than the ones presently available) can be reached with high probability.
164 - Yu. Valdau , V. Koptev , S. Barsov 2011
The momentum spectra of K+ produced at small angles in proton-proton and proton-deuteron collisions have been measured at four beam energies, 1.826, 1.920, 2.020, and 2.650 GeV, using the ANKE spectrometer at COSY-Juelich. After making corrections for Fermi motion and shadowing, the data indicate that K+ production near threshold is stronger in pp- than in pn-induced reactions. However, most of this difference could be made up by the unobserved K0 production in the pn case.
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