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Spot modelling of periodic weak-line T Tauri stars observed by CoRoT in NGC 2264

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 Publication date 2016
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The space telescope CoRoT has provided light curves of T Tauri stars belonging to the star-forming region of NGC 2264 with unprecedented continuity and precision in the framework of a coordinated multi-wavelength observational project. We perform spot modelling of the optical light curves of five weak-line T Tauri stars whose variability is dominated by starspots. We apply two-spot and evolving single spot models in the framework of a Bayesian Monte Carlo Markov Chain approach to derive the a posteriori distribution of the starspot parameters and the inclination of the star rotation axis. We focus on the rotation periods of the spots that can provide evidence for differential rotation in those stars. We find meaningful results in the case of three stars with an inclination higher than 50 deg and a slow variation of the light curve amplitude. The relative difference of the spot rotation periods ranges from 0.02 to 0.05 that is 3-10 times larger than the amplitude of the differential rotation found in similar stars with Doppler imaging techniques. We conclude that the intrinsic starspot evolution, although very slow, has a significant impact on the determination of the differential rotation by means of our spot modelling approach. We estimate typical timescales for the evolution of the starspot pattern between about 20 and 50 rotation periods in our stars.

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We present an analysis of spectropolarimetric observations of the low-mass weak-line T Tauri stars TWA 25 and TWA 7. The large-scale surface magnetic fields have been reconstructed for both stars using the technique of Zeeman Doppler imaging. Our surface maps reveal predominantly toroidal and non-axisymmetric fields for both stars. These maps reinforce the wide range of surface magnetic fields that have been recovered, particularly in pre-main sequence stars that have stopped accreting from the (now depleted) central regions of their discs. We reconstruct the large scale surface brightness distributions for both stars, and use these reconstructions to filter out the activity-induced radial velocity jitter, reducing the RMS of the radial velocity variations from 495 m/s to 32 m/s for TWA 25, and from 127 m/s to 36 m/s for TWA 7, ruling out the presence of close-in giant planets for both stars. The TWA 7 radial velocities provide an example of a case where the activity-induced radial velocity variations mimic a Keplerian signal that is uncorrelated with the spectral activity indices. This shows the usefulness of longitudinal magnetic field measurements in identifying activity-induced radial velocity variations.
233 - P. Kabath , A. Erikson , H. Rauer 2009
The Berlin Exoplanet Search Telescope II (BEST II) is a small wide field-of-view photometric survey telescope system located at the Observatorio Cerro Armazones, Chile. The high duty cycle combined with excellent observing conditions and millimagnitude photometric precision makes this instrument suitable for ground based support observations for the CoRoT space mission. Photometric data of the CoRoT LRa02 target field collected between November 2008 and March 2009 were analysed for stellar variability. The presented results will help in the future analysis of the CoRoT data, particularly in additional science programs related to variable stars. BEST II observes selected CoRoT target fields ahead of the space mission. The photometric data acquired are searched for stellar variability, periodic variable stars are identified with time series analysis of the obtained stellar light curves. We obtained the light curves of 104335 stars in the CoRoT LRa02 field over 41 nights. Variability was detected in light curves of 3726 stars of which 350 showed a regular period. These stars are, with the exception of 5 previously known variable stars, new discoveries.
Residual gas in disks around young stars can spin down stars, circularize the orbits of terrestrial planets, and whisk away the dusty debris that is expected to serve as a signpost of terrestrial planet formation. We have carried out a sensitive search for residual gas and dust in the terrestrial planet region surrounding young stars ranging in age from a few Myr to ~10 Myr in age. Using high resolution 4.7 micron spectra of transition objects and weak T Tauri stars, we searched for weak continuum excesses and CO fundamental emission, after making a careful correction for the stellar contribution to the observed spectrum. We find that the CO emission from transition objects is weaker and located further from the star than CO emission from non-transition T Tauri stars with similar stellar accretion rates. The difference is possibly the result of chemical and/or dynamical effects (i.e., a low CO abundance or close-in low-mass planets). The weak T Tauri stars show no CO fundamental emission down to low flux levels (5 x 10^(-20) - 10^{-18} W/m^2). We illustrate how our results can be used to constrain the residual disk gas content in these systems and discuss their potential implications for star and planet formation.
We identify nine young stellar objects (YSOs) in the NGC 2264 star-forming region with optical {em CoRoT} light curves exhibiting short-duration, shallow, periodic flux dips. All of these stars have infrared (IR) excesses that are consistent with their having inner disk walls near the Keplerian co-rotation radius. The repeating photometric dips have FWHM generally less than one day, depths almost always less than 15%, and periods (3<P<11 days) consistent with dust near the Keplerian co-rotation period. The flux dips vary considerably in their depth from epoch to epoch, but usually persist for several weeks and, in two cases, were present in data collected on successive years. For several of these stars, we also measure the photospheric rotation period and find that the rotation and dip periods are the same, as predicted by standard disk-locking models. We attribute these flux dips to clumps of material in or near the inner disk wall, passing through our line of sight to the stellar photosphere. In some cases, these dips are also present in simultaneous {em Spitzer} IRAC light curves at 3.6 and 4.5 microns. We characterize the properties of these dips, and compare the stars with light curves exhibiting this behavior to other classes of YSO in NGC 2264. A number of physical mechanisms could locally increase the dust scale height near the inner disk wall, and we discuss several of those mechanisms; the most plausible mechanisms are either a disk warp due to interaction with the stellar magnetic field or dust entrained in funnel-flow accretion columns arising near the inner disk wall.
We present a spectropolarimetric study of two weak-line T Tauri stars (wTTSs), TWA 6 and TWA 8A, as part of the MaTYSSE (Magnetic Topologies of Young Stars and the Survival of close-in giant Exoplanets) program. Both stars display significant Zeeman signatures that we have modelled using Zeeman Doppler Imaging (ZDI). The magnetic field of TWA 6 is split equally between poloidal and toroidal components, with the largest fraction of energy in higher-order modes, with a total unsigned flux of 840 G, and a poloidal component tilted $35^{circ}$ from the rotation axis. TWA 8A has a 70 per cent poloidal field, with most of the energy in higher-order modes, with an unsigned flux of 1.4 kG (with a magnetic filling factor of 0.2), and a poloidal field tilted $20^{circ}$ from the rotation axis. Spectral fitting of the very strong field in tb (in individual lines, simultaneously for Stokes $I$ and $V$) yielded a mean magnetic field strength of $6.0pm0.5$ kG. The higher field strengths recovered from spectral fitting suggests that a significant proportion of magnetic energy lies in small-scale fields that are unresolved by ZDI. So far, wTTSs in MaTYSSE appear to show that the poloidal-field axisymmetry correlates with the magnetic field strength. Moreover, it appears that classical T Tauri stars (cTTSs) and wTTSs are mostly poloidal and axisymmetric when mostly convective and cooler than $sim4300$ K, with hotter stars being less axisymmetric and poloidal, regardless of internal structure.
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