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Anomaly Corrected Heterotic Horizons

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 Added by Jan Gutowski
 Publication date 2016
and research's language is English

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We consider supersymmetric near-horizon geometries in heterotic supergravity up to two loop order in sigma model perturbation theory. We identify the conditions for the horizons to admit enhancement of supersymmetry. We show that solutions which undergo supersymmetry enhancement exhibit an sl(2,R) symmetry, and we describe the geometry of their horizon sections. We also prove a modified Lichnerowicz type theorem, incorporating $alpha$ corrections, which relates Killing spinors to zero modes of near-horizon Dirac operators. Furthermore, we demonstrate that there are no AdS2 solutions in heterotic supergravity up to second order in $alpha$ for which the fields are smooth and the internal space is smooth and compact without boundary. We investigate a class of nearly supersymmetric horizons, for which the gravitino Killing spinor equation is satisfied on the spatial cross sections but not the dilatino one, and present a description of their geometry.

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63 - D. Farotti , J. Gutowski 2021
The supersymmetry of near-horizon geometries in heterotic supergravity is considered. A necessary and sufficient condition for a solution to preserve more than the minimal N=2 supersymmetry is obtained. A supersymmetric near-horizon solution is constructed which is a U(1) fibration of AdS3 over a particular Aloff-Wallach space. It is proven that this solution preserves the conditions required for N=2 supersymmetry, but does not satisfy the necessary condition required for further supersymmetry enhancement. Hence, there exist supersymmetric near-horizon heterotic solutions preserving exactly N=2 supersymmetry.
225 - Rong-Gen Cai 2014
We present exact analytical black hole solutions with conformal anomaly in AdS space and discuss the thermodynamical properties of these black hole solutions. These black holes can have a positive, zero and negative constant curvature horizon, respectively. For the black hole with a positive constant curvature horizon, there exists a minimal horizon determined by the coefficient of the trace anomaly, the black hole with a smaller horizon is thermodynamically unstable, while it is stable for the case with a larger horizon. The Hawking-Page transition happens in this case. For the black hole with a Ricci flat horizon, the black hole is always thermodynamically stable and there is no Hawking-Page transition. In the case of the black hole with a negative constant curvature horizon, there exists a critical value for the coefficient of the trace anomaly, under this critical value, the black hole is always thermodynamical stable and the Hawking-Page transition does not happen. When the coefficient is beyond the critical value, the black hole with a smaller horizon is thermodynamically unstable, but it becomes stable for the case with a larger horizon, the Hawking-Page transition always happens in this case. The latter is a new feature for the black holes with a negative constant curvature horizon.
219 - Yuji Tachikawa 2021
Spacetime theories obtained from perturbative string theory constructions are automatically free of perturbative anomalies, but it is not settled whether they are always free of global anomalies. Here we discuss a possible $mathbb{Z}_{24}$-valued pure gravitational anomaly of heterotic compactifications down to two spacetime dimensions, and point out that it can be shown to vanish using the theory of topological modular forms, assuming the validity of the Stolz-Teichner conjecture.
189 - P.S. Howe 2008
The superspace geometry relevant to the heterotic string is reviewed from the point of view of the off-shell supermultiplet structure of $N=1,d=10$ supergravity. The anomaly-modified seven-form Bianchi identity is analysed at order $a^3$ and shown to admit a complete solution. The corresponding $a^3$ deformation of the dimension-zero torsion tensor is derived and shown to obey the appropriate cohomological constraint.
We classify the simply-connected supersymmetric parallelisable backgrounds of heterotic supergravity. They are all given by parallelised Lie groups admitting a bi-invariant lorentzian metric. We find examples preserving 4, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 of the 16 supersymmetries.
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