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The logical inference approach to quantum theory, proposed earlier [Ann. Phys. 347 (2014) 45-73], is considered in a relativistic setting. It is shown that the Klein-Gordon equation for a massive, charged, and spinless particle derives from the combination of the requirements that the space-time data collected by probing the particle is obtained from the most robust experiment and that on average, the classical relativistic equation of motion of a particle holds.
The dynamical symmetries of the two-dimensional Klein-Gordon equations with equal scalar and vector potentials (ESVP) are studied. The dynamical symmetries are considered in the plane and the sphere respectively. The generators of the SO(3) group corresponding to the Coulomb potential, and the SU(2) group corresponding to the harmonic oscillator potential are derived. Moreover, the generators in the sphere construct the Higgs algebra. With the help of the Casimir operators, the energy levels of the Klein-Gordon systems are yielded naturally.
We present a new axially symmetric monochromatic free-space solution to the Klein-Gordon equation propagating with a superluminal group velocity and show that it gives rise to an imaginary part of the causal propagator outside the light cone. We address the question about causality of the spacelike paths and argue that the signal with a well-defined wavefront formed by the superluminal modes would propagate in vacuum with the light speed.
We present an elementary proof based on a direct calculation of the property of completeness at constant time of the solutions of the Klein-Gordon equation for a charged particle in a plane wave electromagnetic field. We also review different forms of the orthogonality and completeness relations previously presented in the literature and we discuss the possibility to construct the Feynman propagator for the particle in a plane-wave laser pulse as an expansion in terms of Volkov solutions. We show that this leads to a rigorous justification for the expression of the transition amplitude, currently used in the literature, for a class of laser assisted or laser induced processes.
A rigorous textit{ab initio} derivation of the (square of) Diracs equation for a single particle with spin is presented. The general Hamilton-Jacobi equation for the particle expressed in terms of a background Weyls conformal geometry is found to be linearized, exactly and in closed form, by an textit{ansatz} solution that can be straightforwardly interpreted as the quantum wave function $psi_4$ of the 4-spinor Diracs equation. In particular, all quantum features of the model arise from a subtle interplay between the conformal curvature of the configuration space acting as a potential and Weyls pre-potential, closely related to $psi_4$, which acts on the particle trajectory. The theory, carried out here by assuming a Minkowsky metric, can be easily extended to arbitrary space-time Riemann metric, e.g. the one adopted in the context of General Relativity. This novel theoretical scenario, referred to as Affine Quantum Mechanics, appears to be of general application and is expected to open a promising perspective in the modern endeavor aimed at the unification of the natural forces with gravitation.
We consider the spectral problem associated with the Klein-Gordon equation for unbounded electric potentials. If the spectrum of this problem is contained in two disjoint real intervals and the two inner boundary points are eigenvalues, we show that these extremal eigenvalues are simple and possess strictly positive eigenfunctions. Examples of electric potentials satisfying these assumptions are given.